Lipedema Fat Disease

Thank you so much for thinking with us. I was trying to get more information about these treatments not being suitable for lipedema patients since years ago I read all the info about it, just to show but I could not find it anymore.
It seems that most lipedema patients have also lypmhatic problems since the fat blocks the flow. Therefore these kinds of treatments are even dangerous.

Dear Alexander (and all others reading and participating in this post :)) , I was trying to find some more info on estrogen and progesterone, as you suggested. Just how it works and how I could use these fields.
Then I found this site:
[Estrogen as a Contributing Factor to the Development of Lipedema | IntechOpen]

Estrogen as a Contributing Factor to the Development of Lipedema

Very interesting. It also got confused because it writes about a lack of estrogen (not sure if I did understand but it seems like lipedema patients need more estrogen??). They speak about hormone replacement therapy for lipedema patients.
I am trying to find all possible information to search for the possibility to ask dream to make a field. Since luckily more and more research is being done there is a lot to read. There is a lipedema foundation which spends a lot of money on research also.

I am hopeful we can all work towards a perfect solution!

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@ohmymorphic I think you are using the Swords? Did Fat oxidization work on your lipedema fat areas?
@Vesparda thanks for your support.

it’s been over a month and I haven’t noticed any difference :-(

I’ve been reading about hormones for years and I follow a guy named ray peat. He often talks about studies dealing with estrogen on menopause, osteoporosis, etc. are historically fraudulent for decades . They measure estrogen in the blood when it’s actually important what’s happening in the cells and tissues . So blood levels do not always reflect what’s going on inside the body Plus theres different kinds of estrogens its not just one hormone.
And they all have different affinities for the estrogen receptors.
I’ll link you one of his articles on estrogen, in case your interested.

With all I know from the scientific literature It wouldnt make much sense if estrogen actually helped with lipedema , actually quite the opposite ,as estrogen increases the swelling of the cell ,which would at the very least make the lymphedema part worse.

I’ll ask Dr. Peat about it and what could be done about it usually he responds with easy dietary or supplementary measures that can be done by everyone.

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Thanks please ask yes. As far as dietary advise I have learned that keto is best for at least not making the lipedema worse. It does not get rid of the fat though.

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I dont think keto is a sustainable long term option. It will certainly make your thyroid output lower as it increases cortisol.

Here is his response on estrogen and lipedema:

“When cells are exposed to estrogen, their first two reactions (almost instantaneous) are to take up water and to activate fat synthesis. When dietary fats contain a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids, the activity of estrogen is increased. Unsaturated fats have. higher affinity for water than saturated fats do.”

So lowering estrogen +avoiding polyunsaturated fats looks like a better way.
I asked him if he thinks it’s reversible without liposuction.

Here is his answer on if it’s reversible:

“Yes, by correcting the diet and hormones.”

Next question:
“Thanks. Do you have any specific recommendations or the usual pro-metabolic things like calcium, vitamin D , progesterone and thyroid ?”

A: “Yes, and avoiding PUFA.”

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This is a very small suggestion, as a general supplement to help process excess estrogens out of the body. As always do your own research as well.

I found a few videos that mention eating at least an entire raw carrot or two a day- unpeeled. There is a fiber in the peel that helps our liver eliminate excess estrogen.

I’ve found that I feel better when I do this, and I believe it has helped in my WL journey. And no, I’m not subsisting on a diet of raw carrots lol. Plenty of variety, here.

The taste is rough unpeeled. Bitter. I’ve found it’s much better with a little dressing, or just olive oil and a touch of salt.

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I am late to this thread, but someone recently posted on the new field thread “what fat” (which actually destroys fat cells) …and said they were having good success with their lipidema. They are stage 2. I am interested in trying out the new field, but pretty pricey. I wonder if Sapien would let us share the field if price shared by a few…anyway good luck!

I recommend trying to spam Stem Cells + Scar Removal daily for several hours. Lipedema isn’t susceptible to regular manipulations except combustion/solvents or direct extraction due to excessive fibrosis. Breakdown of scar tissue might help.

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I think this is what “What Fat?” field is doing hence the positive impact. But your suggestion is also a good idea that I will try now since free!! Thank you!

FYI…Per field description:

Q: What are you going to do with those fat cells ?

A: In phase 1:

We activate the CASP9

Shut down the heat shock protein defenses : quercetin, KNK423, 17AAG,

Then we blast the UV-C light,

shock them with electrical current,

melt them with radio frequencies,

frack them with the ultrasound

and oxidize what’s left.

Phase 2:

We protect the liver and kidney,

enhance the drainage of fat with bits of the circulatory engineer

drop kick everything left through the back door.

Per se these are less effective against lipedema fat. It’s so much scarred that syrgeons have to take it out raw by hand (and it’s not even bloody).

There are compounds that do something against lipedema fat and lipomas (and they are very safe AFAIK), but they are really next generation in comparison to common non-invasive treatments.

One can try to look up videos in for example (don’t watch them unless sure about graphic content, even unrated ones, otherwise watch logged in with your account to see all videos) and come up with the ideas for an extensive treatment field.

Understood, but lipedema fat cells are still fat cells at the end of the day, just stored differently and harder to release the natural way. However, if we are speaking of a field that “destroys fat cells” as provided in more detaill in the thread, why would one assume fat clusters (derived from fat cells) causing lipomas or symptoms of lipedema would not be covered.

I am not disagreeing with you at all. I was merely providing a success story from a woman using the new field “What fat?” that has stage 2 lipedema. I wanted to give hope to others on this therad that maybe this alone, or in combination with other fields with provide them the success they are looking for.

I understand, but if we are speaking about being wary to spend amount that can be a lot for a person, then it’s fair to consider other fields that are free.

100%!!! That is why I am taking your suggestion! :blush:

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That’s against forum rules, so not allowed.

However several times a year there are sales.

Thank you! Yes figured as much…makes sense.

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All the people suffering from lipedema that have premium Patreon, have you tried to loop far UVC? I start feeling things in my legs at 300nm, even more at 275 and 200. I loop each of them for 20 or 30 minutes. It makes me feel very tired, but the results on my legs are phenomenal. I’d like to know if anyone else shares the same experience.


I haven’t tried that but now I am intrigued. “What Fat” doesn’t seem to be helping me with anything even with consistency. I am upset because it was a hefty price tag, but will keep trying. I just starting using fascia shakeup along with this to help release the Lipedema fat and read a study recently that part of the issue is also collagen fibroblasts. Maybe that is why the women with lipedema aren’t seeing such great results. Please keep us updated on your progress…I will check it out and see if it helps any.