Listening guidelines

Anything which develops conceptual thinking, empathy and creativity such as Animal Empathy/Telepathy and Induce Creativity may help understand the concepts behind the language: the culture, context, and tone and getting a feeling for the cadence and structure. There is a lot of soul, context and many concepts behind languages, beyond the words, as Dream says in his language video. Learning languages is sort of like learning an art or a culture, in a way.

Superhuman Genius, Permanent Brain Enhancement and some of the other brain enhancement audios should help with fast reading and understanding complicated books.

I would probably use Animal Empathy/Telepathy, Childlike Wonder, Induce Creativity and the Crown & 3rd Eye Chakra audios along with those for learning languages. Perhaps even experiment with the crystal audios and albums because they could help you approach learning new languages with different perspectives and flexibility.

In addition to gpoā€™s great suggestions, the Crystal Kingdom 2 album may help with imagination too. Crystal Kingdom 2 has many tracks which harmonise all the chakras with the higher chakras or encourage spiritual growth in those (third eye, crown and transpersonal chakras). So, many of the tracks in that album should help with clear imagination. :slightly_smiling_face:


Can I use both timelessness and slow down time perception or will they clash?

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You can use both. The Timelessness aims more towards changing your deeply programmed beliefs about time, and the Slow down time perception audio works short-term on changing your conscious interpretation of the time as it passes. These two tools are excellent for discovering the truth about time and how illusionary (and controllable) it is.


Thanks! in the description of the slow down time perception it says that the longer I listen to it the more permanent the effects will be and the more my subconscious believes it. How long do you think that will take for my subconscious to permanently percieve time more slowly?

I am not sure, but I would think that you would develop a stronger ability to influence your interpretation of the time, so in this case the audio would train your natural ability to slow it down (which in reality means you see more frames of picture per nano/second/minute, since time in my experience is like a movie, each new frame being a new reality).

See it like juggling; practice makes perfect, and it may take a while to master this skill. It is something that happens automatically all the time when your state of consciousness changes; flow states, etc.

I canā€™t say for sure the exact time it will take but I can assure you it will be a fun and amazing experience!


Thanks! it will be really helpful in giving me more time to do my responsibilites and such!


When you brought up the analogy with juggling, you are saying that the more you practice it or in this case the more I listen to this audio the more mastery I will have of it, and as such I will be able to slow down my perception of time with relative ease?
Sorry I just needed that bit to be clarified a bit

Thanks for your replies


great! this is so beneficial!
sometimes its hard for me to understand why SM has not been discovered by the entire world


I know! It is kinda of sad that people laugh whenever we try to introduce them to this stuff. If they only understood how powerful these fields are, they would not think twice about trying them.
Thank goodness for Sapien Medicine and Subliminals for having the ability to change any part of your life that you want changed!


You should start noticing the effect within the first 3 days.
I listened to slow down perception of time everyday for a month and then I stopped listening. The effect slowly faded within a weeks time or so. I think our belief about time is so ingrained that once we stop listening to the audio and get back to our clocks we reset the belief really fast and the perception of time goes back to normal.


what if i listened for a year?

alright, in 1 year then


Periodically give us an update and read about the article on time to understand more about it.

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From my experience: you wonā€™t experience a slower time permanently. However, sometimes without thinking about it, you will focus on something and time will slow down without listening. You will feel the same energy that you do when you listen and the minutes will be longer. At least thatā€™s when I remember that I can control time.
You will activate it when you want, unless you can maintain a state of perfect mindfullness all the time (itā€™s not an option for me)
Edit: I listened for a year and a few month. Sometimes I slept with it, I used it all day for 4 month (I wanted to freeze time, in my opinion thatā€™s the coolest superpower), after that listened at least 1 hour a day.
Also, I didnā€™t freeze time, but my days where so long I couldnā€™t take it anymore. I never thought it would be such a problem, but the feeling of day/night and the cycle of life, the fact that the world was lagging behind me was ā€œkilling my vibeā€ (lol, I didnā€™t know how to put it)
Edit: maybe itā€™s because you canā€™t turn it on and off like a lightswitch to experience just what you like. It takes time to build up and accumulate, it also takes time to wear off, iā€™m talking days or weeks. Good things last twice as long, but so does the bad ones


That can certainly be an issue with slowing down your entire experience of time. Iā€™m curious, have you ever tried both speeding up and slowing down your perception of time (at different times), to get through the experiences you might not prefer to have more quickly? I think with more grasp of changing the perception of time, this should be possible so that it doesnā€™t need to be a choice between either slowing down or speeding up perception all the time, since time is very fluid. Speeding up the perception of time can be a relief in negative experiences! Interesting and cool that you wanted to freeze time and listened for so long. Appreciate reading your experiences! I think it would be cool to freeze moments of time and experience that, too. :slightly_smiling_face:


Honestly, it would never cross my mind to speed up time. I feel that I should try out of curiosity but itā€™s the opposite of what I want (even if itā€™s temporary). Also, it takes time to ā€œaccelerateā€ and ā€œdecellerateā€ the effects, reversing the momentum would be counter productive I think. I donā€™t intend to listen to it untill Iā€™m close to death and then Iā€™ll try to go a few years in the future. I thought ā€œsure, he need to put the speed up time audio, the same way a car need to go backward sometimesā€. In 2-3 cycles (1 and a half year) , Iā€™ll try to slow down time again. I will stop listening to other fields to focus on that one.
If you try to speed up time to experience only the best, let me know.
Edit: you know how they say conflicts move the story forward, no conflict no progress. I feel that if I speed time up and I donā€™t have time to do things. It wonā€™t change much, Iā€™ll just time travel.
Edit: lol, the last thing a business owner wants is for time to go faster and be left with 12h days



I have tried to speed up perceptions through experiences which are dragging on for too long, sometimes to conserve energy (for example, if you are tired and waiting for the train, speeding up the perception of time can conserve energy for later). Or speed up perceptions a bit because as you said, itā€™s possible for bad experiences to become too long. And slowing down perception of time can really take you out of the vibe of being on the same time as the rest of the world! One thing Iā€™ve liked to do is just think of it as living many days within the span of a day. Itā€™s all relative perception anyway. Speeding up perceptions does work quite well, but I agree with what you said about learning from conflict and having time to do things.

Thatā€™s how I generally think of it as well. I prefer to perceive moments more slowly on average. I think that in some practices, slowing down oneā€™s perception of time was also considered to be a kind of energetic immortality.

Mostly I have sped up my perception of time when impatient or bored, but I donā€™t do so often. I do find that it can help with the process of perceiving time differently to play with both speeding up and slowing down time.

I have a rather fluid experience of changing perceptions of time already so have actually slowed down and sped up perceptions before. I donā€™t personally find that the effects from the two audios really conflict with each other. Iā€™ve listened to both for some time before, and if it makes sense, they actually complement each other very well to me and it seems possible to build up the effects of both simultaneously if one understands the concepts behind them. When I listen to both, I appreciate how fluid time is much more. Actually, for me, Speed Up the Perception of Time doesnā€™t only speed up time so that Iā€™m missing out on experiences I could have had, it can also feel like it very quickly dissolves some concepts of time. So I think there is a use for both.

Listening to Speed Up doesnā€™t really counter the effects of Slow Down for me or ā€œdecelerateā€ the buildup either, but itā€™s possible that has something to do with having experimented with this for years on my own prior to discovering Dreamā€™s time audios, as I already typically experience quickly slipping between speeding up or slowing down my perception of time at will. Itā€™s a bit difficult to describe. I find that both audios are more like a reminder of time being very relative, illusory and fluid, and the ability to change our experience of it. They sort of boost the effects of my playing with perceptions of time, and I thought that it might help dissolve those concepts for people, but I have a very strange perception of time to begin with already. :slightly_smiling_face:

Edit: Maybe itā€™s a bit like Dream describes in the videos:

It works better the longer you listen to it and the more you listen over time, as your subconscious will accept that time isnt as rigid and we can perceive things at different ā€˜speedsā€™ within the passage of time.


Same :+1:

Thatā€™s what I suspected but I like to focus on one thing and keep at it.

Cool, do you have some sort of methods ?
Also, it says a lot about you. I didnā€™t thought it was possible, I just randomly launched the video and read what ā€œperceptionā€ really meant in that context.
Edit: lol, everytime I see you profile I think ā€œconfluenceā€. I like that word, you used it in the spiritual topic.


Makes sense, I can appreciate the merit in that a lot! :slightly_smiling_face:

Hmm, I donā€™t really have any formal methods or anything like that. Iā€™ve always perceived time like that since I was little and just kept a sense of wonder about the universe, asking questions and experimenting with concepts of perception.

One thing that may help, is that I paid very close attention to what it ā€œfeltā€ like when I experienced changes in perception of time. For example, when a day feels like itā€™s just flying by, or moments in time that slow down. There are so many different emotions and possibilities in this, and I just tried to pay attention to them all and grasp how they worked on a conceptual and intuitive level, paying close attention to what influences that. I was always just fascinated with it and had a feeling that time couldnā€™t be a rigid or finite thing. I think just having a sense of curiosity and fascination with anything can carry us far in learning the workings of it. :smile:

I think that itā€™s possible when we pay attention to time, we might all notice these slight changes in things speeding up or slowing down all the time. Little things like when we donā€™t notice a few minutes or even an hour has already passed. I think these things happen to us on a smaller scale constantly, that our perceptions are actually changing all the time, and perceiving the changes more closely can help see that itā€™s really just all quite fluid how we can experience time.

I also just try to think of time as this very fluid and slippery thing and feel it. I think itā€™s similar to the description in the Time Manipulation article on enlightenedstates.

Regarding feeling like the world is lagging behind, Iā€™ve run into the same issues with that sometimes, and the feeling of a distortion of day/night and the cycle of life when things are very slow. Itā€™s possible that this is where being able to speed up and slow down oneā€™s perception helps, because at times it can feel a bit trapping and tedious to me to only be perceiving things more slowly. But I also think thereā€™s a lot of insight and wisdom that can be gained by just continually slowing it down and building up the effects even if they are tedious and monotonous at times. I did that for a long time and learned a lot!

While I was really slowing down my perceptions of time, I also found that itā€™s possible to connect to each moment, and exist in between them. Maybe this is similar to some meditative states, Iā€™m not sure. Then it doesnā€™t feel quite so tedious, but it also doesnā€™t really feel like time exists in the same way.

Sometimes I feel more in sync with people even if my perception of time is slower than their experiences when I nurture an enjoyment of a few moments at a time with people (sort of like if youā€™ve ever had a great discussion or a party that feels like it lasts forever), also understanding that everyone already lives within something much more fluid whether or not they are aware of it. Or if it feels like the world is going so slowly, I try to occupy my spare moments with meditation and other worthwhile things, and speed up and play around with perception in short bursts.

If you want to freeze time, you might be able to try to perceive the finer and finer details in experiencing just a few moments, taking the concept of experiencing many days within a day and applying it to experiencing many moments within the few. Then, you could expand the concept by having many more moments of time existing within each ā€œslowerā€ moment youā€™re now perceiving, and so on. Itā€™s a smaller focus on a few moments (or seconds or minutes if you prefer to start with those) than an entire day. :wink: That may be a way to play with it and learn. At times I have felt like there is so much time within a moment like that, itā€™s as if things are almost standing still. Or like all moments exist at once within every moment we can experience. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thatā€™s great! Itā€™s great that Dream made those audios for people to discover. I think it can be pretty liberating to not feel bound to a rigid experience of time. Slowing down the perception of time is really interesting! Itā€™s fun to play with. I think itā€™s definitely possible to alter our perception of time to a tremendous degree. Iā€™ve often experienced things like feeling like a few years have passed within a few weeks. Itā€™s a bit disorienting in some ways at times, but there can be readjustment over time to noticing finer and finer increments within moments.

I actually imagine many people of wisdom (mystics, sages, shamans, etc.) throughout the ages experienced things this way, and had much more time. So maybe, when we hear stories about a mystic on a mountain living to be 600 years old, whether or not he physically lived that long he probably did have that much time.

Haha, thatā€™s cool, I like that word too! :smile:


Ok, nice to see that we have ā€œconfluentā€ experiences (OMG I feel guilty of playing that word game).

Exactly, thatā€™s why I talked about mindfullness earlier. I just start paying attentions to details without judgement or doubt and I feel the slow down time energy.
Slowing down the perception of time is a way for me to study more. Applied science should be easier if I can slow time, fully experiment with the fundamental research before anybody else can and patent it. Staying updated in a fast moving field and doing the work fast is hard for everybody.

At this point in my life, Iā€™m just passively following dreamā€™s work. I stopped doing meditation, the vegan diet etcā€¦

Yeah, so much common knowledge is no longer common. Itā€™s food for though. What did they achieve ?
In the scientific community a lot of people neglect creativity and open mindedness. Too much skepticism and confirmation bias. Science is not just ā€œcooking recipiesā€ and protocols. Itā€™s exploration, guess work, reworking past assumptions.