Leaving old job starting new one . I need advice

Hallo everyone :wink:.
I need advice.
Im leaving old job that was very limited,stresful not healthy in many aspects.

Bad enerrgy at worplace, tons of awful interactions with coworkers and clients.

Very systemic, controlling enviroment.

Could You please give me ideas how ā€˜resetā€™ myself not to take old patterns with me?

Its also a huge change for me because i was being told what to do and now iā€™m going to leadā€¦

Please share Your ideas for stack .

Thank You :green_heart:


Etheric Cord Cutter
Forgiveness and Release
Emotional Release
Amygdala Healing
Alchemical revision of trauma
Alchemical revision of innocence
Become whole (old audio)
Become a kinder and patient person ( I know you are already kind but this might increase your tolerance levels)
Hope and happiness
Uplift yourself
Attract Love (to have generally loving clients and co workers), for that matter any love related fieldsā€¦

Those are some of the yt fields on the top of my headā€¦ hope it helps :four_leaf_clover::innocent:


I think i will buy also plasma flower and vatsu homman.

To fill new place with good energy.

I have been using

[quote=ā€œSssubliminaluser, post:2, topic:67912ā€]
( I know you are already kind but this might increase your tolerance levels)
[/quote]. :pray::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Golden glow
Torus waved respect.

To make a good impression.

And i was playing
Subconcius limits removal
Salt cleanse
Etheric cord cutter
Confidence boost
New perspectives
Trauma and self love fields

Shield from PU

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Iā€™d say a few loops of ponr stack (Aura cleaning + exorcism+ ego+slr) add eteric cord cutter

Give a few loops of raise your vibration that is never a bad thing to do

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Again congratulations! :partying_face:

The environment and other energies you are entwined with no matter how bad, uncomfortable have given you lessons and bring out the version of you on how to deal with them effectively, for your highest and greatest good.

And now youā€™re going to take those lessons to a brand new journey. So youā€™re not really needing reset, in my opinion. Continued awareness, acknowledgement of good choices of what you perceive may be for your best path (by your higher self).

If youā€™re into instigating bold change, celebrating transformation, The Emblem of Change NFT might be of help, if youā€™re intuitively guided.

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Ok so ego dissolution
Etheric cord cutter
Emotional relerese
New perspectives
Aura cleanse
Confidence boost
Revision of trauma
Revision of innocence
Salt cleanse.
Vibration riser

Something to help with entities perhaps would be good idea.

It it too much?

Start with Aura cleanse, it clean the energy of the fields aswell :nerd_face:

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Old self confidence on yt is a beast, it not only increased confidence in me but helped me assert dominanceā€¦
As you said you are going to lead, deciding what kind of boss you want to be, helps; you can be kind but not too kind, people will literally walk over you, you need to assert dominance and your team should obey you, dominance and authority sigil from patreon might helpā€¦ forgive my language, you have to be a ā€˜boss bitchā€™ :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Thank You again :green_heart:

You are right. I mean something else but could not find right words to descibeā€¦

It was really bad and damaging situation i got out of. So i need to be smart about it :wink:

Ok i will. Thank You :green_heart:

I havenā€™t try this yet :scream: its first day. i thought it was rather gentle. :grimacing:

Lol :rofl:. I need to balance things out. You are right.

I have st.Michael wallpaper mandala from Instagram on my phone.

It helps me to me more dominant and confident.

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Hoping to hear good news from you soon, all the best :innocent::four_leaf_clover:ā€¦ Lol, I got too excited and miss working now šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø

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Keep smiling move forward :blush:

You donā€™t think first negativelyā€¦ Best of luck for new job

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Thank You so much :green_heart::pray:

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Thank You. Sometimes making itvsimple its a best solution :slightly_smiling_face::green_heart:

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4x daily for the next 2 weeks.

Before (!) any other fields you are playing.

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Yes Sir :sunglasses:

Thank You :wink:

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Blueprint of past, makes you forget all the bad experience you had from work. To move forward, the past must be cleared. This field is the most important.

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Im getting i it soon . Thank You :green_heart:
I was planing to get emotional and mental supporter first but you actually convinced me to get blueprint asapā€¦

I have few situations to leave behind. Amd i think im doing very well. Stillā€¦ It sounds like a very important field.

Congrats! I am planning my exit, too.

Consider the Resilience and Inner Strength fields