List of All Audios

Can you download audios from pateron? Is that okay to do it or it will ruin the effectiveness

Yeah you can download audios from Patreon

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Does anyone know whether there is a difference between a field listen on Gumroad compared to Patreon?

For example Probability and Luck Alteration vs Attract Good Luck and Fortune on Gumroad, they are different fields right?

The difference almost is on GUMROAD they are sold

and on PATREON they are avalaible to patreons.

this is the real difference.


This is a very specific comparation.

On how they work to draw luck to you its different .

But ā€œyeā€ those draw luck to you . :moneybag: :dancing_women: :beach_umbrella:

Alsoo you mean this? :smile_cat:

:four_leaf_clover:Your luck STAT itss so HIGH ( over the rainbow so high :musical_note:)

That you ssummoned the Gumroad audio on PATREON

how its possible? :scream_cat:

My man there you have , patreon luck audio . ( Its the same right? :smirk_cat: )


Is there any difference between these two?

Which ones my man :balance_scale: :balance_scale:

the link and the gumroad audio?

no my man ā€¦ they are the same. Same Audio Same Luck .

(9999999% sure)


Probability and luck & attract good luck are two different audios. Probability is years older than attract good luck.

Attract good luck is free on youtube and was sold on gumroad. They are the same audio. We sold it as a way for people to reliably download the mp3 into their phones, desktop. This was early on. Now we just provide most of the mp3s of our youtube audios on patreon.

And now we just sell exclusive audios on gumroad that canā€™t be acquired anywhere else.

Just wanted to clarify this since there are a few audios on gumroad that are sold but also found on the sapienmed youtube.


@gpo @SammyG

Missing fields in the list above:


I think this hasnā€™t been updated in a long time.

check the ultimate database


I think we need a new list that consolidates EVERYTHING.

The list here in this thread is focussed on ā€œAudio Fieldsā€, but misses many of the paid audios.

The other linked list of @SC448 seems to cover almost all of the ā€œPaid Fieldsā€ but is missing the free ones from YouTube.

And then, there are also NFT fields and some come with mandala + audio.

And also the free Instagram mandalasā€¦

I was considering to add YouTube audios when i decided to add gumroad and Spring fields, but that would be a lot of work and time. as well, thereā€™s a character limit on posts and Captain edited my post to give me the max number but Iā€™m not sure that the entire YouTube list would fit.

Iā€™ll do the Sound Weave and Sapien Shop fields eventually. Maybe next week


Thank You so much for listing all audios, @gpo!

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