Listening guidelines

how did you download this into .wav format?

I had aa question about the volume, loud sounds give me headaches. What do you need to hear consciously, the actual morphic field or just able to hear the overlaying music will do?

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you donā€™t need to use a loud volume, you can use at a comfortable volume, what matters is just listening to some of the sound and thatā€™s enough.


Hows your experience listening to audios while driving a car? Still was focused on the road?

Good? Bad?
Still effective? Obviously you cant meditate while driving. Or maybe you can :thinking:


While driving, I only play either attract positivity or vibration enhancing track.


Donā€™t use these audios while driving or using machinery


I always thought that the real morphic field was the background buzzing in all the audios & the music was louder & just overlaying that morphic field & in order to hear the bg buzzing I had to increase the volume but the overlaying music would get louder & cause pain in the ears

Yes I understand very well, and dream also understands it (I speak from my understanding).He knows that if you have to listen to a background sound for it to work, people will turn up the volume a lot, and this can be very disturbing in many situations.But you must know and understand that even sounds that you do not consciously hear can and will affect you if your brain hears them.This is the case with ultrasound, and several subliminal manufacturers use ultrasound to communicate their subliminal messages,Although you canā€™t hear the sound, many people get results.

when listening to ultrasound, if you increase the volume to the maximum, you can hear something slightly, but it is very inadvisable to use it for a long time, because for the brain, itā€™s really much too strong.


So even if I dont hear the buzzing & only consciously hear the music, itā€™s okay?


yes It is very good ā€¦ :+1:


Can you please explain a bit more on how the world felt lagging behind you? I mean, any of your experiences or things you noticed that you can expand on.
Iā€™m starting this and have good expectations. Thanks :smile:

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Wow. So after how many days/weeks of listening did these effects licked in?
Also, since you mentioned about how many activities you were able to do while others barely did anything, would it be safe to assume that your focus level greatly increased while doing so? How did you feel in this regard?

Iā€™m afraid that somehow my life span would be shortened since Iā€™d possibly be living days in a day or maybe not. Curious as hell. Thanks :slight_smile:

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@Philip_Weiss anything for this? Thanks for the other answers.

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@SammyG @Dreamweaver @gpo could anyone please enlighten me in this regard? Thanks

Not the number plates being washed but the increase in focus was my question, if you felt like getting in the zone(apart from feeling like youā€™re doing things normally).

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Youā€™re right. Since I donā€™t binge on anything, Iā€™m a bit worried about my lifespan. Got dreams and a young age you see. Anyway, thanks for all your answers. Helped a lot.

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So itā€™s not about our brain becoming less efficient somehow due to perceiving time slowly and more about being lured to fun stuff due to more time at hand, this resulting in loss of focus.
Hm. Iā€™ll try and see.
Iā€™m 20 btw. Not too young, but I got time I think.
Thanks man, youā€™re awesome.


Thanks guys, interesting to read questions and answers on the time fields.


From speaker of the phone or actual separate speakers?

Do you really have results from fields when you listened via phone speakers. What all results you got?