Lipodema Help

HI, I have been searching for any help with lipodema. I am fighting this on top of menopause which just started so my wieght is way out of control.

The standard actions have had zero impact and seem to have actually made matters worse.

Is there anything existing that I may have missed in my searches across Sapien content? Or anything in the works, if not already existing?

If it can help with the pain that would be icing.


Hi @curlyfrie5

While Lipedema is usually resistant to diets and exercise (although it can reduce symptoms), I’d recommend a weight loss field that actively destroys the fat cells, combined with the lymphatic enhancement + for drainage at worst the lymphatic drainage will prevent further complications.

Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory fields should provide some comfort.

Can you let us know what you have tried already ?

Since the cause is not known, you will likely have to keep using fat cell destroying fields for the foreseeable future.


Not a field, but there are many who report relief with using a vibration plate.
Could be worth to check that out.

Maybe combining with a fat destroyer-field?

It’s greatly dependent on the stage as well. I recommend you to research a lot information about it, also some questions were already posted about lipedema here and you can seek for tips on the forum search.

Possible recommendations are:

Thanks to everyone who replied. I will definitely check out those different options.

To answer some questions, I am stage 2 because it took that long to get a real diagnosis other than my imagination or “have you considered losing weight” or anxiety or flat out lying.

Currently I am using a vibration plate each morning and 30 min of swimming or walking. 4 days a week that is followed by a far infrared sauna. I do acupuncture every 10 days and have been following the TCM diet suggestions. All of this has relieved the pain quite a bit.

I have looking for additional help to prove that liposuction is not truly required. Since I have used Sapien’s videos for cold and congestion relief before (and it worked) I was hoping there could be a combination for this as well.

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In addition to everything that has been recommended, it’s important not to forget our garbage removal system ie the lymphatic system.

Add to the end the old lymphatic blockage AND the lymphatic effusion, because once you finally do free those fat cells- you need to properly get rid of them
And quickly

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