Libido and attractiveness for women

I used soul restoration core / negentropic Jing weeks ago it seems it has put my libido perfectly balanced since then I don’t use them anymore. care with Jing, if you overuse it you feel horny…


it does make people staring more at you but don’t see the point if you’r not good with yourself ? personally I wasn’t so comfortable because I knew I had work to do internally weither I’m being looked at or not. so you should focus on self love. and self love attract people a loot


I always read this, I really don’t feel it/anything adverse and I use negentropic Jing a lot :sweat_smile:
I think it’s individual maybe.

@Eli I’m sorry that I don’t know but I don’t remember you saying it, are you also a woman?


Jing is basically life force. Depends on your age cuz different ages has different amounts. The younger you are the more you have in general. It’s dependent on your current state if you will feel that or not.


I think I’ll add jing to my playlist and will see how it works :slightly_smiling_face: Thank You all for great recommendations

I don’t think you’re really looking for higher libido @Olivqa22. What you want is a higher sexual energy.

I don’t know which audio gets you that.

In my experience, higher sexual energy makes you attractive, gets you attention and lots and lots of offers. People do things for you.

It’s different from regular charisma where people see your glow and friendly and open towards you, sexual energy make them feel good around you…from men and women.

Because activating sexual energy makes you feel so good, you make others feel good. You naturally become confident. As long as you don’t have any blockages there, you could look like you have a crazy hair day or 60 years old and still attract people like bees to honey.

If sexual energy is more of what you’re looking for, you want to increase your Root Chakra (safely of course). And then tap into sexual energy. PM me on how to do that. It’s not an audio, it’s an exercise you actively do for like 5-20min.


as for sexual energy the audios would probably be :
root and sacral chakra field
Soul restoration core
Negentropic Jing


Awesome! There’s a difference between having sexual energy and projecting sexual energy to our aura.
Which audio do you recommend for the projection part?

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Wow, you’re right ! Thank you :blush:

Very interesting. I would love to learn more about this. If you find the time, could you please elaborate on this a little bit more please? Thanks in advance.

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my interpretation is that if you’re just sitting there while sexual energy is building in your lower dantien and lower chakras, you’re not doing anything useful with it. It will just make you horny. So you have to release/transmute that energy through things like fitness, meditation, or creative/artistic exercises like writing

Can attest to this.
Since I started a few years back having more sexual energy, things started to happen. Which I wasn’t even thinking about, promotions, people popping in and sharing their lives with me… I wouldn’t even need to ask much. In fact, I had to be quite selective with whom I let in my life. Lol.

The Charisma part is also spot on. When you’re charismatic people can interact with you just fine, they “tolerate” you in any way whatsoever. However, when you project sexual energy they want to be besides you.

Although I’m not the original poster, let me give you a thought :
A while ago I asked Dream about the Knight Field, if it had something for the aura, because something weird was happening :
Some colleagues and friends seemed to gravitate towards me at university. Girls would touch me when talking, they would be around for longer periods even if not doing anything interesting, and really seemed to enjoy my company.
I have the Negentropic Jing and Soul Series, and as soon Dream confirmed, bought the Knight.

Now, when suddenly the Aura was being more projected, and the sexual energy directed outwards, that’s when things got weird. It couldn’t be due to high testosterone alone or high sexual energy. Because people would be saying “you make me feel good”, “I feel too good around you”, “I’m sleeping better and I think it is because of your company”.
This baffled me for a while…

Then I added one and another, and what happened was that I had my aura (shield) up, and that was the reason for people’s safety.


Sure thing, @JAAJ.

You can feel sexual energy. You can be horny. But that’s all on the inside.
You’re still repressed. Or blocked. And no one can tell.

Projecting sexual energy is moving the feeling you have outside to your aura field (the egg shape thingy around your body) so others can witness it.

Like @anon44876465 said, even if you have a lot of sexual energy, if you don’t do anything, it will build up inside you until your body want release. Then you release it and then go back to baseline.

If you are not doing anything useful with sexual energy it will just make you too horny and then you misalign your chakras and go out of control. You’ll get sick. Like an overfilled water against a dam, too much sexual energy in ONE AREA and it will explode (not literally).

With that said, if you are building up sexual energy you don’t necessarily want to release it or transmute the energy. Otherwise you go back to what you were before.

You want to circulate it through your body. You want to project it. You want to use it and BE COMFORTABLE with it. Sometimes I’m not always comfortable with it but that is the practice.


Really great explanation @Dentyuns.

What practices or audios do you think can help us circulate this energy through our body?

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To circulate, probably “Automated Micro Cosmic Orbit”.

But that is only one cycle…which helps if all you need is to not get root chakra congested.

You ideally want to have some control of how you circulate it because the audio doesn’t allow you to move the energy to your legs or face or eyes.


Thank you very much for your explanations.

Which field or active practice would your recommend to achieve thise?
Just visualize and guide the energy from the inside into the aura?
If I do so, how long will it stay there?

I’m not sure if there’s a field for it yet.
You can msg me for the practice.

Through my method, you directly control the energy without needing visualization. Though at first, we do use visualization.

When you project it, it will probably take some hours to wear off. For me, 4-6 hours.

The secret is as you walk about your life, you want to “seek out” and enjoy interacting with other people’s sexual energy. This feedback feeds into you and keep it constant, so the effect keeps continuing without wearing off.

(Seeking out does not mean be needy. It’s like walking through a party of people and preferring…and putting the intention to engage people who shows interest in you, flirt with you, talk with you and engage people who you find attractive.)


Hi Bro @RisingKundaFest.
Back then How did you line up your playlist and how many times did you play each field to fully maximise the prolongs and efficacy of utilising the sexual energy for Life-Force ,Physical Health benefits, and projection for attraction/abundance?

I’ve also got Blueprint of Life , Abundance mindset , Acu-automation and Ojas marrowed as well as fields like Knight mindset, Soul Core Restoration, and Negenthropic Jing which you’ve mentioned with your experiences above . How would you set the fields in accordance ?
Appreciate your insights :slight_smile:, thanks :pray:t5:

SZ had a sexual attraction audio that built up the sexual energy in your body as an attractive force. That may be of interest.

“It will charge your aura with powerful sexual magnetism, and a desirability you, yourself have never known before.”


Can I get the link to negentropic jing?