Let's compliment each other

I want to complement @anon77086103 for the constant support through healings during my toughest of times in terms of health. And he did that despite of his own difficulties and demanding circumstances. This is going above and beyond for someone you barely knew. He is such an Angel.
Many thanks Seamie … you are so special :hibiscus::pray:t2:


Aww! Thanks a lot Kate, you made my day, I am not sure if I deserve all of that :sweat_smile:🫶. It just shows your ability to look for the positives in others. A lot can be said about you but I would like to say which resonates with me the most; you are the sweetest, kindest and the most empathetic person I came across here. If I ever needed help on here, I know I can rely on you. Your optimism and resilience during tough situations is an inspiration. I have been busy with my exam preparation and all and am barely visiting the forum these days, thanks to you and the mail notification, I was able to visit and reminisce all the wonderful things I get to experience here. Lots of love, dear :green_heart:


@Maoshan_Wanderer You’re a wise old sage in my eyes. I know you don’t have a long white beard but whenever you post, that’s what I imagine you having. It’s always a delight to read your insights on things.

@Zen You embody your name so well dude. You really do come off as ‘zen’ and have such unique yet enlightening wisdom to share with us all. I find myself agreeing with you quite often and think you’ll go far in the path. Beyond all that spiritual mumbo jumbo, you’re just a good dude, period. You’ve been here for years and have pretty much been a staple.

@GoddessesAndGod It’s been a delight to st biceps go so far and deep in his journey that he’s now living in divinity. You know I got nothing but love for you man and you’ve given so much to this place as well. You’re well loved here for good reason. Your level of passion is contagious and you mean so well for us all.

@Allurre You’re so sweet in all your posts and your posts give off that sweetness too. But, just the fact that you would create a thread like this makes you a grade A sweetheart.

@Rosechalice Speaking of sweet, Rose is such a darling. Not only has she been an excellent mod addition, but she has been such a warm part of the forum over the years. So helpful, so warm hearted and just a bundle of joy for all.

@Nice2knowU Speaking of mods, you’re great too man. You are fair and understanding and that’s just how you’ve been over the years. Always been fond of you and enjoyed talking to you on the webinars. You ooze ‘good dude’ energy and am glad you’re with us over all the years.

@Dr_Manhattan You’ve been here since the very beginning man and have grown so damn much. Always been intelligent but I feel like the past year, its skyrocketed and you’ve found your footing in a very transformative way. I got much love for you and deeply appreciate how you stood by my side during certain storms. You’ve gote a keen mind for quality fields and for leading discussions you’re a part of. You’re a great guy Doc.

@pranic_climber You’re an excellent producer and I appreciate all the tracks you’ve made for us. Keep climbing mountains and pushing past limits brother.

@JAAJ I appreciate that you disagree with me on almost everything I write because it always leads to great discussions :laughing: For real though, you’re a great dude with a great heart and loads of wisdom you wholeheartedly share with everyone. You’re a seeker and a dedicated one that has been with us for years and contributed in countless ways. You’ve been a guide to many people here and in my eyes, you’re a leader.

@Scribe You’re an OG to me in this forum. As in, you’ve got an innate wisdom to you but also just a hardened spirit that doesn’t take any of the bs thrown at you. You’re very well respected by everyone and it just comes with your natural resonance man. It’s commendable and you’ve also got my deep respect and love.

@gpo Man, you are a legend here for all the mod work you did here. You set a lot of important foundations here. A level of work that I don’t even know how to repay but if you ever need anything, we got you. You’re a genuine kindred spirit and we all appreciate that wholly.

@anon72573121 It’s nice to a great dude helping the community and giving in many ways. You’re a kindred spirit and appreciate your efforts towards

@SC448 Your work with all the links has been beyond helpful. It’s a lot of work that doesn’t need to be done but you do it anyways. You’re a good soul (not cause you help us lol) and have shown that with all the help you’ve given over the years. I know that will be returned to you infinitely. It’s well deserved.

@King_A You’re a homie and got a very positive resonance to you. You can spit bars for real and go toe to toe with anyone. I want to see you become a divine lyrical assassin one day man. I believe you can!

@MonkeyOwl You’ve been a friend since the beginning of this forum and you know I’ve got nothing but love for you. Always pleasant to talk to and you’ve got a great ability of understanding things. You’ve also managed to make me laugh a number of times which can be a bit difficult :sweat_smile: But really, you’re a great gal!

@Starlight We go way back too starlight and I’ve gotten to know you rather well. You’re wise, very curious and ask excellent questions. The kind of questions I love to answer. You’re an OG here too and have contributed a lot here. I’m so happy to see you grow over the years.

@This_Boy_Here Even if you don’t post here as often, you’re still a true bro and I got nothing but love for you. You’re a real one and came from the gutter but rose to be a bigger and better man. You’ve a luminous soul that is loved by many. Seriously, the people you’ve touched here got love for you for life. I’m one of those. Keep being you. Your personality is just vibrant man.

@Replay Many people don’t even know this but you’ve been the reason for many fields that dream made. You’ve sent us so much golden research that has laid the foundation for lots of medical fields that dream has made over the years. We appreciate that to the core and are so grateful for your contributions here in the forum as well. Thanks man!

@Divine_Lotus Your voice is literally a divine lotus itself. Everyone agrees with that right? You’re a diamond of sweetness and it’s just a joy to have you around with us. You were so great as a mod and you’re just awesome to have here in general.

@SoulStar33 Man, you ooze positive charisma everytime we speak. You’re a charmer without trying to be and it’s always a joy to hear you speak your mind because you truly speak from the heart really. You are a very curious person and have so many great questions. A lot to preciate about you.

@Star You’re one of our very own angels and I’ve got nothing but love for you. You’re also sweet like hersheys kisses and have given so much unconditonally to this community. I bet your restaurant is well loved because you are certainly well loved in here.

@SilverZuzu You’re one of the forums top darlings with not only have helped so many, but also just touched so many here. Not so many souls in the world willing to help so freely and you’re one of those. I love you zuzu and think you’re an amazing woman that this forum would genuinely feel a bit more empty without.

@anon77086103 I’m happy you’re still here with us man. You’re a genuine dude that has contributed a lot of wisdom here as well. I’ve always loved seeing the insights you would add to discussions and well look at ya, you even managed to grow to create your own work and I’m happy you did. You’ve certainly added to many peoples lives and that’s so awesome to see from how you first started here.

@zea You’re a very strong woman and I hope you know that! The way you acknowledge the harder things to acknowledge and push forward towards bettering yourself is admirable. You’re so sweet too and a great addition here. Much love to you zea.

@Borisju You are also a very wise dude and have even helped me find some very useful tidbits along the way. You were the one that really essentialyl championed the weekly meditations and that deserves all the acolades in the world. You want to make a difference, very genuinely and you got a heart of gold man. All love bro.

@Gnosticmedic27 You’re also one of the OGs that for some reason when I think of KingA and godess, I think of you. Your love and appreciation of dream is so pure and it makes me smile quite a lot. You’ve also contributed a lot here and have always had great input in discussions. Much love to you.

@SorcerySupreme You’re like an old school occultist to me. Personifying ‘do what thou wilt is the whole of the law’ and I apprecaite having that sor of soul here. I think you’ve been excellent voice here and a leader in your regard. I appreciate your mind and soul and think you’ll go far in the path as well. You’re also a warrior and have pushed to fight for us on occasion. Keep being you sorcerer.

@Andromeda You are so kind and appreciative, that your warmth is so contagious. There is a positive innocence to your posts that makes me smile and I don’t mean innocent as in ignorant, but innocent in that there is a childlike joy and radiance to your posts that is so awesome.

@Jennyfire You’re so kind Jenny and I have always been very fond of you. Your posts have a pleasant positive resonance since you’ve first started posting here and it hasn’t changed one bit. I thank you so much for all the contributions you make here. You’re a :star:

@Violet You are oh so very sweet violet and such a defender of those you love. It’s admirable how you put yourself on the frontlines for people. You’re most certainly a friend and I’m glad I know you. You’ve gone through it in life but remain headstrong and so loving and sweet. I admire that in you and having gotten to know you better, you’re a genuine good soul in this world.

@Ugninis You’ve been with us for quite a long time and are still one of our most loved and respected. And you got that love and respect from me too. You’ve led many great NFTs and many of your old posts here are well regarded. I think you’re a pretty brilliant human and got a very resonant soul as well my friend.

@anon73693188 The name Filomena still makes me laugh :sweat_smile: You have been so giving to the forum over the years. Even wrote pages worth of work to help guide people. Yet you’ve also always been very, very real and down to earth. You say what you feel and you don’t hold back for noone and I appreciate that in people. It’s rare and just your way of being is rare in general. Keep being you!

@Jen You are also one of the staple sweethearts of the forum and I love to see your posts. YOu are very helpful and wise but also just feel so relatable for some reason lol. You seem like you’d be great to share some tea or a beer with. Basically, I’m just saying you’re very likable haha!

@anon83343177 You are a legend here and have given so much to the community. Thank you so much for everything as your voice has always been very valuable here for years. Very random but you also have a great accent but I guess I’m just a sucker for British accents. Much love.

@anon46074933 It’s been great to see you grow over the years from when I first met ya in a webinar. You are a curious soul with an eagerness to rise above your issues and not only improve yourself, but improve the lives of others. For that, I commend you and give you lots of love and appreciation. Keep pushing forward and I believe you’ll do great things in life.

@Hauru Your enthusiasm is contagious and I can almost hear your posts out loud whenever you post. I love your soul and the kind of energy you bring to the forum. Much love to you my brother.

@GianLee Speaking of enthusiasm, how you can forget about gian!!! A freaking beacon of light and joy in this forum. His love is so contagious and I just love to see what he has to say. He reminds me of an anime character lol.

@AkiraTheWild I have a feeling this isn’t akiras new profile. He changes his name like 50 times so if anyone can direct me to his real name then that’d be appreciated. But yeah, this guy is a dime in a dozen. I freaking love you man and appreciate you. You show love wholeheartedly and have a purity to you that is felt through the screen. You’ve looked out for me a number of times and honestly… you’re also an anime character. Also thanks for putting me onto ‘wait a minute,’ that’s an all time fave lol.

@ecaiii As others have said, you have a very big heart and the world could use more people like you. You’re a good person caii and I’m glad we get to experience some of that goodness in you.

@Atreides One of the 4 kings of randomthoughts thread haha. I think you’re a fun dude with also a very insightful soul that many of us pay pure attention to. You’re a face of the forum and I enjoy reading your thoughts man. Keep being you. Much love always.

@Powren Dude, I got to talk to you directly once and I gained a lot of respect for you that day. You come off to me as a man willing to do whatever it takes to better yourself and you’ve got that hardness to you that I respect in people. You are also wise and have contributed that wisdom to this forum quite a bit. Thanks for everything, love to you.

@heidegger Dude, I think you’re a very intelligent dude and have a great way of pushing towards very deep discussions. I think you understand some deep things that many haven’t been able to figure out yet. And even if I don’t agree with you on everything, you have a great understanding of lots of things. You cn go very far man.

@Sarumann33 You are a face I see here very often and I’m always pleased to. You asked GREAT questions and your activeness is appreciated because of how much you add to discussions. I think you’ve also got great insights. Much love to you friend.

If I wrote more for one person or the other, it doesn’t mean I appreciate someone more than the other. And the order is meaningless as well. It’s just a lot of names and I was flowing off the dome as best I could. I know I missed names and I’m mad at myself for that because so many of you deserve appreciation as well. But you know that would be a bit too difficult to get everyone eh. Thinking on all of you here and how awesome of a group of people we’ve got in this forum really got me feeling happy.

You guys are awesome and I got deep love for all of you. Thank you so much for being a part of the community :heart:


Not much more to say atm.
Thank you for everything. :hugs:


Most of all, thanks to @Dreamweaver for being the light from which this forum shines. He’s the reason we’re all here and throughout the years, has touched the lives of so many. He has certainly touched mine and helped shape me to becoming a better person. He is witty, funny, wise, strong, creative, loving and so unconditionally giving. There’s so much more I can say about this man but really, he really is as awesome as many of you all think he is.

Much love and appreciation to the man who laid the foundation of morphic fields for so many of us and the start of this community journey for us all :heart:


For sure. I also feel that I’ve been way less active on this forum for the past few months that’s because I’ve been going through a little rough phase of my life right now. I’m almost done with my post graduation trying to find a job and dealing with some of the most toxic people and culture I’ve ever seen in my life. Just a few weeks ago I was going to create a detailed post stating all of this but dropped the idea. But I check the forum almost everyday and go through all the discussions happening here to lighten my heart a bit. I’ll surely make some valuable contributions here in the near future. :wink::clinking_glasses:


Thank You Sammy :purple_heart::slightly_smiling_face:
I appreciate your leadership and the fact that You always try to notice and give attention to everyone. Although You are busy with Your own life.
Forum is full of wonderfull people its hard to give attention to everyone.
Not to mention Your wonderfull work with Dream that we all benefit from in most amazing ways.

I’ll be honest. I don’t want to miss complimening anyone.:scream:
I’ll keep my eye on this thread :grimacing:
I still don’t know most of the people on forum. More friendships and kind words will come soon :wink:.


Likewise George!

I’m also thankful and appreciate @Dreamweaver for everything he has done for me. You’re a gift from god and a miracle is all I can say. I am with you and I wish to support you all the way.

So thank you again Dream! :hugs:


Thank you @SammyG :cry::heart:

Much love to you too. I still remember on the first zoom meeting I attended during the 2020 quarantine (right in the beginning of the forum) and when I had the chance to see @anon73693188 (I loved to see you Luna and your energy made me feel genuinely happy, shining!) among other friends here, how you made us feel at home with your loving and welcoming energy, always pushing everyone to have a good time and creating an atmosphere that we can only find in a true soul family.

Know that you touch our lives and the life of the people we can improve too given all that we receive.

And, in the same way thank you @Dreamweaver for being a light in this world for the seekers. Allowing healing where otherwise there was no hope.

Words are not enough :grinning:🥹

I want to mention too my deepest gratitude for all the regulars and good souls here, too many to mention all.


Wow you really encapsulate the archetype of a star!!

Every time you come out the light shines bright (whenever you comment around)

Thank you do much for your words.

And i do remember that zoom of cours efor the shy ones haha :sweat_smile: i was awkward at first i didnt know what to say lol just kept laughing at Dream’s jokes.

But remember me and you come from even before the forum from that poor facebook group :laughing:

I appreciate you so much you and some others would be the best friends one could dream of if we were living close by, however we all know sometimes the friendships online can reach really deep in our soul and so i love you sister!!



thank you!

btw as up late i am digging into the webinar and your tips on using fields.

no words can describe the huge opened window thanks to your wise words!


ps. thanks to all who mentioned me. didnot think that somebody reads a whole lot of what i write.

appreciate being mentioned and very surprised.


Hahaha Filomena, buy hey just a few people actually call me like that because its kinda close to my middle name lol

Sammy Sam! i didnt tag you because ive been tagging you in the past days in other threads i didnt want to be a pain and clog your notifications.

But you well know that i have a deep appreciation and admiration for you, i am very thankful for directly and indirectly helping me round some edges and pushing me to be better, we bounced heads in the past but always ended up like complimenting each other to no end hahaha like we knew we didnt wanna argue :sweat_smile: but all those moments always triggered a process i needed. So thank you. Love yaaaa :purple_heart:


Oh my gosh I feel the exact same, we have a lot in common and you are the kind of person that feel familiar on a soul level. I love you too :sparkles::heart:

Here you are mistaken lol because I never had Facebook :grin:


Really? Nooooo are you sure thats so weirdd haha a glitch in the Matrix i tell you, you did :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Lol yes I’m sure :sweat_smile:


@Forumuser i thought of you yesterday when tagging members but i could not remember your name haha and you hadnt comment in the last posts so I said, once i see him posting ill tag him.

So here it is. Thank you for supporting the newcomers not judging, not questioning, not denying an answer even if some of us have replied directing them to use the research bar or to read this and that thread or to post on some other thread.

That is a very vaulable role here :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: so they ease up into engaging in the forum.

Also i love your reviews and the discoveries with fields or your personal understanding of them are really helpful and fun to check them again to experience what youve shared, which a lot of times come from angles we havent noticed but they certainly add up to the knowledge.

@eternal is nice to see you around again, i love reading your reviews, always so sincere and genuine, i hope you dont disappear again.

@lilo !!! Girl why yuh nuh come here no more? :sob: i LOVE your participation in the forum, you absolutely crack me up every time, its a delight reading the way you word the comments and the knowledge you used to share with us was always soo rich and dope. Please come out and play again.

@Psionic we have never crossed words anywhere in posts, but i wanted you to know that i honestly love your reviews and comments about fields or the questioning some times, they might lok weird or unusual, but i dig it, i do. Your physic abilities are reaally good, i appreciate that you dont hold back to express what you feel or see or foresee 😶‍🌫️


Thank you @SammyG

Of course thanks @Dreamweaver

You make me feel warm when you greet my country Taiwan. You always help others unconditionally. I sincerely thank you.

This is why I like this forum. Everyone learns from each other, grows from each other, and helps each other.

Reading forum information is like reading a book, and I am always full of inspiration. :open_book:🪄


@Hauru you offer your friendship and you are a real friend! you are loyal and supportive, you don’t let anybody feeling bad. like a mother who is just as happy as her saddest child.
you are this brother!

@Ugninis when somebody asked what luxury is for us, i had you in my mind :grin:.
from you i learned to treat every field, every day, every human and our selves like fine wine. with respect, attention and love. (and always choose wisely :slightly_smiling_face:)
you are like a sailor, goes into the world and come back with so many treasures from different cultures, different times, even from the future (!), different mindsets, and then we celebrate! we had so much fun!

@Premintarsia @Jennyfire @Anya you are so friendly and warm and encouraging! with you in my mind, in everyday life, i turned from offering myself as a cute little target without boundaries to the one with the “don’t even think about it!!!” written on the forehead :joy:

@anon83343177 you are like an alchemist to me. for me, you turn everything with so much passion and power into the feminine version. “and this is when a woman uses it!”
i missed your absence and then you came back and i was like…and she even is soooo smart!! i am proud to be a woman because of you :heavy_heart_exclamation: ( and i also have some brain fields now :nerd_face:)

@Dreamweaver thank you so much!
that we are “only” humans is just not true, …we are humans and it’s so so much! you offer us not just help to navigate everyday life but to explore what it means to be humans and what it means for the (unseen) world around us to have us in it. and we can change!

you are so kind! and funny! i got my first “like” from you! (when i was lucky to get one of the first nft’s and i asked you if this was something dangerous :see_no_evil:; i expected anything but not a like for such a stupid question…)


@lou_lou thank you, friend! We have the belief that we have the best group partners 🥹

You have strong beliefs and take care of your significant other, which is worth learning from

@Jennyfire Of course there is you, your sharing is always so real and warm :butterfly: