Listening guidelines

Atreides, the only way I think logically to change the programming is to change the sample rate. If you normalize the file just maintain the same sample rate and it should be fine. cheers.

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Is it fine If I listen to music while listening to the fields? Does music have negative entities/energies that conflict with the fields?

Will fields like height booster or transform fat to stem cells still work if I listen to it once per day only?

Thank you @uial. I did not think in that direction. Could be. :slightly_smiling_face:

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@lol Yes, you can listen to the field while listening to music or doing any other activity, as long as you can hear it (doesn’t have to be loud either). You can even sleep with it!

As for your last question… Yes, energies are inherent in music (people listen to Heavy Metal to get themselves pumped up for violence, agression, or even working out). You pose a really good question. Have a look at this section of the FAQs:

"It really is all subjective. Some things work better than others or just don’t work at all. But then, a certain variation can end up working. This is even the same with over the counter or prescription drugs as everyone tends to have varying experiences with them. But with subtle energies, the subjectivity is even more so because subtle energies are affecting you through the thinner layer of reality where thoughts are a lot more concrete.

Our thought patterns, limiting beliefs, ext… all tend to have an effect on the way morphic fields affect us. This is why quite often, there is subconscious resistance. So if the day you decide to begin to listen to an audio, you go in with conflicting thoughts or a certain mood, those thoughts may influence the audio to not produce noticeable results… which might snowball into it not working at all. That being said, the opposite is very true as well. It could still work despite such thoughts which it has for most listeners.

So don’t begin to worry about your thoughts while listening. We have recently been working on finding ways to circumvent subconscious resistance. If you have trouble with an audio, try this. While listening, say ‘I ask my subconscious to engage and accept this energy at this moment I am listening to this.’ It’s small enough of a window that it will pay attention and let it happen, then revert back after.

Try this out if you begin to have subconscious resistance."


So, what the FAQ is saying is that although there are energies in music, the fields would still work?

Yes, it will still work if you listen once per day, and for Height Growth, it’s one that you want to listen to everyday for results. That one, no more than 4 (who knows what can happen if you do more! Jack and The Beanstalk, perhaps?)

Fat To Stem Cells, listen to it as much as you want! There’s no limit


So If I listen to height growth audio 4x instead of 1x, I will see height growth occuring faster, right? the more times you listen per day the faster you get results I think.

Yes, they will still work, but just note that part about your thoughts. I’m sure it’s fine to listen to whatever you’re listening to

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Will the fat to stem cells video cause weight loss?

Yes, that’s a good way of thinking about it! And that one DEFINITELY counts towards your daily limit of physical fields, depends on you and how many other fields you are listening to


the only permanent physical audios I listen to are height growth, 20/20 vision, and genius field. I should be good

Yes, there is fat in your body even if you are very thin, I wouldn’t worry too much as to whether or not you listen for weight loss or because you want the stem cells. If you don’t want weight loss, you can assimilate Generalized Adult Stem Cells


Ok. So the music does not matter its just the thoughts that I have during the music are what matter because they might cause subconscious resistence if they are negative thoughts. Got it

Yes you should! That’s good!

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Well, that’s what I’m saying and that’s why I mentioned Heavy Metal/Rock. It could! But don’t worry about it too much

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Ok thanks! thats was a rapid conversation I won’t lie :smiley: :smiley:

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Lol! @lol… Lol :slight_smile:


What does male enhancement audio do?

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Can the beauty stack be used by transwomen MtF using also estrogen+progesterone+testosterone DHT reducer. Some of the videos in the stack increases testosterone in men. But sould it work if transwomen use it with some hormones vidoes? Or maybe make a beauty stack dedicated for trans people MtF and Ftm . Thankyou

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