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God this is ai nanobots is hard to listen to with earbuds

Not sure when he started the energy work exactly. But pretty sure it was 2017-2018. His crystals are all morphic fields. He also does frequencies. He does a mix of it all.

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the words used in the video felt so familiar. almost as if someone from the forum made the video lol

Came across this… Has anyone ever used the Wealth 2-phase program from SZ and had any success?

I see mixed reviews on this creator here


Does someone know if adonis fields can be trusted?

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Also i can recommend you two of quadibles booster fields

and https://youtu.be/SIk8LAE2Qi0?si=2GiO1E5mwdR-Pwkr

they are very effective. Though i have noticed quadibles field, which although do work, they can be taxing on the body. Much more than sapiens fields. I recommend only using two audios for a few weeks or a month or two then just sticking with one quadible audio. Ive found that using too many can negatively affect health. It may deplete the bodies own energy system as it uses itself to heal. Quadible has other videos regarding certain health subjects which do work very well, but if sapien medicine already has what youre looking for i recommend only using quadibles booster fields at first. After a while of using the booster fields you can discontinue their use. After that stick to one or two quadible audios you like. With sapien its possible to listen to many more effective fields without it taxing the body too much. I really think it can help you see results with the boosters. Ive noticed that results are maybe 3-5 times faster with them. It works for all formulas. Remember to eat plenty of healthy foods as well to restore energy


You can also throw a handful of salt into the washer every once in a while when you do a load of laundry, especially if you had a really bad day or went through heavy energies while wearing them. It’s not something to do every time you do laundry though.


Thanks I’ll do that on my next laundry

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For those getting massive headaches and feeling unhinged (doing energy work) even after trying Schuman Resonance and Grounding,

Use this:

It definitely helps.

Also, because EWFAE have an entire group of people charging these files, their energy hits very quickly.


Hey can anybody help me how to flush out morphic fields from my body?


This completely cleans you more effectively than anything else. It’s free too.

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It works as advertised.


Holy shit, this is the first time i can say 100% that i can without a doubt feel the field work, whether its good or bad i dont know. But damn its doing somthing

it calmed me down, my scalp is itching tho,

thank you for sharing this, its like somthing in iside me is so calm, i have never felt this. I want to cry


Cry? That’s interesting.

It definitely is supposed to relax you and make you slow down a bit.

Is it actually itching or tingling?

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Itching / pressure
I feel so calm, i have not felt this in so long

my body does feel tingling

It’s your Sahasrara Chakra being energized.

I suggest you follow-up with this:

Semi-meditatively (meaning you’re just slowly listening to the song and focusing on absorbing the energy) - Or - Fully Meditatively (meaning you’re fully engrossed into allowing the energy in. It looks pearly white through your Ajna - you’d need to have a third eye banda with your eyes closed to see it after some time - meaning, both your eyes need to be looking between your forehead - even though they’re closed)

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I feel like going to sleep after using Vagus Nerve Repair

@Alkul do u know if " Ewfae Synergy Fields" is trusted and theirs no exchange?

Man sometimes, I have no idea how you guys find these smaller channels. Thanks for sharing it Alkul


Vagus nerve can definitely make you fall asleep.

Yes, you can trust them.