Let's talk about NFTs & set some ground rules

I proposed Hearth Heater, Pure Influence, and Career Mentor and contributed a lot to the resulting field.



whats the project/s you have a problem with i mean


I would just like to chime in specifically to let you know that your projects are one of the rarest, and highly demanded on the market. Simply for the concrete effect and ideas they provide. Your projects are one of the most essential yet with a unique energetic print of the ideas, that I’m yet to see in any project.

In fact when I was writing my post and the part about some of the merits of public groups I had yours in mind-- They win a trophy for the least amount of drama ever presented In a project.

I’m just letting you know of this so you can have a chance of seeing how it is like on one of the sides.


All that I proposed. I keep the groups open until the direct message thread fills up and then allow as many copies as possible.

When you lead groups like that a lot of people are just there to scalp, or just wander in and out, taking spaces others could have had.


That’s understandable, but I’ve changed my mind on the way I want to do things going forward. I’ve definitely done more than my fair share for the community, so if I want to go private now, that’s within my right.


I loved the ideas.

Lots of fruitful things can come of it.
The idea is posted in a public place, nft related or not.
It gets the gears turning in minds.


Thanks @El_Capitan_Nemo, that means a lot.

One of the ways I would be incentivized to do this is if others volunteered to handle other parts of the projects.

I solely want to be responsible for ideas. Formatting, drama, everything else, I want no part of. If groups like that can form I’d feel more motivated to continue.


I’m not asking you not to, I stated my intent at the end is to let you know of one of the sides.

You will have to know it’s easier to get the 13th Skull than Hearth Heater now.

This is all I’m saying.


ye It adds a whole lot of power to it

just by presence of others, even if someone doesn’t say a word.
probably intends it uncosciously or smth,


Yeah like a mini collective consciousness


I really believe that all the created NFT influence the whole shared human conciousness. And am grateful that such energies are included among us one way or the other (in form of NFTs or all else created)


from where ideas are then born to life


sadly feels the same lately

im preparing a project now if you want in you welcome to pm me

also every bigger NFT has a very laarge descriptions (look up Blueprint of love)…if somebody has the will and patience he can use the normal fields to achieve/heal very many things only looking from the ideas of the field itself…of course i am dreamy of having that particular field but alas…


Your PMs are private mate :grin:

PM me, lets discuss


and i read the whole 100 plus posts here and dont understand what is going on…what where is the problem? what should change? what is desired…what is wrong…no clue.

Perhaps it’s simply a matter of perspective?

I remember at the beginning of NFTs when the first few ones were released and then the link was posted, oftentimes I hadn’t even seen the link and everything was sold out in nanoseconds. Of course one would feel unfair.

But from there countless beautiful creations were developed and realized. And eventually my mindset shifted from blaming this system to understanding and appreciation all the beautiful stuff that was made.

I think people simply prefer to complain because it’s an easier role to be in than taking personal responsibility. It could be that I’m just naively overoptimistic, but I simply prefer to look at the benefits of any situation.

That said, there’s no clear solution to this situation it seems, simply a matter of differing opinions. So my wish is this discussion does indeed generate good ideas to be implemented that can benefit the most


That is the nature of NFTs, these NFTs or others out there thta have nothing to do with this forum.


Why does the black market affect you so heavy when you can protect your audios? @SammyG @El_Capitan_Nemo
Black market people will sooner or later realise that their product doesnt work…

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I understand your frustration, I really do. I went and formed my own groups for the same reasons you’re expressing. However, you have to ask yourself “who am I really mad at”? You were the leader, it was all under your control the whole time. But you didn’t realize that then. So now that you know better, you’ll do better.

But now that you’re solely an ideas man, don’t think you’ll now get to cherry pick the parts you like. They’re all part and parcel of the whole “vision” (aka, leadership) thing. You have to remain in all of that in order to insure that your project gets put out into the world consistent with your vision. That means you can’t just say, “here’s my idea, you guys do the rest” and then admire the worker bees from your eagle’s perch.

And really, “contribution” is such a subjective thing. When you have a group of 40+ people how does one quantify “meaningful participation”?