Let's compliment each other

Award " Leader of a pack" of wild fierce Animals .

Few days ago i saw a short clip about pack of wolves. It was amazinig. The stategy, rules how important and hidden actually the Leader is .

I thought of You.

Your love for nature,amimals, beings is something to admire, something to look for.
Something so primal an beautyfull.
You are one of the kind

Not everbody knows but @SorcerySupreme and @Star helped to save my dog and cat . They are alive and well thanks to You.

Thank You for being such a good friend and protector.


Glad to be able to be of help for them :pray:t2:


That makes me so happy! Its such a great way to help others.

Just remember to always make sure the x person you want to help knows, and accepts, so you respect the free will when we do it without their knowledge (and specially if we say something like “i wont tell them because i know for sure they would say no, they dont believe in this or think is wrong etc”) because if we push against that we add karma to us 😵‍💫

Sometimes the “patient” is a child, a pet, someone that is in a coma or cant talk or understand etc then we can help them but you kinda send a prayer or a disclaimer lol to the universal laws to heal strictly if whatever the person has is something that was fully acquired by just the way or circumstances theyve lived in. NOT if the illness is something that the person or their family has to go through without extra help for a karmatic lesson that is necessary for their growth or liberation.

If im still not sure i have a way that actually feels like a real reassurance or a warning. If you believe and are energy sensitive to the presence of Angels, then you can also ask your guardian Angel or Any of The Archangels to check on that (the karma thing) and help you deliver only as much as its allowed or to stop it if not allowed. The person’s guardian angel and or their Higherself can let them know if we should go ahead or not, and youd feel the answer.

Or just with a first session the person greatly improves so you know they are open to receive and you can go ahead and continue. :smiley:


I know because You are a beautyfull human being. You love amimals to the core.
I have so much respect and admiration for You.
Girl You saved my animals i will always remember :heart:



True, I do all I can for them, animals do a lot for us too they are little healers :blush:

It’s reciprocal I just love your energy so much, it’s very warm, light and honest. Spreading good vibes and warming a lot of hearts here and certainly around you physically too.

This thread is an example, keep shining sister :sparkles::heart:


@noname i forgot about you!!

Maybe because you have no name and pic haha

But i wanted to give you a shout out for your consistency with the forum, participating, helping around and sharing!

Thank you!! We-seeee-you


Thank you so much @anon73693188 ! It really means a lot coming from you! :pray:

Hahah. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Lol the funmy thing i was going to say few words about @noname beacause nickname and void… instead of Avatar spoke to me
in millions diffrent names.:dizzy:

I love this persona…
Its so intrigiuing and amazinig while using simple techniques.


Thank you @Allurre for your kind words ! :pray:

Thank you for this amazing thread that brings us all together! You are really amazing! Your name really says it all!



Thank You for your wonderfull explorer attitude.
You really dive deep and always looking for something new and inspiring.
I love reading your commets. They always make me wonder and more brave in testing new fields.
You are ,Mystical Explorer,
Also very helpfull and supportive.


Thank you for your inspiring words and kindness!


Thank you for your full dedication to brain fields, without which none of us would have ever thought about what development and what benefits can be achieved. Thank you also for your willingness to share the results achieved and help other people achieve them; Your motivation was a point of reference for everyone.


Thanks @anon73693188. Eventually I do put some work in it (certainly the long threads). So really appreciate the compliment. I hope people can reap some benefits out of it :slightly_smiling_face:


I want to give a compliment to @This_Boy_Here for writing the most entertaining, detailed reviews with the funniest stories out of your life.
I absolutely loved your review about the Triple Leo field from PU and also your long review about how you use the Integration Tool in your stacks and your review of Mindset of Abundance. The way you write just radiates Charisma and Glamour, so here is your Award: “The Triple Leo Writer“


Tank You for all the effort You put into providing information about all possiblle benefits about fields using AI and your own super long descriptions, reasearch.

Its very helpfull.

To be honest You are one of people who inspired me to use AI wisely for Your own benefit.

Im planing to make some investments in the future to get best of AI and trust me i was resistent :wink:

Thank You. Keep on good work friend :muscle:


Thank You So Much for Such Amazing Compliments, Sammy.

I’m Amazed How You Could Compliment so Many of Us, but if someone can do that, it’s gotta be You.

Keep Being an Awesome Leader and Friend of This Community.
Your Advices, Insights and Knowledge is The Best.

@Dreamweaver Thank You for Everything You have Done and for Everything You Are Doing.
You Are The Reason this community Exists.

Also, I Have to Thank Someone, I have to Thank My Friend Who Sends Healing to My Mom and even to Me - You Are Awesome. Thank You.

All The Best to Everyone and May This Community/Everyone Get Healthier, Stronger, Wiser and More Enlightened. :pray:


Remember that I was one of the first to expose you when you were still going around incognito in here :smiley:





Some witches are disguised as princesses and here the princess is disguising as a witch lol


Oh Lanos you are sewwwkewwwt :purple_heart: