Kinetic Quasi Crystal

Well so far any other audio’s effect is staying longer just with one listen of KQ in the morning and once in the afternoon


If I listen to this 2-3 times, do I stop listening to mState audios?


Yeah i would, see if you notice like u still want to or need to


Well hellooouuu

Ive been doing an experiment the last few days.

It is clear to me that the energy of the audios stay way longer moving up and down in and out my aura/body to then sink deeper.

But then i was wondering what would happen with some of the environmental ones or ones that would protect me or give me benefits that i havent actually played lately.

Test with: (one at a time right after KQ)

Plasma Flower
Navagraha homam (yes im feeling this env too now)
Lay lines
Ye old negentropic harmonizer

In few simple words:

I become the center of expansion wherever I go long after I have played them and test was specifically moving from place to place and i could see the vibration around in the space and among people shifting, and raising.

I decided to carry on this experiment after i read @anon25711007 field request about far uvc as a tag to turn into an environment cleanser lol (thanks for the idea)

There you have it. I will def try that combo from now on because after months of no one at the office (lots of people working plus clients walking in an out daily) and only 2 got covid last year, the past 2 months the ratio is like 1 or 2 weekly.

I guess i will be able to semi confirm this work (should be i just dont want ppl just relying on this so still exercise caution) if the contagion stops altogether at least at my work place.


When this was first released, I read the official description, but due to brain fog, didnt get it, meaning… understand it or buy it.

Then it sort of caught my eye and I reread the description. By this time LunaMoon had written a post about it, so I reread it a few more times, then decided to buy this gem about 1week ago.

*Mstate minerals…which I’ve always loved
*Refreshing insulation…which is what I need as I don’t do well physically with the heat and humidity.
*Torus energy-oh, u mean the energy Dreamweaver used in the V.2 shielding tag

Then I did my own research on some words used here, that before now, I wasn’t very familiar with:

Quasi Crystal
Dyson sphere
kinetic energy transducer

*Turns me into a Giant Crystal IN and AROUND ME. What are one of the things crystals are known for …AMPLIFICATION

So now I play this a few times a day, (but only once), always before a stack. (LunaMoon also posted this) I love to follow this with DNA repair, which I also play only once (A few times a day).
And its’ inexpensive!
And I do feel a sort of field swirling around me, its pleasant.

Thank you Dreamweaver.


It is really really powerful, it can overwhelm you easily.

The first 2 or 3 days i played it as you are going to, only once at the beginning of each stack.

I can hold a looot of energy and still i felt really like it was too much so its when i reduced it to once in the morning and once in the afternoon and its been perfect.

Specially because not only the field itself is super strong but because it stays in your energy systems in a constant loop while holding the energy of any other field played during the day for at least 10 hours just with one play, and then it amplifies the other audios and some are actually alone without this to be played only twice etc like DNA for instance.

So my super suggestion… go slowly at first, youd be amazed how strong it is :heart:


I love your avatar pic! :joy::joy: literally makes me laugh out loud.


Lol i drew it but Om made the meme

Too cute


Ohh… :smirk: would you look at that… I said to myself today when sitting back at my desk after leaving my Boss’s office after quitting lol yep.

Back story:

I remember telling Captain some time ago that I would feel the effects of fields thinking about them or thinking of one field then feel a different one still unknown mixing perfectly with the one i was thinking of. and he said something like we are constantly quantum jumping when focused/connected. Or like if i feel something coming in the future (a field) was a quantum jump which is common (something ive studied for a while now)

There was one specific field that didnt exist when i was talking to him and its like i couldnt explain in words, but he understood and said… youll know when it comes.

Today i realized it was this one!!!

I shared the other day how i felt the effects of PMHC when thinking about it at a time i felt i needed it. Its been the only time i really knew i was feeling the energy of a field i hadnt played on a specific day, when fully consciously trying to bring it up without wondering if the other times were just my mind playing Placebo effects on Me lol

Fast forward today:

The quitting conversation started yesterday but today was the meeting to talk about it.

i got up early to have time to play all fields needed to win :muscle:t4: Lol
(Including Excalibur eefffrcourseee)

The meeting was ok for the most part, a mature conversation on facts and why yes and why not, however i found myself defending my points he didnt want to accept (i honestly wasnt looking for him to understand, but he was just not accepting me quitting so i kept going on and on)

At some point i was feeling bad, like considering my ego was totally in charge at that moment and i kept thinking about “New Perspectives” but i was remembering i hadnt played that one the past 3 days or so “dang Luna… you should have played that one this morning now look at you :unamused:

And then…

For a split of a second i was carried back to that moment when talking to Captain about two fields that would perfectly match “Capital Governance” and enhanced others.

(My boss still talking haha while i had no idea what he was saying) just feeling the rush from Kinetic Quasi raising up and like turning on around Me, in fact it felt stronger, like this field literally also keeps growing with Me within and around Me.

I felt hot and then cold, all i kept thinking was “yesss Kinetic this was that field” -excited to say the least- but then I felt like if this energy was shaking me trying to catch my attention, my awareness, centering me, bringing me back to the present, to the meeting, it felt electric rumbling within and at the moment of “boooomb” in my head, i thought “new perspectives” hellou…

That was a moment of being like in different planes or times at the same time, i could just see my boss’s mouth moving but wasnt hearing a thing I wasnt there tho i was…

This field elevated me, ignited something inside and when I wasnt paying attention to what i needed it brought it up “the effect of New Perspectives” when It settled in my awareness AND of course brain…

The rush from KQC started to go lower and then it was like if it had handled me NP with its perfect clarity of The present moment and … excuse my language the realization or acceptance that my boss was just talking pure BS, i got up opened the door and I said… this is not negotiable, im leaving at the end of this month. And left his office.

Not only this field did what it did but I learned something super valuable today about NP as well…

New Perspectives is not only about understanding other peoples points of views by having an open mind through the field… but also embracing and accepting when your point of view is right, my new perspective saved me from accepting things i should not because i was thinking it was my ego playing tricks!!

I didnt know where to share this since it involves 2 fields but i chose this one because sharing that this field can not only hold energies but bring them up to the surface or awareness when you need them is dopeeeeeeee af!!

Pretty much like an endless Pendant of the Magi or Ring of the Magi huge at you disposal. Lol


Hi @LunaMoon , need your experienced advice on this , would playing this before a stack amplify just the field played after this or does it carry forward it’s influence over the other fields on the whole in the stack that would follow after this and thus amplifying and integrating all of them ?


All of them.

In my experience even only one time in the morning and one time in the afternoon was enough to amplify whatever played throughout the day and it keeps growing in you so by the time you play them again they get even more amplified to the point that i would just need to play it once a day.

But remember i activated crystallization energy from the course for a whole year as well and that energy grows too in you not just when you activate it so you might need more the first 2 months or so it depends on your energy systems but still dont over do it at first.


I was thinking into a emoji that could represent Quasi quasi… :face_with_monocle:

and ai believe its this one : :star2:

The Star Head - Legs- Arms .

And the eco - resonance effect… Morphic Resonance!!!

The resonance effect its awesome :star: :speaking_head: :dash: :mountain: :globe_with_meridians: :star2:


Ok so this is super confirmed.

And now enhanced in a ridiculous (literally) way by Major BoP

I dont play Kinetic very often anymore, one because its strong and keeps the effects for longer time, but also because this is integrated in the MboP

I am still sharing this here because im sure a lot of you guys don’t necessarily read or like to read reviews on the NFT fields then think what for if i dont have it?

But hear me out.

If you still dont have this one. Get it. 100% worth it.

If you have it then try (of course if you want) to not listen to some fields for a couple of days (ones that you can easily recognize their effects, or see them)

And then play this and think of those fields like trying to call them in to your energy systems, thinking of yourself as being the Quasi Crystal not just thinking of its energy infusing you.

And realize the huge potential and helper you have in this audio :ok_hand:t4::relieved:


Brilliant! Just listening to it now. :)


Hi Guys, just wanna enquire does this field has the Quasi crystal of Khatyrka meteorite energy in it ( like the Quasi crystal audio field ) or it’s a generic quasi crystalline atomic structure not specific to the Khatyrka meteorite ?


Is this replace the Mstste audios ?

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yeah you can say.
and deeper harmoniously integrated.

the individual ones still great just to work with them alone.


Daammm ,if it is like that this is just insta buy ,Mstste audio can help with DNA strand activation and this is also has crystalization ,is this help to get our body to change from carbon to crystalline ?


:smirk::relieved: this field its an absolute must.


Thanks you ,this gonna be my next investment when i get the money from work