Lipedema Fat Disease

Dear friends,
I am looking for a field or fields that would help with Lipedema.
Lipedema is not a well known condition therefore I will share some informations and pictures.
Lipedema is a chronic medical condition characterized by a symmetric buildup of adipose tissue (fat) in the legs and arms. Lipedema may cause pain, swelling, and easy bruising. It may be accompanied by an unusual texture within the fat that can feel like rice, peas, or walnuts beneath the surface of the skin. The intensity of pain may range from none to severe. Limited public awareness of lipedema, coupled with few research-backed treatments, can lead to exacerbation of symptoms as well as physical and emotional distress. Common symptoms include fatigue, muscle pain, or easy bruising.The causes of lipedema are not well understood. It is reported to start or worsen during puberty and other periods of hormonal changes, such as pregnancy and menopause. Research is underway to determine the biological role of hormones, genetics, inflammation, and metabolism in the conditionā€™s development. It is not obesity since obese fat occurs throughout the body. In lipedema, the fat occurs in the limbs, sparing the hands and feet.

So I am a lucky one who has always been active and therefore my lipedema has been stable at an early stage 1. But I know many women who have tried all what is possible to ā€˜loseā€™ this fat not knowing it is not ā€˜normalā€™ fat and very hard (impossible?) to loose. Look at the pictures. There is even a lady with anorexia but her legs did not loose the weight. Or the other lady who is very trimmed on top (nice muscles) but the legs are swollen and fat. Most of the people who have lipedema have totally destroyed their bodies with countless diets and food regimes without understanding why with even only 800 calories a day they did not manage to slim down their legs (like me).

There are so many fields for weight loss, exercise, fat cells, stem cells, etcā€¦ but I find it really hard to make a choice since my fatcells are not ā€˜normalā€™. Believe me I have been reading and reading, through so many posts and also all the information of the fields but I am confused.
Please help.


lipedema after 107 lb weight loss - 3




Patreon Lymphatic Effusion

Make sure to stay hydrated=drink extra water


Youtube. Lymphatic Drainage

There is nothing specifically for Lipedema.
But this should help.


This certainly helps. Lipedema patients are advised to get lymphatic drainage massages. I am using the one on patreon that seems to be the newest version. Thanks.


Definitely add Auto immune disease one.

LFD is an under-diagnosed AID one.


Thanks this is actually very interesting. I am reading and trying to find more info if there is a connection but its seems to be in line with auto immune!

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Physical therapist here.
Those patients have lip edema not lymphedema ,so lymphatic drainage only helps to a certain degree.
Thereā€™s also lipo-lymph edema , which is a mix of both, where lymphatic drainage might help , but only for the lymphedema part. It seems rare that women purely have a lip edema, but still lymphatic drainage only helps a little bit ,so dont expect too much.

I learned that lipedema often correlates with hypothyroidism, so Iā€™d listen to the thyroid frequency.

It also almost exclusively occurs in women. I havent seen a man with lipedema so far.

This shows that there is a hormonal component involved (it can get worse after pregnancies) most likely excessive estrogen. So Iā€™d listen to the estrogen remover and liver frequencies as the liver has to detox excess estrogens. Also listen to the kidney frequency as the lymphatic fluid is excreted via the kidneys.

The lipedema fat cells could be seen as ā€œimmortalā€ fat cells ,so they wont shrink or go away when loosing weight . So theres not much a person can do.
An approach of specific apoptosis in those fat cells should be doable by Captain as he has done this before in other areas, but so far he hasnā€™t done a field for it.
I work with some of those girls and I can tell you those are some of the nicest girls Iā€™ve ever come across and they really suffer ,mentally and physically from their condition, so Iā€™d be really happy if there was something that could help them.
So far the only option is surgery which can cost up to 40 000ā‚¬.


O Alexander I am so happy with your words. Since it is not well known, even 1 in 9 women in USA has lipedema, but I am sure most of them do not know.

As you remark lipedema is not lymphedema. In someone with lipoedema, the lymphatics may not effectively drain the enlarged areas of fat tissue, so fluid accumulates. Fluid gathers in areas where there is inflammation, creating even more inflammation and changing the fat cells. Manual lymphatic drainage (or in our case Dreams field) could help to reduce the fluid accumulation and inflammation, reducing symptoms such as heaviness, swelling and discomfort.

Lipedema and hypothyroidism, thatā€™s the first time I hear about it. I have a problem with my thyroid so that makes a lot of sense.

I do not have children but I am 49 years old. I have been reading about estrogen and I see that (also because I am overweight) I must have to much estrogen. Will certainly listen to that field also. I was searching for liver frequencies and could find the fatty liver one, would that be ok?

You say that lipedema fat cells are immortal. Would a field like fat to stemcells not help?
I will collect even more info and post it in the fields request page. I really hope dream will have time to take a look at it. Maybe there are also women here on this forum with lipedema (I know one other person who I speak with) that are not getting the expected results from the other fields just because their ā€˜fatā€™ is not normal.

Alexander you say you work with some young ladies who have this problem. I am so glad they found you. I have been so unhappy all my life not knowing what was wrong. It is a huge relief finding out that it is not your fault but at the same time so sad since they say there is nothing to do about it. Yes, painful and super expensive liposuction operation with no guarantee that it will not come back.

According to what you and others advice would you agree that this stack is a nice way to start?
I was also wondering which exercise fields would be the best.
Not me but many lipedema patients have pain in the legs and difficulty excersing. Dreams fields are the perfect way for them to stimulate their muscles without the pain. Of course I would always still advice to try to move as much as possible in ā€˜real lifeā€™ also. Doing that actually helped my lipedema not getting worse over the years.

Auto immune field
Thyroid field
Estrogen remover fields
Liver field
Lymph drainage field
Kidney field

Exercise fields?

Thanks again

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Yes :) the liver fat reducer is good and thereā€™s a field called liver cirrhosis 2.0 that will do as well.
Iā€™d also listen to the progesterone field as progesterone is a natural estrogen-antagonist.

The fat to stem cells might help ,but itā€™s kind of inefficient in that case ,because its primarily targeted to the fat around your organs.
But @Captain_Nemo could do the same or a similar approach for the lipedema field .
He did this before . This is from the description of the stomach shrinking video:

" This audio is made so that while you listen, the combination of programming will actively work on your abdominal muscles while targeting the fat in your stomach and hips and also induce apoptosis in them. (so the fat cells are actively destroyed) "

You could actually listen to this field as well because it targets the hips too, so thereā€™s at least part of the lipedema thatā€™s covered.

Yes ! This is what the women say as well. They just thought they had ā€œFat legsā€ . One lost over 30kg ,but didnt loose weight in legs and arms.

Iā€™d listen to automated upper body workout and automated leg day. That should help, eventhough itā€™s not targeting the fat itself.

To keep detox system healthy : full body detox field and the album ā€œpolitics of the bodyā€

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I am so glad you brought this up cuz this is my condition too!!

It is one of the most emotionally draining things, to spend your life dieting and exercising and not getting results (I donā€™t diet anymore but eat clean and organic mostly) it has felt like a full time job trying to target this. But then that releases stress/cortisol which only worsens it. I know fat holds toxins and emotions. So I recently bought some of the more emotional fields to help release this lifelong shame and frustration around this condition.

Thank you so much for bringing this subject up, and I guarantee if Captain comes up with something, I will buy it on the spot !!!

(I currently use the Swords of Adipose and Hardcore. And many others. But those 2 Iā€™ve gotten some help with. But definitely not to the degree we need )


Iā€™ve never heard about this disease before.
It sounds like something that is difficult to handle, I hope a field can be made for it! Destroying fat in legs/thighs or something like that.

There are some (expensive) modern machines that work by destroying fat, and then the fat ā€œleavesā€ via the lymphatic system.
I read about it recently because of Linda Evangelista coming forward with the complications of her ā€œfat freezingā€ procedure. The article mentioned a machine as an alternative procedure, itā€™s called sculptsure or sculpt sure. The fat is destroyed via heat and the fat cells themselves are destroyed and removed (permanently) so I think it may work for this disease as well, if the person is not very overwheight.

Though now that Iā€™m reading about it, Iā€™m not sure they also use it for legs:

Thank you so much for thinking with us. I was trying to get more information about these treatments not being suitable for lipedema patients since years ago I read all the info about it, just to show but I could not find it anymore.
It seems that most lipedema patients have also lypmhatic problems since the fat blocks the flow. Therefore these kinds of treatments are even dangerous.

Dear Alexander (and all others reading and participating in this post :)) , I was trying to find some more info on estrogen and progesterone, as you suggested. Just how it works and how I could use these fields.
Then I found this site:
[Estrogen as a Contributing Factor to the Development of Lipedema | IntechOpen]

Estrogen as a Contributing Factor to the Development of Lipedema

Very interesting. It also got confused because it writes about a lack of estrogen (not sure if I did understand but it seems like lipedema patients need more estrogen??). They speak about hormone replacement therapy for lipedema patients.
I am trying to find all possible information to search for the possibility to ask dream to make a field. Since luckily more and more research is being done there is a lot to read. There is a lipedema foundation which spends a lot of money on research also.

I am hopeful we can all work towards a perfect solution!

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@ohmymorphic I think you are using the Swords? Did Fat oxidization work on your lipedema fat areas?
@Vesparda thanks for your support.

itā€™s been over a month and I havenā€™t noticed any difference :-(

Iā€™ve been reading about hormones for years and I follow a guy named ray peat. He often talks about studies dealing with estrogen on menopause, osteoporosis, etc. are historically fraudulent for decades . They measure estrogen in the blood when itā€™s actually important whatā€™s happening in the cells and tissues . So blood levels do not always reflect whatā€™s going on inside the body Plus theres different kinds of estrogens its not just one hormone.
And they all have different affinities for the estrogen receptors.
Iā€™ll link you one of his articles on estrogen, in case your interested.

With all I know from the scientific literature It wouldnt make much sense if estrogen actually helped with lipedema , actually quite the opposite ,as estrogen increases the swelling of the cell ,which would at the very least make the lymphedema part worse.

Iā€™ll ask Dr. Peat about it and what could be done about it usually he responds with easy dietary or supplementary measures that can be done by everyone.

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Thanks please ask yes. As far as dietary advise I have learned that keto is best for at least not making the lipedema worse. It does not get rid of the fat though.

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I dont think keto is a sustainable long term option. It will certainly make your thyroid output lower as it increases cortisol.

Here is his response on estrogen and lipedema:

ā€œWhen cells are exposed to estrogen, their first two reactions (almost instantaneous) are to take up water and to activate fat synthesis. When dietary fats contain a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids, the activity of estrogen is increased. Unsaturated fats have. higher affinity for water than saturated fats do.ā€

So lowering estrogen +avoiding polyunsaturated fats looks like a better way.
I asked him if he thinks itā€™s reversible without liposuction.

Here is his answer on if itā€™s reversible:

ā€œYes, by correcting the diet and hormones.ā€

Next question:
ā€œThanks. Do you have any specific recommendations or the usual pro-metabolic things like calcium, vitamin D , progesterone and thyroid ?ā€

A: ā€œYes, and avoiding PUFA.ā€

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This is a very small suggestion, as a general supplement to help process excess estrogens out of the body. As always do your own research as well.

I found a few videos that mention eating at least an entire raw carrot or two a day- unpeeled. There is a fiber in the peel that helps our liver eliminate excess estrogen.

Iā€™ve found that I feel better when I do this, and I believe it has helped in my WL journey. And no, Iā€™m not subsisting on a diet of raw carrots lol. Plenty of variety, here.

The taste is rough unpeeled. Bitter. Iā€™ve found itā€™s much better with a little dressing, or just olive oil and a touch of salt.

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I am late to this thread, but someone recently posted on the new field thread ā€œwhat fatā€ (which actually destroys fat cells) ā€¦and said they were having good success with their lipidema. They are stage 2. I am interested in trying out the new field, but pretty pricey. I wonder if Sapien would let us share the field if price shared by a fewā€¦anyway good luck!