I’m sorry if this has been discussed before but can I listen to multiple sapien audios at the same time in different tabs on my computer? Or can I bundle them so I can listen at the same time? I asked Sapien in Patreon but he didn’t reply :(
It’s been addressed once or twice. For best results, don’t mix.
Hi @eternity, here is a post about this from another discussion thread:
Even though I know that this is not the best idea I need to do this, there are so many playlists that I don’t have more time, in addition to personal audios, so it becomes necessary to use at least two playlists at the same time.
On a related note, can we listen to the same audio on multiple devices simultaneously? Would that count as listening to the audio twice?

Would that count as listening to the audio twice?
Aw shucks, here I was thinking I could listen to the audios in half the time
Yeah, they don’t work like that.
Just listen to ONE at a time from one device.
There is no benefit to listening to it from multiple devices
and certainly it’s detrimental to listen to two different ones at the same time
Also “speeding it up” doesn’t make it work faster either. (before someone asks)
waves I quite literally can trace my awakening to a time I was running about 10 audios 24/7. My life is MUCH better than previously, as is my energy level.
They were not all Sapien audios. SES, Xtrememind, Sapien, and Quadible all definitely had notable parts to play in that.
Other morphic field makers say it still works if you bundle. I am now genuinely confused.
So bundling fields worked for you?
I thought I had some success doing this way back. I didn’t try it for long. Just imagine printing a servitor sigil then using the same piece of paper to print a different servitor sigil over it and trying to create a servitor. Not exactly the same thing but you probably wouldn’t want to do it.

Even though I know that this is not the best idea I need to do this, there are so many playlists that I don’t have more time, in addition to personal audios, so it becomes necessary to use at least two playlists at the same time.
i mean if it works for you, then it works for you.
i have done this before especially mixing monotone audios with music ones. eventually it wasn’t sustainable for me (physically, mentally, and time) and i continued to reduce my playlist until it was less than 3 a day that i could loop continuously.
I wear 8 Sapien tags. I wear a tag I designed (very, very powerful, and boosted twice). I wear a powerful mala bead necklace with a servitor. I have a servitor in my phone. I wear FOUR magnetic capsules with crystals, energy fields, and 8 powerful magnets each. I wear two rings with energy fields. I carry a powered 24k gold orgonite in one pocket with a 15hz pulser in it (and fields). I carry my 24k Reiki Beamer with several fields AND a servitor in the other pocket.
I currently have about half a dozen audios playing, and 8 fields being broadcast to myself via magnetron.
Periodically I take everything off and shut off the audios for a quick cleanse/integration. Sometimes I will play a single audio during this time. Stuff like grounding, Schumann, now it’s definitely going to be the ley line one, that one boosts my ability to assimilate fields like crazy.

Yeah, they don’t work like that.
This is in direct opposition to this statement though…
I dont have an opinion on the matter, I know little to known about morph fields, just seems to be some contradiction. I also dont know what “old” refers to in the above screenshot, that could change things.
I would honestly assume that it would just slow down the results of the fields relative to how much is bundled. Something like 2 would be 1/2 effective, 3 would be 1/3, 4 would be 1/4 effective etc… (just guesses in the dark). I dont think it would completely cancel each other out though.
Would be really nice for @SammyG or @El_Capitan_Nemo to come in with some more definitive answers on the matter.
I only ask because there seems to be multiple answers to this question and not much info about it or conclusive answers made.
It’s not complicated and has already been explained.
Do not layer Sapien Medicine audios upon other Sapien Medicine audios.
You not getting the full benefit of either audio that way.
Don’t believe me?
You’ll just have to trust my 10+ years of working with DW and knowing his stuff until Sammy or DW come along soon (not likely) and reanswer this question for the 100th time.
Just looked it up AGAIN from FAQs…
Rome says:
Just wanna make clear that if it is okay to listen to your videos at the very same time with other binaural beats/isochronic tones?
Dreamweaver says:
Listening to multiple frequencies at once tend to cancel each other out.
If everyone is still confused at this…then

Don’t believe me?
I wasnt saying I dont believe you I was just saying there was like 2 different answers in this thread and none were firmly supported.
One was a screenshot of SapienMedicine replying to a youtube comment saying its fine.
The other was yours saying it wasnt.
Can you see the discrepancy? Why I or others could be confused?

Dreamweaver says:
Listening to multiple frequencies at once tend to cancel each other out.
Thank you for adding this piece of information, this is the first time I have seen it. It is the most up-to date opinion so I will go with it.

“speeding it up” doesn’t make it work faster either. (before someone asks)
How is it different from wearing multiple tags at once?
I believe that opening multiple copies of the same audio may distort the energy and frequencies,
especially if they are not played at exactly the same time, but I’m not sure.
I thought I was remembering something more definitive but this could be the post I was thinking back too.
How it might be different? You could have two tags in your pocket Or you could in theory have two tags printed in one with the images overlapping. That would be distorted. You can listen to two audios at the same time on different speakers and devices. Or you can play them with the same device and speakers and who knows how much of each audio file is being accurately represented and to what degree.