Life is too short to spend it all the time waiting for something. There is only now. The keys to happiness are in your hands and it is up to you to decide.
Life tests us daily on our ability to love, to win, to rejoice, and to create. In order to endure all the tests, we must necessarily answer the questions: “What am I? What can I do? What do I want to be?” We need to know our capabilities so we can make the best of them. We need to know how the door of tomorrow opens; where behind that door lurks Health, Love, Success, Happiness and Freedom.
This NFT is a system for managing one’s states and one’s life through specific principles. The design of the project will cause changes in a person’s body, feelings, thoughts and destiny. Energy flows tune the body as a musical instrument in unison with the orchestra of the universe. In harmony with the world is the key to a happy, fulfilling life. All these changes occur through the use of three energies: black hole energy (similar to the solidifer), universal energy and environmental energy.
The energy complex of this product eliminates all physical problems in the body and strengthens the entire human physiology, strengthens the psyche of the owner (converts negative emotions into divine love) and replenishes the energy reserves in the system.
There is a concept in the project: “Woven Worlds - Your Life”, which defines the specific goals of the owner of the product and with the help of the energy of the black hole gives an impetus to their achievement. The aspect of attracting money, associates, love, business partners and so on is added. An energetic key that restores the connection with the source, connects with divinity and higher self.
Abbreviated Josh's plan
- Removal of all Physical Impurities
Smart Field detetcts all physical impurities across your body and fixes them by using energy from your environment and black hole energy with a splash of negentropy
- Strengthening of the Mental
Smart Field will automatically scan your conscious and unconscious mind and give you all desirable mental traits you want alongside the removal of any negative ones, ect.
- Physical Smart Field
Smart Field analayzes your physical needs and goals and achieves them, ect.
- Energy Scanner
Smart Field will automaticallyfill all of your energy stores, ect.
- Weaven Worlds: Your Life
Smart Field detects your goals in all aspects in life
- Money Making Machine
- The Love Protector
Transmute fear, anxiety, stress into divine love
- Attract-er
All powers are directed to attract like minded friends, business parts, romantic interests, etc
- Connection To Source
A permanent connection to divinity, the ultimate self, the source of all…
Mandala Only