Knight Warrior Mindset

Hi guys, just wanna confirm, does this have the above respect aspect of the old one ? That’s one of the important features of the previous Knight Mindset that I loved . The mindset to act honourable and respectable while others actually respect and admire you as well .


Enhanced +++


Got it, let see :dizzy:


Got my copy! #225
Was looking around the shop for something to buy and decided to add this one to my arsenal since I love the OG so much, figured it’d be an investment to have this mindset with me always, for the rest of my life :crossed_swords::dagger:

I use the OG almost daily, in the morning after PONR and New Perspectives. I’ve definitely noticed the respect aspect, I get called sir a lot from everyone, even elders. And I feel stronger mentally and energetically from the compounding

Looking forward to seeing what the more powerful, updated version has to offer, especially with having more time for loops.
Looping now for an hour :recycle:

Posting this to view at work


may i please have the NFT audio? thank you!

Have a question regarding this nft. I’ve been listening to the audio I’m just wondering how do I use the mandala. I’ve never used them before and have seen mentioned earlier in this post that it includes a mandala. In the downloaded zip there is only two audio files.


Here’s the mandala, print it and keep it by your side 24/7, for example place the mandala inside your phone case or wallet


Ok thanks a lot :+1:


I am a proud owner of this NFT, and all aspects of it, the impressive artwork, and the inspiring knightly music. I usually loop this each day for a bit, while getting ready for work. I have a lot of interaction with others during each shift, and the job requires a lot of patience, as I deal with people who regularly work 12 hour shifts, also folks who are driving all the way from other states and countries. People who are tired, frustrated, and attempting to stay cool in this Texas summer heat. I feel that this pairs well with The Golden Glow (Charisma 2.0), also someone here mentioned The Unbreakable Its presence and effects feels stronger imo, than the original Knight Warrior track, although I love that one as well. I would recommend this, if you practice a stoicism mindset, or just need a extra dose of patience in every day life. :slightly_smiling_face: :crossed_swords:


Man i hate when i start listening to a new field and it starts the release phase. But ik how important it is. I thought this wouldn’t be the case with knight warrior mindset and would feel start to feel like warrior. Yesterday, When I listened to it for the first time, I felt like puking, some retching happened. It was ditto like when i listened to the exorcism rite for the first time. Played it on loop for idk how long today. Felt like an absolute wreck, like the total opposite of what the field is supposed to do. I was fine before and had built mental strength with anti fragile but now i feel drained, unmotivated, no willpower, kinda hopeless, detached yet worried, no drive to manifest my desires. And the music makes me feel like i won a great war but the war opened my eyes to the suffering and I’m ready to put down my sword, kinda like the pictured i’ve attached. The field is truly working deeply with the subconscious. I hope this all passes quickly and i get to feel the warrior part too.


Update : It has started. :sunglasses:I’ve been feeling the effects since today morning. I feel more confident, in public i feel like i have authority, superiority with grace, sophistication, class and honour. like i’m someone with a high status but humble enough to know that nothing lasts forever sort of vibe. A leader, a stoic feeling i would say. Like i can take on whatever challenge that comes. Was very emotionally sensitive, now i feel much in balance and in control of my emotions and actions naturally, no willpower required. Ive also started taking actions, however small, towards my goals.I feel like my younger self when people would say that i give royal vibes, but life had other ideas, and now i feel in touch with that part of my past self that i missed and yearned so much for. Fear is lessened in combination with ptsd help audio ( wonderful audio ). Knight warrior mindset, a wonderful audio and it should ( must) be in everyone’s stack. Thank you captain.


Is this one a gender binary field?

Sure, females can be knights!
(Anyone can use this field)

I use all the fields pertaining or related to the ideal knight and their qualities.


Lagertha lookalike, right?

Name us some then.


I’ll answer myself for this after searching for the 7 knightly virtues. Courage of the heart, justice, mercy, generosity, faith, nobility and finally hope.


Found the description from the older field :mechanical_arm:


Hahaha so funny, today recalling my day I noticed sometjijg interesting. I started using this nft again the day before yesterday after not using it for almost half a year (long story). today when I was in class I was gonna sit, but I didn’t want to sit in the front even though available seats because I just don’t like. There was some seats available in the back but there was like a space in the middle and 2 guys right at the edge of the entrance. I kindly told with a firm and with zero fear or shame to move seats because I don’t like to sit in the front at all. We then even joked about it. For some people this might seem silly but I often struggle with social anxiety and low confidence a lot so it was just now I noticed the firmness and determination at that moment that seemed so natural I didn’t even think about it at the time. Looking forward to what the future holds with this nft…


Does this have the same effect of aura and respect from the original knight mindset warrior? I remember in the old threat of knight warrior there was powerful effects on how people responded to you since it seemed to enhance the aura. I wonder if the original still has that aura of reverence as the original.


I dont have this one but i am preeeety sure it has it, i mean that alone is the whole principle and main element of a Knight!

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god is this making me more confident. … Like it’s not even that I don’t feel anxiety or bad emotions ,they are still there, but I feel I’m just getting accustomed to responding and acting different. Like a stoic no fucks given mindset. Not in a negative way, but in a way that you’re confident about your abilities, confident about your integrity/morals etc, and likewise accepting about your shortcomings too so it’s helping bring a certain unshakable standard I feel. Feeling less afraid of making mistakes and likewise more true to oneself. Feeling less need to appear to be someone else to fit in.

Also I don’t know how related it is since It might be other reasons, but as it was said above, I also think I had some release because of this field with a similar way of thinking, like putting down your sword after a battle but you suddenly realize the pain you have went through, the suffering the others are enduring etc