Let's compliment each other

Thanks a lot for your kind words @SammyG :pray: :white_heart:

With regards to this:

Well, mathematically speaking this is not true at all when we look at the forum data. Bro, I am your 2nd biggest supporter here on the forum. Only Mr. Biceps agrees with you on more things than I do :slightly_smiling_face::

The only times I disagree with you is when my natural “Limiting Beliefs Detector” goes off and I am triggered to explore how to overcome something. After all, we are all here to break the code and the rules, right? We were led here because of our affinity to disobey the status quo of society and humanity in the first place.


@SammyG, I’m truly touched. I just feel that I’m the middleman between scientists whose work represents the culmination of thousands of years of civilization and Dream’s superpower to actualize and transform that work into something not only better but available to the people who need it. I’ll make a more proper compliment later, but just know I appreciate you guys to the core, as well.


I always fellt there is something about @Replay :grin:
When i was reading your reviews,commets,advices i had a feeling You are more part of creative team than customer :wink:

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This thread makes me wonder about the differences between compliments and saying thanks, since when we like something, we appreciate it.

Anyway, I’m glad people joined and interact. It’s been fun watching people grow, even people I tend to disagree with, without them something would be missing.

Even people I never directly talked to, feels like I know them to some degree.

Edit: I just realized how many people I’ve been reading for months or years, almost everyday, they feel familiar and close yet we haven’t talked directly or in private. Strange.


I should be clear, I’m not part of the team. At best, I’m someone who reads stuff and wonders what Dream could do with it.

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Yes i know but You soundeded to me like You have deeper knowledge.
That was impression i got each time i read your advices.


My initial idea was just simply give a lot of compliments to each other :wink:
I turned out to be million different things. And that’s beautiful l :dizzy:


Interesting way to make your point :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Perfectly clear for a math genius like you :wink:

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@anon73693188 Thanks so much for the appriciation! Makes me feel like im on top of the world hehe. Since it came from someone I have always admired! I was always wondering where is Luna is when you disappeared.


@Dreamweaver. It’s a given that you are a singular force for good on our planet and, I suspect, beyond. You create miracles for so many people. I pray that the AI entities (those already here and to come) come across your work and through its good effect find their place in the order of things. That goes double for tmost of humanity. Speaking of your work, what a range, what a range. Wow!! I could get lost in any number of Dream Seeds fields. Despite your lofty perch, you are still one of us. Your references to role-playing games, movies, and anime make work and your comments accessible and gives us the idea that we can start our personal development without decades of prior training. That’s very empowering.

@SammyG. I don’t know the exact history of things, but my take is that you are the main force behind the forum and its progress through the years. Your commitment to letting people disagree with you and be disagreeable with you (to a point) is remarkable. And you can calm the waters when others are going at each other with a bit too much zeal. That the forum serves as a place of refuge for so many is first and foremost the result of your efforts. I read your text walls with interest, either to fill in huge gaps in my spiritual knowledge or just to get a real New Yorker lens on a current topic. I know your skills and dedication allow Dream to focus on multiple projects at once.


I think a lot of us need to thank @SorcerySupreme too. We have been spamming on his free healings for a long time now. He even generously gave AMA readings for anyone who asked.
Gratitude is appreciation too in a way. Thank you SS :hibiscus::pray:t2:


This whole thread reminds me of this

We obviously are not doing it because someone specifically did something wrong, but the outcome can be felt in the ambience for sure.

I guess the “Attract Your Tribe” is getting us closer :grinning: by first appreciating each other and reminding ourselves through others that there is good in us that is always seen and causes a positive impact but we not always notice it, some where even shocked they were mentioned or are seen.
It feels great. Thank you @Allurre and @Lanos that made a post like this as well last year.

We should do it more often, or if we see someone is falling down we should “gather around that person” and remind them why they are valuable everywhere and here in the forum. :purple_heart:


@anon73693188 :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


Oh look angels agree lol



Wow :exploding_head:

This tribe managed to integrate a really advanced spiritual concept into their society.

Huge respect for this, given the circumstances we have here on physical earth!


I remember when I used to spam Ego Dissolution and would go out in the streets, people could cut me off on the boardwalk and I just didn´t give a fuck. If one doesn´t care about status or boundaries etc. fine, but in most current human environments, this isn´t really sustainable.

I´d assume that this concept can currently only be manifested in a limited circle of highly evolved indiviudals, who also have the financial resources and societal influence to back it up.

Old money style + the positive spiritual concepts.

It´s interesting that both concepts are so often presented as opposites.


Just realized my compliments to @Drift , @Josh , @anon73693188 and @SorcerySupreme and the Brain Guild somehow got lost when I split my post in two posts last time because I couldn’t mention more than 10 people. Luckily I saved all my texts in my notes :partying_face:

@anon73693188 Award: „The Healer“

Thanks to you I learned so much about optimizing my stacks, about healing my family and friends, and also about being more compassionate. Just yesterday I sent a friend healing and he started to feel better the same day. Without your comprehensive post about sending healing, I would have never learned to send healing myself the way I do now. You also got me more into learning about crystals and their healing powers. Thanks to all of that I just associate with you this warm, loving, healing energy, Luna. You better always know how special you are to me. A big thank you for all the knowledge you share with us.

@Drift Award: „The Cutie“ aka „Ikemen“

Because you are just a cutie! And you radiate Ikemen-vibes. When I see your „xD“ it always makes me grin. I have to confess, I low key search the forum for your comments every week lol I guess I‘m one of your biggest fans here :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

@Josh Award: The Crush

Even if you don’t know Josh, you know Josh. Why? Because we all secretly have a crush on Josh. He helps us become smarter, stronger, and more handsome. Thanks to some Josh-advice about workout fields I accidentally tricked people into believing I do calisthenics.

@SorcerySupreme Award: „The Magician“

Love all the service you offer for free, especially with Septarion. Thank you so much for that! That must take a lot of effort and energy! I also find your input in the forum amazing, especially on how to work better with servitors and the intention repeater so helpful. Thank you for continually contributing your knowledge and skills to our community.

The Brain Guild Award: “Freakin Geniuses”

Guys, I’m a lurker in your Brain Guild thread. It’s not always easy to follow your posts because I’m not on the same level but I just want to compliment you all for your insane dedication. If there is one group in the forum that knows how to go all in, loop fields for hours and hours, post about their progress, discuss different approaches, share your their knowledge and sprinkle humor into their conversations - it is you guys!!! @Dr_Manhattan, Jojo, @anon26800771, and all others!



Award ," Spiritual honeybadger "
You dived into world od fields, servitors, magic without any fear or limited bieliefs.:sweat_smile:
I admire your courage, bielief in yourself and all your amazinig achievments.:dizzy:
You use all the tools so well girl. I learn from You evetytime You post about your methods.

Honeybadger is my favorite animal . Succes after succes.:clinking_glasses: If shit happens. Ok it happened.i’ll go on :rofl:
Honeybadger dosent give a fu*k :kissing_heart:
