Listening guidelines

Do Sapien fields work even if I accidentally fall asleep while listening them? What did you notice?

Do Sapien Fields work if I play them on my phone next to me while I sleep with earplugs on? I heard that the audios are carriers of morphic field information and that our body may pick them up just by being around the fields (this is how the wearable fields work).


Yes. You donā€™t even need to use earphones/headphones ever for Sapien.

I used DHT for the first about 20 minutes ago and I felt it difficult to breathe. There was a very apparent constriction in my chest that I can feel. Iā€™ve looked it up and I canā€™t find anything about that connected to DHT. Any ideas?

Welcome @Elaangel! Iā€™m not sure what Beauty stack you are referring to, but if you are MtF, those 3 hormones should work great for you. Probably shouldnā€™t use any audios that increase Testosterone. What are you looking for on regards to Beauty? There is the Inner Beauty audio on the Dream Seeds channel.

Found this is a side effect of high DHT:

Increased risk of high blood pressure.

I guess it may do with your cardiovascular health/age. Do you exercise regularly?

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Havenā€™t been exercising because weā€™re in Quarantine.

That may be it. Thereā€™s a chance your body canā€™t support much DHT because youā€™re not fit enough. Just my two cents though.

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A lot of males have high DHT who donā€™t exercise a lot, and they may experience balding and some other side effects. Are you saying thatā€™s itā€™s because itā€™s a lot at once or something?

Yes, it says it can raise blood pressure, so if you are not fit enough all that at once may be a problem. Iā€™m not a doctor though, it can be for another reason.

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Maybe. I just woke up and my heart is still racing and tight.

Do we should listen all of them or only 4 ?

Does it firm and lift skin?

Yes, as the audio description says ā€œslowly with each listenā€¦ā€ My skin became firmer after several weeks, it became smoother earlier. As I expected, some changes were gradual since it will take some time to restore your cells to 16-18 years of age and thatā€™s understandable and long-term IMO. For me, this is one of his most powerful audios, well-worth listening twice daily.


Is there limits to the internal alchemy series? I think that if Jing and Chi were looped continuously there would be no adverse side effects? Maybe too much energy. Can anyone clarify this?


There are no limits for the Internal Alchemy Series.

From Patreon, Jing Restoration comments section:



Thank you for you response gpo!

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Hello, I am new, I wanted to ask you that I have to use 3 stacks -

  1. Weight Loss
  2. Alpha Male
  3. Brain Enhancement

Should I listen to only one stack for a few months then proceed to next or can I listen to them alternatively on various days?

Thanks in advance!!

Are these all you are currently listening to or these are the general topic of each stack you got?

These are the general topics of each stack I have got.