Kubera's Blessing Revisited

Ah, got it. Thanks.


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This is such an interesting field really interested on getting this and the other series, do we need to meditate while listening to the audio? or it works by just listening to it?

It is simply amazing audio and I can’t deny that it feels wonderful meditating to this.


I’m sorry my understanding in english is not great, so the conclusion after Dream’s answer would be A. or B.?

:point_up: This one.


It is A


Why is A the right formation and not B?

Because that’s how I read what Dream said above, which was the question I was answering.


Hi sweet Dreamweaver @Dreamweaver, I already got the whole Yagna Series, and in the Vaastu description says “These can go into a sort of quarterly practice”

So, does that involve all the audios of that series?

There are a few ones I already have defined how I will use them, i.e. Satachandi for the first day of every month -like today- and on full moons, Ganapathi every morning to start my day -since Ganesha is the road opener and this audio is for the blessings in new beginnings & every day is a new beginning-, and Kubera each audio everynight since my special need is about money.

But in general terms, the Vaastu, Navagraha, booted bhoots and Astha Lakshmi would be ok in a quaterly practice?

Thank you in advance dear Captain :hugs:


(Until Mr Captain responds.)


How sweet, thank you @noname!! Meanwhile this is useful of course, nice sunday :sun_with_face:


yes thats fine.


I didn’t expect to purchase this one. But when you’re called, you’re called. It feels very powerful, a definite transmission. A couple of things I noticed immediately - I got a message literally 5 minutes after the first play that has has opened up money I was not expecting, holding medicine space… work I truly love.
Also, while out walking I noticed 2 people in the drainway, scouring the cracks looking for treasures that may have been washed down hmmm

I feel there are rules to play by with this one, as mentioned by others. I also feel that part of the homa process, is the framework to do this, the rules are opened up through the transmission. So I initiated the process by giving away some money to someone I would - never - give money to… especially in recent circumstances. That in itself is a small miracle.

I feel with the right kind of discipline… this may just help me turn my money situation around


Yeah , now reading it again , maybe there are rules to make it better and beneficial for all (From the field’s description right at the start ):point_down:t5:

Thanks for the insights @abro , it’s got me thinking


Happy to share


If you are ready, this field/blessing can radically change your life, internally and externally


I asked for something a few days ago while meditating to this field and immediately after my third loop I noticed I was entirely different— like my words were coming from a different place of confidence and some kinda different strength/power with an added sense of the good kinda carelessness :D I didn’t expect these kinda changes from this field but it immediately clicked it was Kubera’s blessings :)


Yes! Something is very different. And so much more is opening up. I agree, very unexpected. I decided to keep the energy flowing by completing the homa series


Yeah! I feel like it made me realize more about blessings, how its matching vibe and constant flow has more to it. Like the internal make up that reflects outwards is also different, uplifting, has a sense of ‘higher’ joviality to it, with some confident yet peaceful strength, i also really enjoyed the sense of carelessness haha i felt like my sense and understanding of it was also different


All of this yes. And underneath it, a sense of knowing what the next steps are. In fact it seems the steps are laid in front of you. An unfolding of the homa and seed mantra. Choose to engage & the energy opens up further, along with the will and willingness. I’ve seen big changes very quickly