Kubera's Blessing Revisited

wondering if some stuck money from 12/13 years ago can be reached. aha


capital governance gave me a dream about this field…


:sparkling_heart: Ok


Anyone listening only to the boons on a daily or regular basis?

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This year my focus will be having financial prosperity in life along with spiritual and psychic development. So I purchased Kubera’s Blessing fields on 1st Jan. Starting the two audios two times a day. I am also requesting my servitors to engorge the energies from these two audios on my energy system for a specific duration each day. My other favourite fields are psychic stimulation, ego dissolution, animal empathy, energy development course’s first three audios, VODL etc. Staring the year with a positive note…Hope all your desires get manifested this year.


Nicely explained. Thank you


While packing to leave for another country, I found $3.5k+ USD in my bag which allowed me to pay off a loan I owed for 2 years. And I didn’t even listen to this everyday…

I did listen it in the order that @Maoshan_Wanderer recommended in another Yagna thread. (think it was the Lakshmi one).:money_mouth_face:


my next buy for sure!

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This order?


Yes, except I switched Navagraha Homa with good ol Nullify and Amplify.


I’ve had this field for approx 2 weeks

Money flow is good

Got some money to pay off 3 year old debts


Thank you for the testimonial. Are you listening both files daily? How many times a day?

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HOMAM x2 and Blessingsx2 together on Fridays
And a donation to 1 of the 3 charities I work with

Blessings x2-3 on other days


Oh man, congrats to the two of you :grin: :partying_face:

One thing I have noticed when I was using it every day is how it impacts our relatives as well.

The most flagrant one was actually my father making much more business than usual, and in that process wanting to share some of this abundance through little treats.
(coupons with his business, money put aside for us for later, offering to buy little stuff we need, etc.).

Also meeting some people and friends going through the same “boon” and wanting you to participate.

Back in the stack :nerd_face:


I just had the same insight.

A big Homa session once or twice a week, and a few booster/refresh if I feel called to it in between.

And the Boon every day, with reverence & gratitude.

Same intuition man?

Btw, I have added it to my stack since last week (though daily only for the last 3 days), and I got refunded today for a plane ticket I had for almost a year and thought I’d never get back :star_struck:

My donation was as simple as giving much love & care to the lady over the phone, and she found a way to change that coupon into an actual refund.

Thanks Kubera, the gang and that nice lady :pray::heart:


Ok folks… I have a strong intuition about this.

I am planning a 30 day challenge with:

  • All Homas x3 once a week (you don’t have to own them all no worry)
  • Lakshmi & Kubera x1-2 twice a week.
  • Kubera Boon x2-3 every day

Along with showing genuine respect, reverence and gratitude to them.

AND most importantly sharing abundance in our every day life, which can simply be donation of Love and Presence :heart:

I will create a private group, so we can interact, support each other in a meanwhile and share our gains in privacy.

I personally had amazing results two months ago when I used it on a daily basis, and with this particular stack & consistency I’m expecting much more.

Then I propose after 30 days, or before if we feel like it, we share all of our results here? :money_mouth_face:

Who’s in?


sounds like a wonderful exercise. I however, do not have Kubera or Lakshmi, so maybe for the future?


If you do not join, at least you’ll get those testimonials a month from now :blush::heart:


I’ve been following along with this discussion as I have most of the Homams and Yagna (except Shatachandi) and I’ve been trying to educate myself since these fields have been released.

This part caught my eye:

and I’m trying to reconcile this with the advice that, because the actual services themselves are very powerful, the Homam/Yagna fields only need to be played periodically. I think I recall guidance from Cap’n or Maoshan along the lines of once a quarter. And then there’s the guidance from the FAQ about how any field that’s longer than 10 minutes only need to be played once. (Both Kubera’s fields are longer than 10 minutes.)

So, for my own education, I’m interested in hearing how you came to decide on your 3-4x. That might help me figure out how best to use my fields.


Here man.



For the weekly use, this is my own feeling.
Specifically experienced with the Navagraha.