Ashta Lakshmi Maha Yagna

There are no such stated restrictions.

But if you feel that such practices honor the goddess and will enhance your connection to and relationship with her and your experience of this field, you are free to do so.


north east direction
just light up the diya and incense stick
meat : if u have doubts then avoid it…
during yagna one would generally fast and avoid meat… a general notion, but i myself have no idea about food restrictions
alcohol : it is something to get high(generally speaking), just avoid if u r in doubt. i mean wld u want to approach the Goddess in that state ? sip or two or ayurvedic asava/arishta preparations maybe ok
need to approach yagna fields with extra precaution and respect


Well-said. Generally a sense of respect, love, or good vibes towards the deities always helps develop a better connection. Most times, the state of space, body and mind are stressed in traditional deity work as all three affect the energy system and may hinder an energetic link with the deity, if chaotic. So, these observances initially will help, but are not absolutely necessary as Dream creates these fields to make the energies accessible to all, with not much effort on our parts.

The higher your vibration - whatever be the way for one to get there (purity of body and mind, meditative state, space clearing, food habits, etc.) - better the connection.

This is true for most but then there are also Aghoris and some such sects who follow no rules, of space or bodily purity or otherwise, and yet have tremendous inner purity due to their extreme disattachment to everything, and the ability to see divinity in the sacred and the profane.

So, I would not worry too much or get too held up on applying the actual rules needed during the Yagna, to listen to these fields.


Bonus Tip:
First play “A Taste of Vaikuntha Loka”. Then play “Ashta Lakshmi Maha Yagna”


Thank you very much! Your listening order and how well explained it is gives me confidence and security :blush:

I hope my question does not bother you but in view of the knowledge you have in the matter I need to ask. I have also bought “Bhoot Pret Nivaran Puja and Homa” (Booted Bhoots) and I would very much appreciate your guidance in listening together with Maha, Shatachandi and Ashta.



You can mix and match, absolutely no problems with it :slight_smile:

Below is my daily morning playlist currently (I adjusted it a little bit recently):

  • Booted Bhoots (traditionally, we always start any ritual with dispelling low vibration entities, the process is called Bhotocchatanam)
  • Vaastu Homam (second step is to purify the space, environment, etc. This is accomplished by this audio)
  • Navagraha Homam (this is to dispel not only negative effects of planets, amplify positive effects, but also to create the right astrological time-space for the other audios that follow in the list. Every powerful ritual is performed during a specific astrological time called Muhurta and this audio can help simulate such an auspicious time so that the rituals are extra fruitful)
  • Maha Ganapati Yagna (Ganesha dispels obstacles, strengthens the good, weakens the bad. Think of Ganesha as the best booster for whatever one wants to accomplish). As I write this, he is saying around me “oh yes”, so he agrees :slight_smile:
  • Shatachandi Yagna (I have written a lot about this on the Chandi thread)
  • Ashta Lakshmi Maha Yagna (Now, we have set the time time, space and conditions to receive the blessings of abundance from Lakshmi)
  • Kubera’s Blessing (Finally, it is time to invoke Kubera to materialize all the blessings received)

Again, this is just one suggested playlist. You can mix and match audios, play specific audios as needed, etc.

Edit (on 7/29): I have also been adding Divine Will and Tower of Power to this stack. They seem to really enhance the experience of this entire stack for me. My whole being seems filled with bliss and everything feels effortlessly joyful.


Eternally grateful :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :pray: :dizzy:


Technically, they all approach the topic in different ways - so I would not replace any - may be rotate them - use the Puja set one week and the other audios the next week?

If I really had to pick, I would still keep the mindset audios in the stack - and replace the Wealth Stack 2 with Ashta Lakshmi Mahayagna + Navagraha Homam. The booted Bhoots might replace exorcism in some cases, but again, I would really alternate the Puja stacks with these.


Puja stacks would be: Navagraha Homam, Ashta Lakshmi Mahayagna, Ganapati Homam, Booted Bhoots

Choice is yours…You can do the puja stack say once every two weeks or once a month.

None really. My mantras are my boosters :partying_face: Also, Sapien fields do not need a booster in the sense of booster audios.

Not directly.


That is right.

Do you currently do some kind of investment or are planning to? I dunno, it really depends… Intuitively, I would say Capital Governance first…


Those should be good! Get them, use them and then you can always come back for more :slight_smile:


Hi @Maoshan_Wanderer , just wanted to know in which order would you add the Tower of Power and Divine will to your Puja stack ? Thanks.

Oh and also I’m playing BOL , detoxed plasmatron life , Ojas marrowed , full body coherence, knight, navigator awe and minor blueprint power . Should I play the Puja series stack first then these or these first then the Puja series stack ? I am usually playing these during my night sleep time , and fatigue seems to be a downside though .

Thanks and awaiting and appreciate your kind advice :pray:t5::blush:


Should not matter really. I use it at the very beginning of the stack, Tower of Power first and Divine Will next.

Not all of these audios, IMO, have direct relevance/relation to the Puja stack. For example, if you asked me whether you would play Cardio Workout before or after the Puja stack, I would say - your choice. If you indeed want to add these to the stacks, I would probably want to place BoL at the very beginning, followed by Full Body Coherence and Ojas - sort of prep work to be in the right state of mind for getting the best out of Puja. The other two, should not really matter directly to the Puja stack.


First time listening to this, curious about this one
btw if I listened to this I don’t have to keep listening similar fields like: prosperity and abundance, luck and probability, attract wealth, etc…???


Welcome to the forum Drew!

Well i have it in my daily stack with others and it works great (the harmonious synergy when mixing is what i mean)

But you can try it all on its own, it is very powerful anyway, i just love so much the other fields i dont want to leave them behind hihi

My money stack which i play to sleep regularly is

Torsion x 1
Ashta x 2
Attract wealth prosperity and abundance x 3
Million Dollar Empire mindset x 3
Unbreakable x 2

During the 2nd morning stack i have lucky horse shoe and clover looped

Btw i used to have it in my morning stack along Shandi and Maha Ganapati

But i noticed more effects from it since i put her shining alone with just some other additions (not God/Goddesses at night lol

But again its up to you


Welcome to the forum, Drew!

There’s no “have to” in any of this. Part of your journey (as it is for each of us) is learning how your fields affect your energetic bodies to get the results that you want. Everyone is going to have their one journeys and you get to play around to create a journey that is pleasing for you.


My main worry is about overusing this daily as the description says at least quarterly use, so this confused me
thanks for the guidance


You like the Yagnas in the morning huh? I’ll try that tomorrow. I can def see Tower of Power being very complimentary. It’s one of my absolute favorites right now! No exaggeration, 3-5 seconds in I already start to feel the benefits.


Nice. Going to fall asleep to this tonight. Thank you!


Yeah thats how i use it i was sharing that every person is different :blush:

You can follow instructions to feel more comfortable with the process

And i also said “regularly” not every night but yes like at least 3 times a week

That would really depends on your practices with them and how familiar you are with working with them