Listening guidelines

Headaches is also a very normal thing to get. :expressionless:

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I found a audio from Anthony Sommer to work quiz well for this problem its about Frequency fatigue, I find it very caming to listen to when my brain is literally fried :dizzy_face: from listening to too many frequencies:

Dont have the english description of the audio, just Norwegian but I copied in in google translate and it gave a quit accurate translation:

  • Improved focus and concentration,
  • Improved memory,
  • Increased reading comprehension,
  • Improvement of sleep / rest,
  • Relaxation assistance,
  • Meditation help,
  • Tinnitus relief,
  • A useful sound barrier among many other benefits

What is Frequency Fatigue?

Frequency fatigue is the result of using too many frequency videos without balancing natural brain waves. Symptoms may include fatigue, irritability, lethargy, an inability to concentrate, an inability to form complex abstract thoughts, drowsiness, insomnia, and headaches among other symptoms. This may vary depending on which frequency ranges have been used too much.

Some information about the noise used in the video:

Brownian motion or pedesis (ancient Greek) is the random movement of particles suspended in a medium (liquid or gas) as a result of their collision with the rapidly moving molecules in the medium. Brown noise simulates brownsih motion and has a spectral density that is inversely proportional to the frequency in the square. The power density of brown noise drops 6dB (decibels) per octave with increasing frequency.

Brown Noise is not actually brown, but is instead named after discoverer Robert Brown. Brown noise is much deeper than white or pink noise. Many have reported that it sounds like beach waves, strong wind, rain or waterfall. It is recommended that you close your eyes and rest while listening to maximize results. You can fall asleep while listening, this is common, and you probably need the rest if you do.

Hope it can help someone :slightly_smiling_face:


Dream just uploaded a grounding/earthing video which has already helped me with overwhelming energy. Hope it helps you!


It’s great, really helped me ground too. :smile: Thanks for sharing!

I love the mutually beneficial process in the description, inspiring how Dream is always working to improve this existence for all beings.

What this does is automate that process, but also in addition the energy grounded is depatterned and has unconditional love added to it, to also serve as a mutually beneficial process between you and the earth.

Thank you, Dream! :pray:


I cant find this Anti Aging on patreon, eventhough im a full acces member ?

@Srboslav Right now Anti Aging +++ is only available through The Sapien Trust (link to topic about it), but Dreamweaver said all the audios from The Sapien Trust will end up going to Patreon as well.


I hope it does , because i got no google account and dont want to, and gotta reverse my aging :P


any advice for a stack for learning/studying?

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Some ideas which might help with learning/studying:

Hypothetical Brain-Boosting Stack
Hypothetical Imagination Stack
Hypothetical Productivity Stack

Some general ideas for learning/studying:
Superhuman Genius twice per day at most (before learning/studying or doing something new)
Childlike Wonder x3 (before learning/studying or doing something new)
Induce Creativity (useful before learning/studying or doing something new)
Stop Procrastinating
Dopamine Redux (Google Play , Spotify) or Dopamine Neurotransmitter Overload
Acetylcholine Production (Patreon, The Sapien Trust)
The Super Human Mutant (every 12 hours) x2

Brain enhancement ideas for learning/studying:
Permanent Brain Enhancement
Down Syndrome (might improve memory, plasticity, and cognitive functions)
Nerve Growth Factor
TransCranial Direct Stimulation
Brain Regeneration

I think @gpo may have more ideas. His hypothetical stacks are very comprehensive. :slightly_smiling_face:


thanks a lot for helping me!

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Anybody know how much time should I listen to Endocrine System Rejuvenation before it would heal and rejuvenate my endocrine system completely?


Anything which develops conceptual thinking, empathy and creativity such as Animal Empathy/Telepathy and Induce Creativity may help understand the concepts behind the language: the culture, context, and tone and getting a feeling for the cadence and structure. There is a lot of soul, context and many concepts behind languages, beyond the words, as Dream says in his language video. Learning languages is sort of like learning an art or a culture, in a way.

Superhuman Genius, Permanent Brain Enhancement and some of the other brain enhancement audios should help with fast reading and understanding complicated books.

I would probably use Animal Empathy/Telepathy, Childlike Wonder, Induce Creativity and the Crown & 3rd Eye Chakra audios along with those for learning languages. Perhaps even experiment with the crystal audios and albums because they could help you approach learning new languages with different perspectives and flexibility.

In addition to gpo’s great suggestions, the Crystal Kingdom 2 album may help with imagination too. Crystal Kingdom 2 has many tracks which harmonise all the chakras with the higher chakras or encourage spiritual growth in those (third eye, crown and transpersonal chakras). So, many of the tracks in that album should help with clear imagination. :slightly_smiling_face:


Can I use both timelessness and slow down time perception or will they clash?

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You can use both. The Timelessness aims more towards changing your deeply programmed beliefs about time, and the Slow down time perception audio works short-term on changing your conscious interpretation of the time as it passes. These two tools are excellent for discovering the truth about time and how illusionary (and controllable) it is.


Thanks! in the description of the slow down time perception it says that the longer I listen to it the more permanent the effects will be and the more my subconscious believes it. How long do you think that will take for my subconscious to permanently percieve time more slowly?

I am not sure, but I would think that you would develop a stronger ability to influence your interpretation of the time, so in this case the audio would train your natural ability to slow it down (which in reality means you see more frames of picture per nano/second/minute, since time in my experience is like a movie, each new frame being a new reality).

See it like juggling; practice makes perfect, and it may take a while to master this skill. It is something that happens automatically all the time when your state of consciousness changes; flow states, etc.

I can’t say for sure the exact time it will take but I can assure you it will be a fun and amazing experience!


Thanks! it will be really helpful in giving me more time to do my responsibilites and such!


When you brought up the analogy with juggling, you are saying that the more you practice it or in this case the more I listen to this audio the more mastery I will have of it, and as such I will be able to slow down my perception of time with relative ease?
Sorry I just needed that bit to be clarified a bit

Thanks for your replies


great! this is so beneficial!
sometimes its hard for me to understand why SM has not been discovered by the entire world


I know! It is kinda of sad that people laugh whenever we try to introduce them to this stuff. If they only understood how powerful these fields are, they would not think twice about trying them.
Thank goodness for Sapien Medicine and Subliminals for having the ability to change any part of your life that you want changed!