Kinetic Quasi Crystal

Hahaha :heart:


There :partying_face:


Time to re-visit those hair fields





:joy: :joy: :joy: :+1:


you know it took me a minute to figure out why you and others are experiencing this one so strongly
Then Imaginarium Divine thinking kicked in and I remembered:
Convos with DW about Kinetic fields…
Your posts…

then it clicked

Drawing from those ideas, we envision here an artistic and energetic endeavor to create that in a fancied way by also adding a kinetic energy transducer to enhance the effect and energy.
(Artistically and energetically I mean, also the art looks like what possibly a Dyson sphere can look like with the repulsion creating a spin in each layer towards the star with a possible also harvesting of kinetic energy)

Sneaky @Captain_Nemo


After reading some material along with your post… Could this explain why I had the impression of seeing colored particles floating all around me ever since I’ve been using this field? Or I should rather say “whirling” in an ordered manner.


Yeah, I wasn’t going to mention anything yet, but I’ve been using this field since last Wednesday and can affirm what Luna is saying. A lot of the other fields in my playlist need fewer listens, some of them I find myself not needing/wanting at all on certain days.

I have a tendency to be an energetic “buffet” for others (cording, etc which I’ve been working on) and this field seems to have a powerful shielding effect in that regard. I come in close contact with a lot of people and a lot of different energies over the course of a day. Since I’ve added Quasi Crystal I still feel almost fully charged by the end of it all. It was a bit shocking (in the most welcome way possible) to still have so much energy at the end of the day.

A side note: my daily listening schedule for fields is partially designed through muscle testing. The coolest part may be this: I’ve experienced all of the benefits from this field from two listens, every other day. That’s all I’ve needed. This field is a different type of animal, and one I’d highly recommend if you’re still on the fence.


From (Advanced Civilizations Could be Using Dyson Spheres to Collect Energy From Black Holes):

Black holes are more than just massive objects that swallow everything around them – they’re also one of the universe’s biggest and most stable energy sources. That would make them invaluable to the type of civilization that needs huge amounts of power, such as a Type II Kardashev civilization. But to harness all of that power, the civilization would have to encircle the entire black hole with something that could capture the power it is emitting.

One potential solution would be a Dyson sphere – a type of stellar mega engineering project that encapsulates an entire star (or, in this case, a black hole) in an artificial sheath that captures all of the energy the object at its center emits. But even if it was able to capture all of the energy the black hole emits, the sphere itself would still suffer from heat loss. And that heat loss would make it visible to us, according to new research published by an international team led by researchers at the National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan.

I emphasized the heat loss part on purpose because indeed, that’s one thing I keep perceiving (like LunaMoon) since the beginning. Something keeping quite cool all day long.

Also after my first post regarding this field, my body seems to avoid any collision easier than it ever did. Say, on the street. I’ve always been like that actually, no much bumping into people and crowds (by doing some acrobatic moves to step aside at the last minute, except at times when I wanted to bump into them on purpose, sort of telling them not to keep the whole sidewalk, etc. for themselves). But now with this field, those acrobatic moves have been innovated lol. Also possibly because of/combined with the Armor of Light and Glory I guess (Z = 145 part, etc.).


Aye… I’ve been wondering who’ll discover this!! :grin::partying_face:


This give you awareness of your own patter without interferences .

Before any work that need extra concentration would be perfect.

Like : Meditation , Hard thinkingg work , homework , some competition, watching movie .

I discovered a nice dose its 2 times the field which is 20 mins.

perhaps for more special work with the field or more specific , could be more loops .

I dont know what it does completely , but i like how i feel :slight_smile:


Some resemblance with the Cyber Magi then effects wise?


Yes. Exactly.


just thought about this + elektrosmog album/EMF conversion. possibly ( surely ) could keep their effects for an extended period of time :thinking:?.

Well so far any other audio’s effect is staying longer just with one listen of KQ in the morning and once in the afternoon


If I listen to this 2-3 times, do I stop listening to mState audios?


Yeah i would, see if you notice like u still want to or need to


Well hellooouuu

Ive been doing an experiment the last few days.

It is clear to me that the energy of the audios stay way longer moving up and down in and out my aura/body to then sink deeper.

But then i was wondering what would happen with some of the environmental ones or ones that would protect me or give me benefits that i havent actually played lately.

Test with: (one at a time right after KQ)

Plasma Flower
Navagraha homam (yes im feeling this env too now)
Lay lines
Ye old negentropic harmonizer

In few simple words:

I become the center of expansion wherever I go long after I have played them and test was specifically moving from place to place and i could see the vibration around in the space and among people shifting, and raising.

I decided to carry on this experiment after i read @anon25711007 field request about far uvc as a tag to turn into an environment cleanser lol (thanks for the idea)

There you have it. I will def try that combo from now on because after months of no one at the office (lots of people working plus clients walking in an out daily) and only 2 got covid last year, the past 2 months the ratio is like 1 or 2 weekly.

I guess i will be able to semi confirm this work (should be i just dont want ppl just relying on this so still exercise caution) if the contagion stops altogether at least at my work place.


When this was first released, I read the official description, but due to brain fog, didnt get it, meaning… understand it or buy it.

Then it sort of caught my eye and I reread the description. By this time LunaMoon had written a post about it, so I reread it a few more times, then decided to buy this gem about 1week ago.

*Mstate minerals…which I’ve always loved
*Refreshing insulation…which is what I need as I don’t do well physically with the heat and humidity.
*Torus energy-oh, u mean the energy Dreamweaver used in the V.2 shielding tag

Then I did my own research on some words used here, that before now, I wasn’t very familiar with:

Quasi Crystal
Dyson sphere
kinetic energy transducer

*Turns me into a Giant Crystal IN and AROUND ME. What are one of the things crystals are known for …AMPLIFICATION

So now I play this a few times a day, (but only once), always before a stack. (LunaMoon also posted this) I love to follow this with DNA repair, which I also play only once (A few times a day).
And its’ inexpensive!
And I do feel a sort of field swirling around me, its pleasant.

Thank you Dreamweaver.


It is really really powerful, it can overwhelm you easily.

The first 2 or 3 days i played it as you are going to, only once at the beginning of each stack.

I can hold a looot of energy and still i felt really like it was too much so its when i reduced it to once in the morning and once in the afternoon and its been perfect.

Specially because not only the field itself is super strong but because it stays in your energy systems in a constant loop while holding the energy of any other field played during the day for at least 10 hours just with one play, and then it amplifies the other audios and some are actually alone without this to be played only twice etc like DNA for instance.

So my super suggestion… go slowly at first, youd be amazed how strong it is :heart: