Let's talk about meditation

Hi guys, I want to keep it as simple as possible. I know many of you meditate on a regular basis, and I wanted to talk about this simple but extremely important practice.
Do you meditate on a regular basis? What is meditation for you? What impacts does this habit have on your life and the people around you? How does meditating affect your relationship with fields? Do you meditate while listening to the fields or in a separate setting?

Share everything you can possibly think about: insights, useful tips, experiences, lessons you’ve learned along the way. I’m sure a lot of people here, me included, will find it useful.


I meditate fairly often when I am listening to fields. Generally I am in a relaxed state and seeking insights. I also enjoy guided meditations, especially the ones that take you into your inner temple for a closer connection to your divine nature and the it’s universal source. Those I do seperately, usually before bedtime. I also use subs for releasing old trauma or repressed emotions. I learn a lot from my dreams.


That is a massive can of worms! Let’s just do some pedigree info and then we’ll see what questions come up?

I meditate daily, sometimes twice, usually in the morning. I started about 22 years ago, first in active focus, quickly into thought observation and shortly after into zen. Since then I’ve tried pretty much every meditation style and mindfulness practice I hear of, test them out, identify the modality and effect, and then catalog it as a tool.

Meditation is a very broad bucket of activities in the much larger bucket of mindfulness practice.

The range is massive. Eyes closed or open. Sitting, standing, laying. Quiet, chanting, the list goes on. There’s no wrong way to meditate as long as you’re heading towards your goal, however they all dance towards the characteristics of…

Mental awareness, discipline, focus, strength, clarity, control,
Thought observation, control, direction, release,
Bodily awareness, understanding, sense, activation,
Energetic refinement, clearing, focus, power, use, direction,

And more. Essentially using the mind as a tool for internal-self mastery.

We teach a few modalities but have settled on a combination of meditation (sitting, eyes closed, quiet) combined with mindfulness practice (a few types, one of which is walking). Thus far has created the most drastic progress in student. Man, some of them are getting to capacity and insight that took me years in only a single weekend!

For myself, I have a much more refined access and use of my aetheric form and subtle bodies. Emotions are more regular, mind is more calm. That all releases any tightness in my heart and throat which in turn enhances my relationships. If I skip it for even a week I notice changes, granted I’ve reset my baseline at this point to where many things I do daily become mindfulness state activities. Chop wood, carry water is a literal state you can access here.

I have combined meditation with fields a bit, my own and Dreamweaver’s. But for the most part I love the non dual and expanded causal awareness states and prefer minimal interference.


Well I’d say that if anyone is feeling stuck, it isn’t that you can’t do it or it doesn’t work. Just need to troubleshoot your road into the practice!


What are some of your favorite guided meditations? I recently did the Actualized.org one and it’s fantastic

Wow, that is a long time. What are the most important things you learned in this journey that could speed things up for beginners?

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I agree! I love sitting in silence with just my thoughts. Do you find meditation to be a useful tool to boost the results you get from the fields?

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With my own fields yes, definitely. I’ve only recently put active attention in it with Dreamweaver’s fields but so far the one I’m getting acquainted with is definitely working a lot better having given it a few rounds of attention.

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The main thing is to not get stuck on a particular modality. Don’t necessarily give up if you don’t get instant results, but don’t beat your head against the wall trying to master one particular form at first. Find a Meditation or mindfulness practice that you can get into and run with it for a few weeks. Then assess. There are many ways, your way may not be this one.

And to that effect, blend modalities into sets.

20min sitting Zen meditation immediately transitioning into 20 minutes standing eye open breathing transition into 20 min body scan eyes closed sitting (for example) will get you a LOT further than 60 minutes of one thing.

10, 10, 10 is better than 30 of any one thing at first.

Maintain the state of presence and mindfulness through the transition. Open your eyes mindfully. Stand with presence. Settle into your stance with presence. Go as slow as you in have to.

You are developing strength in the practice and discipline, but this does not require suffering. Where suffering is needed it will arise without you adding more. You will get to 20, then 30, then 60min of whatever you choose but at first, combine into sets.


I read this article by Sammy and tried to visualize, to really feel something in my mind like he said and it’s very hard! It’s probably because I’m not an experienced meditator yet, but damn it was really humbling. Could be an absolute game changer.


Thanks for your insights!

The one I like the most for development of intuition is this one from Nicky Sutton.


Definitely worth the time and attention. Internal mental capacity in imagination, visualization, navigation, etc is very effective for a number of applications in life as well as in field work and magic.


The only meditation (IF it is meditation) that I know is Trataka/Flame/Candle Meditation, although maybe concentrating on the Chakras and doing mantras and other exercises might be considered meditation too.

Is there a definition of meditation?
Emptying your mind?
Breathing exercises?
Focusing on a point/flame/object (eyes opened or closed - mental image)?
All of the Above and other stuff?

I don’t think there is an exact definition, but the way I see it is like becoming one with reality. Being grounded and in the present moment. It’s not a particular state you reach: you are already there all the time without realizing it because of the way your mind works. This is obviously easier said than done and it requires a lot of practice everyday


To me, it’s more of a letting go than it is trying to make something happen. Existing entirely in the moment like a small child. Free of ego and with a sense of oneness. A beautiful sense of life all around you.