Light and Vibrational Guidance

@SammyG @Captain_Nemo @Maoshan_Wanderer


So if I’m following what I should be about this field to adequately understand…

Dream might rainbow body if he listens to this enough?

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Very well said you wise ol’ sage you. I always learn lots from you and am grateful when you drop knowledge like this :slight_smile:


The question really doesn’t get answered too often… why enlightenment? What comes after? After all… we are living in this world where we have to eat and do things to survive… to then just let go of all desires… what comes after that? Just bliss and contentment for the moment? Where is the future in that?

I’ll attempt to expand on what it all could be but understand, that this is only my limited perspective of it. You all may likely interpret it differently.

Way I see it, Enlightenment is not the destination. It is part of the journey. The part of the journey where you take control of the vehicle rather than just sitting in the passengers seat. We are all in the passengers seat.

Let’s explore why we are.

Throughout our lives, we’re being driven by the desires we’ve developed over a lifetime. What we want/what we don’t want. And so, we’re pulled into moving in specific directions, in accordance to what we come to label things (good, bad, right, wrong, ugly, beautiful, what I can, can’t do). What we limit ourselves to, we surrender our will too. We aren’t in control.

Having control means to be able to make any choice at any moment, and with such clarity, make the right choices that lead to the most fulfilment. But growing up, we weren’t allowed much choice if at all. Did we choose our parents? Our environment? All the information fed to us by the world? No. The world chose for us and structured our reality in a certain manner. We were even told what to believe at a young age so the ‘how’ of our reality was also structured. How we process/interpret experiences. So the me in the present moment… chooses how to react, how to think, how to be, depending on how the past has defined me.

Did we take any part in defining ourselves? Well, what we desire and how we desire is different. We’ve all a different spark that draws us into the world.

Whether it be wanting hummus on everything, wanting to know how trees grow, wanting to be a fireman, wanting to hear more hip hop… wanting to keep my thoughts to myself (introvert), wanting to share everything and be heard (extrovert). We choose what we want and if we find comfort in it… we want more of it until it becomes a natural pattern. They become our comfort zones from which our personalities come to life. (Many such desires are instilled through imprinting in our developmental stages; parents/environment.)

This also goes for things that hurt us and take us out of our comfort zone. They become things we don’t want and create resistance to. And through repeatedly choosing what we want/don’t want, we come to believe discomforting things are bad and the things we are comfortable with are good. These become beliefs that structure the way we are. Then there are the beliefs passed down from our parents/environment or learned from experiences that structure the way the world ‘is.’

We repeat all these beliefs enough until they become patterns that forge into one shape moving in predictable directions for the rest of our lives. The ego.

The ego should be a memory base that helps us navigate the world. But it becomes a personality that navigates the world for you. Your past information processing your present reality… choosing the present for you.

You become locked into the bounds the ego creates for you. What you want/don’t want, believe/don’t believe, accept/reject. Clashing within because one can’t exist without the other yet you reject the other. So this creates walls that separate things. And so you experience these things as separate. Not realizing it’s all one. The bad and the good. They complete each other. There is nothing to reject. Nothing to accept. There just is.

And so through detaching all that you believed of the world and yourself, you awaken and experience enlightenment…

And you see the world for what it is. The now. It doesn’t have a name. It isn’t good. It isn’t bad. There is nothing to judge. These names, judgements of what things are and aren’t, are prejudices made up by the mind. Literally made up. So no longer, are you seeing what you think you see. You just see. And in just seeing, you connect to the essence of things and gain a deeper understanding of the world around you.

There is no separation between you and the world. For it is of the same essence, from which you spring to existence. Your body is the world and your mind is inhabiting it. Literally, your body is as much a part of the environment as a stem is part of a tree. And your consciousness inhabits the whole tree but is just focused onto this one stem. This is you.

Aware that you are part of the universe. Aware that you are eternally aware. Aware that this body is but a carrier of experience. And so you are detached from your memories and the world; for you know there is nothing to hold on to. In being detached, you are more able to take this experience in; in the same way you experience movies for all their horror, thrills, joys and tears.

The journey is yours. The past of your journey no longer dictates your present and you can see the endless possibilities that lie in front of you in the now. And you’ll know which possibilities would be best for you. See what is right for you and that would lead to the most wholeness and growth; for the view isn’t blocked by all your past prejudices of what is and isn’t or what can and can’t be. With the mind open to any possibility, the will is unobstructed and can go in any direction you seek.

For in enlightenment, there is abundance. Desire implies not having. In not desiring, you know within that you have all that you could want. So attaining anything you seek is as simple as shifting your mind in that direction. All that you want is within your space; in your reach. There are no boundaries. You are whole. Wholeness is awareness and awareness is wholenesss.

A wholeness accompanied by bliss. We all experience the bliss differently but its essence is still the same. Oneness and unconditional love swirling within you like a spiral of energy that you’d be enveloped in. In love with the world and it in love with you. Illumination within and without. Enlightenment.

These words are but a beautiful simplification of it all. 1 possibility in what tends to be a subjective experience for any who enter this state of mind. As dream told me, there are many different forms of enlightenment and all would still be very unique to the individual. That being said, some things I wrote tend to be some common experiences in those who have been enlightened. And such people can tell you what enlightenment is more than likely not.

It tends to not be a state of being from which you will want to achieve your ego’s desires. Such goals are tethers to the world. They attach you to an outcome instead of being in acceptance to any.

If you are in alignment with the all, you tend to will for the all. The betterment of everything and not just the body you are latched on to. For in being selfless, you are the world. So in illuminating the world, you illuminate yourself within.

I understand that most people would brush off enlightenment because it doesn’t seem to be a state of being from which you can achieve life goals. But remember this always… Journey before destination.

The journey to enlightenment may likely clear away all the roadblocks that limit you from living the life you want to live. The perception gained from the journey may likely leave you more able to handle life at its worst and prolong it at its best. It can get you to a place within yourself that you feel whole with who you are and capable of achieving anything… and in being so, be better equipped to be the person you want to be.

You don’t have to reach enlightenment. On the pathway there, you will get to a place where you are happy with who you are. And from there, you will finally have choice. You can choose to go for the things you’ve always truly wanted. Or you can choose to stop playing this game and enter the next stage of beingness… and let go of everything and not require anything to be whole. All in all, you’ll have choice rather than be constricted to the many current boundaries of your ego.

Thanks for reading if you took the time. I know I went on a bit of a tangent but I think sharing insights I get during meditations might be useful to one or two of you someday.

This audio can help you reach the pure land vibration by consciously guiding your dissolution of ego. It will work with you. Speak to yourself during meditation and you may catch on to the guidance in answers. Also, this audio doesn’t make other ascension fields obsolete either. They all can help you reach higher states of consciousness. They are all just varying degrees of getting you there.


You are welcome :wink:


I’ve never read an ebook lile this so fast, haha.

And yeah in the journey to enlightenment I can see that you can become at peace with yourself. Accept yourself completely. So worldly pursuits lile making money, getting women, etc. wouldn’t seem like a big deal. You’ll just achive any goal you have coz nothing will be above you.

Instead of self improvement, spirituality really feels like a self destructive process. Where we are destroying the illusions of the limiting beliefs, traumas created when you were young. And becoming our true unfiltered self.


It’s interesting that you share this insight (thanks) today. I remember I was walking home from work today and get an insight as well. As I was walking I looked at a group of little birds on the floor in a grass field near me… I said hello to them in my mind, and at the same time felt the wind and air around me. The birds were jumping and lifted the floor in a happy way… in that moment I observed the present moment. And… noticed me and them were the same. We all are made of the same. We are the present. With all that is “inside” it at a given moment.

Anyways, lol I don’t know if this makes sense.


Beautifully put. That’s something a lot of people don’t understand. They think enlightenment is becoming an ascetic. But, really one can transcend dualistic perception, have an all encompassing understanding of phenomena, and still achieve worldly goals in a conscious way that is in line with your Higher Self’s longing for you. This is the lessons in the life story of the Buddha Shakyamuni. He went from a rich prince to an extreme ascetic, surviving on one grain of rice a day, til he discovered the middle way of balance is the key.


Exactly. This is my experience. Before I cared at all about enlightenment I was too lazy to hold down a job consistently, was a selfish drug addict, and generally had no direction. Ever since I’ve been on the path, now I’m a Paramedic with the same job for almost 3 years. I feel like I can achieve anything I want to, I try to be of service to others every opportunity I get, or atleast do no harm. My mind and heart aren’t scattered. I know what I want out of life.

Life is an equation: 50% spiritual, 50% material. Well, an ideal life IMO.


Thanks @SammyG for writing this :slight_smile: My current journey for sure. It adds to another piece that has been shifting and merging for a while for me… that being my resistance to fully letting go into awakening. I’ve realized that my “self” has been pretty fractured along the way, and the self doesn’t want to let go because itself hasn’t felt integrated and whole, healed, and another huge surrender beyond that into dissolution is too much right now. Allows me to have some compassion and Learning to enjoy the layers and stages as they lead to a more integrated me, despite the ruptures. I’m feeling it’s a necessary step. And as you mention, maybe the fully expanded state isn’t necessarily the outcome, or what’s best this go around… who knows, but I’ll keep diving deep



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:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:



Anyone who would like to share recent experiences with that beauty?

Being guided myself to it regularly with BoL, those two together always brings me back into the finest re-alignment.


Some of you have the ability to describe your feelings quite beautifully and extensively…
In this case, it’s hard for me to do that.
There are too many emotions, sensations, and changes in reality in a short period of time.
it is also difficult to single out just this field from all the cool arsenal of our Captain that has emerged in recent months.
according to my subjective feelings - for me personally, this field has served as a powerful motivator in one direction.
It does not allow you to relax, and does not allow you to sit still. It pulls you out of stagnation and pushes you powerfully towards knowledge.
This field has brought me into an area of knowledge that I have long (several years) been leaving “for later”.
The array of information that comes from various sources is enormous, but it does not frighten, but inspires.
For the first time in a long time I have received a huge positive resonance in one area of knowledge, which I want to study, and in which I would like to develop…
(perhaps this effect is caused by the totality of some new fields)


I listen to this every day. Feel the guidance in many ways… especially to different spiritual teachings. Both digging deeper in ” lost” practices and interests that blueprint realigned me with, but also some new stuff that perfectly fits my spiritual puzzle.

In fact just now I watched a show on Gaia channel where they talked about purity. Always felt this is a life theme for me but had difficulty in explaining what I mean with it. Closest explanation would be being true to oneself. Knowing who one is suppose to be in one’s incarnation. NOT about being a saint… In this show they defined purity as being able to see the intent behind things, hear what’s not being said, see the pattern before the form manifests.
It was such a relief and joy to hear someone else say these words just now, as I’ve been pondering this lately. A clear guidance and confirmation.

That kind of stuff.

Love this field. Love blueprint. :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes, exactly!:+1:t2:


I don’t know what’s going on, but that’s exactly what I meant…
and the interesting thing is that you wrote your post in parallel with mine, and sent it a few seconds after mine :)


Exactly, with powerful experiences to adjust our direction.

Also got surprised by it. I’ve been led back strongly to simple practices such as breathing techniques, and put aside more “advanced” spiritual teaching.

Like “nope you’re just being cocky and this is slowing you down” :grin:

Same experience as well :grin::grin:

Observing the intent behind every action and figuring out that the intent is actually more important than the action itself.

Is it based on love/joy/reason? Or pride/desire/fear/insecurities?

Then, if an insecurity comes up often, can I have as much compassion for myself that I would have for “others”?

Those two simple integrations have accelerated my evolution and the one I’m encountering so much.

Thanks to your two for sharing :pray:


I just realized something while being sent back to Vibration of Creation.

Is this audio doing the same as the vibration series? (clearing, growing the chakras, etc.)

With the cherry on top of having the direct connection with higher being for guidance.

Edit: not so sure though because when I listened to the two, the feeling is definitely not the same.


Imo no, to me they feel veeeeeery different, not similar at all. The end goal is similar I guess but very different approaches.