I think it may be necessary in general to listen every day for a length of time for permanent changes.
Edit: I’ve read that they can also work much faster, but it can be up to a period of several months for some people, and it depends upon every individual’s susceptibility to change and subconscious limitations.
Some of the fields have recommendations in the description to listen every other day or less, so I think you would not need to listen to those daily, and some results may become permanent more quickly. For example, I think that when listening to the Lung Restoration and Strengthening field once scar tissue and damaged tissue is removed, it may be removed permanently.
It’s also a good idea to listen to Subconscious Limits Removal daily to help remove subconscious resistance and speed up the process.
Here is a related answer from the FAQ and another related answer.
What if i miss one day? Do i have to listen everyday?
If you are just looking for a mood/hormone boost, you can just listen to an audio once or twice and you’ll get the effects you seek.
But if you want to make permanent changes like to grow taller or lighten your eyes, you MUST listen to it every single day. You will stop the momentum of change happening in your body if you miss a day. It is likely that it will revert back to normal if you stop listening.
I highly suggest you listen once in the morning and once at night. This is all it requires to make the changes you desire to listen consistently and not miss a day.
How long does this take to work?
It depends on how fast your body is susceptible to change. A few people report in days, others weeks and months. I can’t tell you how quickly it will work for you but I can tell you that if you just make it a part of your daily routine, and listen to it every single day, it will eventually bring the changes you desire. And you will definitely start seeing the changes as well.
Yes, there have been cases where it takes months to make permanent changes like make someone taller. You might be thinking that is way too long. But, at the end of the day this is a free alternative to medical treatments that will cost you a fortune. Would you rather pay for them or simply listen to these audios 2-3 times a day and get the same results?
But generally, it may take this long because of subconscious resistance to the audio fields. You can now listen to subconscious limitations dissolver audio and actually eliminate subconscious resistance to the audio fields and accelerate the process of change. You should also read and follow through with the advice in this article.