Light and Vibrational Guidance

Curious but can anyone share some transformative experiences with this audio? Any encounters with Bodhisattvas? :slight_smile:


I’ve just got this (thank you again, YouKnowWho!) and I had every intention of trying something new (for me) that I had seen recommended for new fields by some of our more experienced forum friends: putting aside my usual fields (Goodbye, 7-hour “morning” stack; see you in a bit) and looping this for the next day and night. (Normally, I get a bunch of fields altogether and then I have Christmas Morning Syndrome, wanting to play with all my new toys, fields and tags all at once. :laughing:)

This field isn’t having any of that, from me. I’ve been listening to a lot of fields (that 7-hour “Morning” Stack is only one of my stacks :laughing: ) but this field is different to me. The slow, deliberate quality of the music of this field forces me to stop everything else I am doing and FOCUS (which hasn’t been my strongest skill). In fact, it felt to me like this field was insisting that I focus on the spaces between the notes, another novel experience for me.

Needless to say, I’ve scheduled some time later where I will sit myself down and FOCUS on this field in the way that I’m sensing it wants from me.

Even though I was a little haphazard with that first go with this field today, I could feel it was having an effect on me. (I can’t describe yet precisely what that effect was.) This too was different for me as I normally spend (a good amount of) time before I can feel a field’s effect on me. Nope, this one is getting right to work. It must be “perfect” timing for me.


Funny i keep reading things like this about VoT

And to me VoT is actually my best mood changer. It crushes instantly any fear or negativity, anxiety or stress i may have small or big. Like instantly and i feel after only 2 loops as if i am sleeping on clouds or skipping margaritas lol and the effect is long lasting.

(Sorry out of topic for a bit but since ppl is asking whats the difference lol delete if needed)



Agreed. It’s easy on the ego and uplifting.


This really is the one field to rule them all.

TPTB presented this field to me as a better option than my near literal Death Star field request. So far it has exceeded all my expectations. This is an early report.

When I play the field after work (about 3 sessions) in a row. I’ll feel a sort of bilateral gentle pulling, a good sort of tearing or loosening, that runs from the top of the head down to the base of the spine. Initially it started at the top of the head. Now it starts at the top of the head and below the belly button, with both ends working towards the middle. Then the legs, with the arms not much delayed, have a nice electric feeling. The relaxation is very deep. Other things I’ve noted about these sessions. Sometimes there will be a sudden moment of physical relaxation, but there are other moments that feel as if a “file” has been “decrypted” in my brain. This feeling is different from a “Eureka” moment, as it’s not evident what has been unlocked and it doesn’t have the same excited feeling of discovery.

Sleeping can be challenging for me, but this field sends me to The Land of Nod quickly. (I wouldn’t suggest looping during sleep, as I noticed a bit of jaw tension when I did.) Dreams are vivid and often instructional. In one dream, I was on a train to Brussels departing out of the American Midwest talking to an actor. In another dream a comedian was taking apart a joke with an exploded diagram (I’m not in he performing arts, BTW.)

During the daytime, I would say the biggest change that I’ve noticed is an extra moment that allows me to redefine situations. That distracted driver who forced a quick reaction on my part is now just a part of driving, not someone a meriting a moment of particular scorn. It’s not so much that the field dampens the reactive mind—there’s just less of it to dampen. The solutions of letting things go or just choosing not to see ambiguous situations in the least favorable light have always been in place for me, but they just usually arrive 5-10 minutes too late. With this field, I realized that those solutions were always immediately there, the ego was just blocking them. I think a similar thing is going on with the brain “decryption” noted above.

Final note. The vibratory aspect is like a tuning fork, with a very long fade out, especially in the forehead. My sense is that this vibration makes it hard for energy clutter to stick to me, while other Sapien Medicine Fields seem to find their slot more easily.

As this my interaction with this field reveals more, I will update on this thread.


I’ve been using this field on loop for an hour while I go to sleep, does the trick for sure. I also use it after work to “reset” me, put me in a better state of mind.


Can someone explain why I get angry while listening to this or get into bad mood despite having very high level vibration? Didn’t feel like this at the start

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I can’t say for you but, for me. I used my own reactions to this field to double-check if my vibration was actually as high as I thought it was.

Turns out on subjects, I had stuff I still needed/wanted to clear.


I was experiencing the same when the Vibration series was released.

On my side it was Ego fighting back, as well as the heart opening (releasing the suppressed anger).

Those release aren’t confortable, but worth it :crossed_fingers:


Yah but I’ve been using transcendent, creation, and divine love for very long time along with soul restoration and chakra audios for years didn’t have these back then. It’s not just any release or something. This feeling is completely new and unique than any surpassed stuff. But I don’t think it’s just that there’s definitely lot more into it. My own judgement and senses gets clouded when it happens so not quite sure what it is yet. I use VOT daily but even that one never gave me this type of feeling in fact I’m very comfortable with VOT. People Kay think this audio is all sunshine and flower but that’s not it. You may face very unexpected stuff later on. It’s like it gives you a tight slap in face when you think “you’re all good” as if it says “aww how sweet not so fast you ain’t going anywhere” lol I’ve been using it since it came out but recently getting these vibes. But hard to explain but I’m sure most people will feel it sooner or later or at least that’s my experience


I’ve been listening to this field a lot lately and I had a similar experience yesterday.
I really felt like shit triggered by something small. I used to feel like that a lot (though I haven’t at all for a couple of months - the things we take for granted…), but now I could read it better now and recognised which subconscious beliefs got “triggered” and even observed where my mind goes automatically as a mechanism to handle it.

I took it as guidance basically - to show me that I need to go back to those beliefs, as they’re not fully integrated, there is more work required.
Also I kind of reminded myself… “well you have had all these experiences and you know very well that it’s just illusion, why the f do you get so upset about this when it doesn’t matter at all?”

It can also be what Boris wrote, there will be more release even years and years from now, until everything is released, perhaps not in this lifetime.


Prob just release man, happens from time to time, this one seems much stronger, use internal alchemical crucible if you want to get rid of those feelings fast


Yah I also use ego and crucible lol try using crucible after light vibration guidence also use unconditional love audio with these that one is overlooked very often
However it’s not just release or anything it’s also more like realization. It makes you accept things that you deny subconsciously due to various reasons. But the process feels bit forceful tho
Essence of mantra and other mantra audios helps big time with this audio


Are you still looping it like 8 hours a day?


Just so I’m understanding you here, you’re looking this about an average of 14 hours a day the last few days?




So you cut the vibe series ?

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Wow, that’s like an Ascension marathon. You go, man!

(Thanks for replying.)