Light and Vibrational Guidance

Same experience as @anon37166570 below.
I would be gladly corrected, but I am feeling that when we deal with Source directly or such high-vibrational beings, this is often occurring through strong intuitions, synchronicities and experience packets.

Often, when I have met some beings channeling or hearing voices, it was with astral beings (collective unconscious as Captain calls it). Though, I’d love to be wrong.

Feedback & report about this:

I can confirm you they are here to help us to integrate the Truth at the deepest level, but also to bring us balance and wisdom.

I have been looping this field (this was stupid already as for all powerful fields) and went through one of the deepest re-alignement…

This was all over my face for the last months. I have been evolving for too long with a strong & wrong intent: transcending that human condition and escaping that reality… (Ego-alert bip bip)

After the initial Joy of the felt level-up (1st day), I went gradually into a short but intense dark night of the soul (2nd & 3rd day).

Now at the 4th day: the integration that we are here to be human and have fun being it…
Spiritual beings indeed, but we chose to come here for a reason.
(Why pick that difficult place if we were just to have cool spiritual experiences?)

Once you embrace it fully, while doing the work (cf. getting rid of fear, belief, ego), I have been reminded that everything is opening up, and now I have to prove it myself.


Hope my feedback helps and removes nothing of the magnificence of this field, this is a definite buy and an infinite gratitude towards Dream’s work :pray:


You will be able to understand the communication you get. It becomes very obvious.


Well… Am I the only one who doesn’t seem to “get” this field?
I mean it’s nice of course, but I haven’t noticed any “messages” etc., it’s nice but it doesn’t seem to bring up any sort of strong response.
I meditate to it, usually I listen after satori - before I only felt like listening to blueprint in that state, no other fields, I’ve added this one.

I know that probably I just need to give it some more time, just wanted to say this as I’m reading all these great reviews :sweat_smile:
Come to think of it maybe it’s because I listen after satori, I’ll add it to my morning stack as well.


Ah, give yourself some slack!
It’s been 4 days since released…:smile:

I myself have been pondering some heavy stuff lately, and really, really needed to see things from a higher /wider perspective. So maybe my need for spiritual guidance in those matters helped.

Also, I skipped my usual nightly playlist for one night and looped this instead.
Woke up several times during the night but kept returning to the same dream that continued all night.

I think I often receive guidance easier when sleeping. Even if I don’t remember right away in the morning, it usually emerges as the day pass.


+1 :grin::grin::grin:

Man, perhaps you can try releasing resistances regarding this field.

My experience so far is it’s not about “messages” but about inner guidance: doing the right thing during the day, meeting the right people, being in the right state (peace), making the right decisions, etc.

I am actually guided towards leaving most fields aside for now as well. Doing less for more focus.


Side note: one day I’ll finally figure out how some of you folks can sleep with fields on.
Especially those high vibrational ones, more than 3-5 loops and my nervous system is burnt :rofl:


Grow/expand your energy body. You’ll be able to handle much more.


Thanks for the tips Man, indeed I have read a few comment about that from Maoshan.

Are the exercises from the energy awakening course doing it? I was feeling to get back to those.


A strong intuitive feeling I’ve been having regarding playlist lately, thinking of dropping almost everything I would play at night and focus on 3 audios on repeat.

Wouldn’t this audio be more effective in a contemplation environment? (Not saying it won’t he in your sleep, who knows some people get better communication while sleeping)


Start exercise.


Oh I just looped it for one night to get a feel for it.
Today I used it while working and when taking a walk. Somebody recently suggested to me I’m a walking meditator, so…:wink:
In general it works best for me to receive when in motion and/or doing other stuff.


I notice this as well! :slightly_smiling_face:


This field is such a gift. It’s hard for me to give a review for this one because there literally aren’t words for my experience: it’s literally The Void…no thoughts arise, just compassion and love for existence and others. Pure bliss of consciousness. Three words for what this field does: rapid spiritual growth.

I think @SammyG said everything I could possible say about this. Ultimate gratitude to @Captain_Nemo and @SammyG for this. :pray:


hey guys.
I been seeing a lot of synchronicities
Like 1818 on 18 of April
Even though i feel amazing while listening to the field
I feel some type of sadness too
And frustration some times
I am just asking if this is some type of release
because while i feel a bit of sadness towards the uncertainty of where my life is going
What is my life purpose etc
At the same time, i feel good and amazing
I feel like its changing my mind and everything within me
I don’t know how to explain it
I feel sadness because of those questions i have told you i have in my life
But the audio at the same time gives me comfort and peace
It’s a weird combination i know
The first day listening to it i felt like laughing and crying at the same time
But i think it can be some type of emotional release
Since if you want to be in a higher vibrational frequency
You will feel some type of release or that what i think
So i would love if you guys gave me some advice
is there like symptoms when you are higher vibrationally?


Yeah. The ego is very comfortable with it’s own baggage. The Being and the ego are like oil and water, they can’t mix. They have conflicting wills. This is raising your vibration beyond your limits and forcing you to shed the ego, which it doesn’t like. Yet, your Being/Spirit/Higher Self loves it, so that’s why it gives you peace.


Thank your for your answer!!


You’re welcome. Keep observing yourself when you feel this way and reflecting/meditating on it. Like the Buddha said, “to untie a knot, you first have to know how it was tied.”


Is there anyone here who is listening to this with the Ascension tag?
I’m curious about ur XPs


Yes but I don’t always wear my ascension tag. I used to but Im trying to stay a little grounded right now. They def have a synergistic effect together!