Let's compliment each other

Hey guys,

I have a long list of people whom I could compliment. Those people will typically know that already.

Instead I wanna compliment those people here on the forum or elsewhere, who are struggling day to day but still find the power in themselves to wake up every morning ready to face the world once again. It takes a lot of effort and willpower to fight the shadows every day and defy the obstacles, the challenges life throws at us. There’s a lot of courage and bravery in this. If you are one of these and are reading this, my utmost respect to you :pray:


That is So Beautiful!

You have a Beautiful Soul, My Friend (look, a compliment :grin:).

Indeed, it takes a lot of effort to continue the fight, and even more so for those who have to struggle most days of their life (mentally, emotionally, financially or health wise) - hats off to each soul who is continuing the journey, even through mud.


That’s so beutiful y said.
Not everbody is active,well known on the forum.
But it doesnt mean You all beutiful people are invisible.
Every single one desserve something nice to be said about them 🩷


This thread is so beautiful. I love everyone appreciating each other. This is perfect since Thanksgiving is tomorrow and it’s about giving thanks and gratitude. I don’t even know where to begin with everyone. First and foremost …

@Dreamweaver - you are truly one of a kind. :star2: :mage: i feel so blessed to have run across your path in this lifetime. your creations have truly saved me in more ways than one. my heart is full of gratitude.
@SammyG We all wouldn’t be here if you didn’t create this forum. you have been a true guide and i have appreciated your words of kindness and encouragement. you take your time and give such thoughtful answers that fit each situation. i’m grateful for your insights and loving presence in the forum. :purple_heart: :purple_heart:

There are so many people (3 years) to quote and give thanks to. i just want to say that i appreciate each and every one of you regardless of our interactions. The challenging conversations in the end helped unlock things within me to work on and grow. i feel blessed. This forum is a safer playground for all of us to experiment, get answers and guidance, and grow as healthier beings. This helps the overall world as well.

Awww… This is so sweet of you. I appreciate the compliment. Thank you, @anon73693188 ! :purple_heart: :purple_heart:

Aww… thanks Sam! That is so kind of you. It’s been an amazing journey in growth. Thank you for all your support! :purple_heart:


I would like to compliment @Danthemaan1
Thank You for being open about your weak points, anxiety and always looking for improvement and good advice.
You are such a strong and succesful man.
Smart,kind,wise .
Strong Man not being ashamed to ask for help is so wonderfull and inspiring( and sexy lol yes i said it :rofl:)
Your awatar speaks for itself.


My next compliment goes to @Alkul

Those of You who knows me better are aware of my love for cats.

You are an ultimate Cat of the forum.
Thank You for not always being nice :rofl:
That’s a compliment :wink:
Thank You for sharing your outstanding knowledge and being unpologetically yourself.
I learned a lot from You even when You scratch and bite sometimes.
You are wonderfull, helpfull.
Whenever You notice somebody is in
serious troubles You rush with helpfull and unique advice.
Glad to have You here :smiley_cat:


Since I was undercover, I now want to show some love.

I want to compliment @Alkul for being one of the realest people I have ever seen. He just tells it like it is. He seeked the truth, and now the truth seeks him. He keeps it mad gangster too. As above, so below. I also want to compliment how awesome your brain was even before fields. You were born with many abilities we’ve been cranking fields to obtain.

I want to compliment @Dr_Manhattan for being one of the realest I’ve ever seen as well, and I’m not referring to brain fields. Also wanted to compliment his ability to store so many facts. He has many layers of thought that he doesn’t post about. He could probably write like 10 books in a week if given 10 different topics. Also, I’d like to compliment you for standing on business. You keep it 100.

I want to compliment @anon72573121 for having easily the most loving heart I have ever seen in my LIFE. Never met someone so generous, that truly cares that much. PU, you raise the standard of “having a gold heart”. Also, I’d like to compliment you for the masterry of mathematics. If the world saw math the way you saw it, we’d all have anunnaki level technology lol.

I’d like to compliment @JAAJ for your passion. You’ve created so many threads that were so helpful. You come in, answering questions, making large posts, describing different realms, etc… You also have a really nice heart and it’s a pleasure to have met you brother. Even though we don’t necessarily have much to talk about, it’s always a vibe when we do.

I’d like to compliment @Psimindset for your durability. Bro you’ve been through a lot, yet you manage to smile and crack jokes. You help, even when you could use help. You laugh, even when things are not going optimally. I’d also like to compliment your loyalty, you never sway.

@Rorelo @Dyslexic_Professor I’d like to compliment your humor guys. You F-ers make me laugh every single day. Like I don’t understand how two people can be so funny. I’d also like to compliment your ability to keep showing up even when you don’t feel you are obtaining results. Both of you are figuring things out, as am I, but I know everything will go well with you all.

@Mr.Nobody I’d like to compliment you for your unlimited spiritual knowledge lol. I don’t think I’ve ever had a question you couldn’t answer, and that’s with hundreds of them. You are a real friend bro, it’s great to have met you. Hopefully everything goes as planned and you achieve your final goal.

Liamg, Mikoustic, Josh, and Beast (Can’t mention more than 10 accounts) my undercover dawgs lol. Love you guys. Hope life is going well and the brain gains suite you guys well. It’s been a hell of a ride man. All the crazy stories and vibes. We don’t talk as much as we used to but you guys are awesome. I want to compliment you guys for continuouing to elevate in our youthful ages. We’re just figuring out life guys. By the time we’re 25 we’ll be out of this f-ing world lol.

@Rosechalice It was a pleasure to meet you Rose. I’d like to compliment your dedication to the forum before even becoming a mod. You always showed love to new members and it didn’t go unnoticed. I’d like to compliment your attention to detail as well, you always go out of your way to edit our posts when my brain’s fried af or when you sent me the link to the webinar when I had just woke up.

Everybody else, sorry bro. I am tired lol, but I love all of you guys. If I didn’t mention you it doesn’t mean I have any less respect for any of you or any less love or anything like that fam. I’m just tired rn. I appreciate everyone who helped me along the way, and I hope you guys feel I’ve helped at least a centimeter in return. Thanks.


Average JOJO comment



A pleasure meeting you also :slight_smile:


@Jojo the pleasure is mine :slightly_smiling_face: :heart:


@igem Your subconcious picks up on things months in advance which is a really cool ability.

Not saying everything, but you’ve definitely tapped into energy months in advance whether you were aware consciously or not.

Nice intuition :slight_smile:.


Thank you for the compliment :slightly_smiling_face: Your journey is very inspiring. Success with all your endeavors!


Appreciate you brother! See you around soon!


@anon83343177 I wanted to give you a shout-out and compliment: I really appreciate all the time and effort you take in responding to questions about the recent releases. The amount of thought, care, and valuable information you put into all of your responses, when answering individual questions is truly next level!! :star2: Especially in the Deep Facial Remodelling and the new Inner Armour Shield threads!! Kudos to you, I appreciate you very much and thank you for all your contributions in the forum :heartpulse:

@Dreamweaver Thank you, Dream, for continuously choosing to walk a path in life that is for the most part untravelled, and paved with stones and challenges unknown to the rest of us. Despite encountering many obstacles, receiving unfair criticism and disbelief, you never stopped sharing your gifts with the world and continue to share with us your very magical, transformative and healing creations. Huge kudos to you, Captain!! It’s hard to pick out one thing to compliment you on, but I want to give you a compliment, especially on your shielding 3.0 creation! Last week, I was listening to Shielding 3.0 while I was loading groceries into the trunk of my car. Another car didn’t see me and hit me accidentally. I was super lucky and got out of this accident with only some scrapes and bruises. I strongly believe that the shielding protected me from any major harm. I very much appreciate you, Dream.


Oh wow. Siria! :heart_eyes:

Thank you so much for your words. They have truly elevated me. Siria, the fact that you noticed this and wanted to appreciate it that much does say so much about you! It says that you also have an eye for details, and a love and passion for learning more. I can put into my responses all the care and passion in the world but it is eyes like yours who truly make a difference in continuing to spread the care acrosss this place :heart:

Thank you so much Siria. I appreciate your words so much.

To you, too. :wine_glass: