Layered frequency response

reposting the discussion because idk why it got removed/moved to Discussion for other similar Channels on YouTube:

okay so i’m in the middle of my experiment with bundling subliminals and i was curious if there’s a way to remove embedded frequencies in subliminals?!

here’s how basically i’m layering a sub on itself multiple times:

and i thought layers in this way messes up the definition of a frequency “the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time.” and so there’s no worries with that turning into a new frequency

but i was wrong lol this is what happens:

and the neurons reaction-

so what do you all think?! should i just give up on bundling those affirmations?

but isn’t it like everything has a frequency and there’s no worries? am i just overthinking too much?(sorry guys)

p.s. i listened to the bundle last night for an hour or so and i felt a lot of pressure on my throat chakra? i don’t know what that means

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thank you for letting me know. i tried deleting this but it errors i’ll try again later

i actually thought it suits the general discussion more than other channels topic sorry i didn’t know and i also don’t trust people in reddit etc

There is a way to do it with audacity. Some option in Nyquist plugin allow you to “cut off” certain frequency, but I dont remember exact way to do it, you will have to experiment. And you need to know frequency beforehand.
Many “subliminals” have binaural beats of 4hz made of frequencies from 100 to 104hz. To get rid of those I muted 104, 102 and 100hz and what was left was “pure” affirmations

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hi thank you for your reply that’s so clever and i’ll definitely do some experiment with it

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