Same experience as @anon37166570 below.
I would be gladly corrected, but I am feeling that when we deal with Source directly or such high-vibrational beings, this is often occurring through strong intuitions, synchronicities and experience packets.
Often, when I have met some beings channeling or hearing voices, it was with astral beings (collective unconscious as Captain calls it). Though, I’d love to be wrong.
Feedback & report about this:
I can confirm you they are here to help us to integrate the Truth at the deepest level, but also to bring us balance and wisdom.
I have been looping this field (this was stupid already as for all powerful fields) and went through one of the deepest re-alignement…
This was all over my face for the last months. I have been evolving for too long with a strong & wrong intent: transcending that human condition and escaping that reality… (Ego-alert bip bip)
After the initial Joy of the felt level-up (1st day), I went gradually into a short but intense dark night of the soul (2nd & 3rd day).
Now at the 4th day: the integration that we are here to be human and have fun being it…
Spiritual beings indeed, but we chose to come here for a reason.
(Why pick that difficult place if we were just to have cool spiritual experiences?)
Once you embrace it fully, while doing the work (cf. getting rid of fear, belief, ego), I have been reminded that everything is opening up, and now I have to prove it myself.
Hope my feedback helps and removes nothing of the magnificence of this field, this is a definite buy and an infinite gratitude towards Dream’s work