Kubera's Blessing Revisited


Wishing you become more and more one with your desires abro:)


The boons audio is wonderful to loop, if only for Dream’s nicest flute piece ever.
The unfolding of this mantra being is pretty great too :wink:
It feels really good to donate some money at the beginning of the loop


Not sure if it’s an effect of playing this newly acquired field or just my imagination, yesterday I spent a lot of my time with Warren Buffet … * hold on it was in my dream but felt so real * :dollar: :dollar: :money_mouth_face: :moneybag:


Very tangible financial blessings are coming to me from this field. As well as opportunities to growth, wealth and stewardship of money longer term being layed before me

I use the entire homa series(in the order @Maoshan_Wanderer set out somewhere) once a day, so I’m sure there’s a synergy, especially with Lakshmi


Looks like I need to have this one😀


That was so nice to read about your unfolding man.
Very inspiring, thanks for sharing :pray:


Thanks man :relaxed: Still unfolding


This field is really starting to kick into a much higher gear financially for me.
@Dreamweaver i am super grateful for this man :pray:
And Kubera, you too if you’re listening


He is always listening :smirk:

Oh and :eyes:


Will have to share more man :grinning:


Interesting experience this morning: I put this on when I was still half asleep and laid in bed meditating as it played each track twice, and as I was listening I suddenly remembered my mother telling me when I was really young that rich people usually aren’t happy, since it’s stressful to make a lot of money, people always want money from you, etc. Not sure if the block is gone but at least I know it’s there.


Interesting… I think it’s one way where people who aren’t in the same place project their own thoughts and perceptions on rich people. For most, happiness is something that is constantly looked forward to. If you think about it, we are here to return to Source (kinda) and in this constant longing/search we keep looking for Fulfillment … that does equate happiness in a sense.

So we mostly assume this big thing, the full within, the wholeness, fulfillment, and happiness must be a missing feeling if you enjoy a streaming flow of money.

In a way where we see it as a trade off; happiness for money, something that pulls people away from being rich…

And also they’d make this assumption because they aren’t happy seeing rich people when they aren’t in their place yet, so they assume it’s also a missing feeling for the rich; projecting how they feel about it.

I think there is also rich people who assume the whole notion is dumb lol because they didn’t get where they are, they haven’t “unlocked the secret” yet.

So it kinda goes both ways too.


Maybe SLR and Millionaire Mindset, to install what rich people truly feel (as opposed to what others or yourself may have told you)?


Would like to back this up, but also the importance of momentum.

I was using both fields 2x every day for the last 2-3 weeks, and I could experience exactly the same happening.

Good people being met, good decisions being taken and money & opportunities popping out sometimes out of nowhere after a few weeks of consistent use.

I kinda left those out because of other focuses, and the momentum really slowed down.

Back to it today, and this is coming back strong again.
Specifically the insight on what to focus my energy on, what to learn, whom to keep in touch with.

Also removing some lack beliefs in the process it feels.

Grateful for that field, and grateful for Shatachandi always helping out on the back as well :pray:


If I listen to this and buy a lottery ticket, will it increase my chance of winning?


Yes it could

But dont buy hoping that by “yes it could” your expectations make you think like a good 90% chance and well when it comes to lottery and stuff things are always at chance. Could yes could not.

Instead if thats your main goal


777 (Luck and Blessings) Lucky study/meditational/Motivational Music

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Favors of The Sanxing: New Release

@Vinny i dont know why its showing like replying to @abro (sorry bro) but its meant for you Vinny


I’ve put some domain names up for sale, are those also good for attracting customers?

1 Like

Yes but for that (costumers)

Def try

The Welcomed: New Release



6% of the reviewers gave it 1 out of 5 . seems strange. dont think i noticed that low rating few days back(i mayb wrong)

Maybe I’m missing the point you’re trying to make (What point are you trying to make) but 6% of 18 ratings is a single review. In my book, that’s not so “strange.”

Besides, I, personally, am inclined to put more stock in the reviews of “known” people like our friends in this thread, who’ve taken the time to explain why they’ve come to the conclusions (“ratings,” if you will) that they’ve come to, rather than someone anonymous who doesn’t have to explain anything and who (for all I know) may have misunderstood the rating system or misclicked and can’t change it or something.