Liver Fat Reducer

Might that just be the way she experiences energy?

As someone who could make better lifestyle choices, this is saving my future for when I’m ready.

Thank you so so much. This is doing more than the liver cirrhosis one did. I can feel the difference far more drastically.


She even used the liver ver2.0 before this but nothing like this happened. She says it feels like the effects of the hormonal medications given to her to induce menopause during her cancer treatment. The same pins and needles feeling.

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When will this get on Patreon?
Thnx @Captain_Nemo


I didn’t even know there was a new field on Liver till I got an e-mail from Patreon after it was uploaded few hrs back.

Thanks Captain, very much needed this!


Cross-posting this excellent information here because I think it would be of interest for people looking at this field:


Has anyone looped this one more than 2 to 4 times? I really need to get my fatty liver fixed and I’m just wondering how far I could push this field. I use the Liver Cirrhosis, Fat to Stem Cells amd Plasma Protocol 2 also.


Just stick to the recomended listening time and over the course of a few weeks or maybe months you will get much better.


What @tagler2 said. Plus, if you’re not already doing so, Intermittent Fasting and Keto diets have been shown to be useful for this condition.


Thanks @tagler2 and @WellBeing . I’ve been using it 4 times a day almost every day since it was released so I’ll keep going with :ok_hand:t3:
I do intermittent fasting but not by choice, it’s mainly because no food agrees with me so I usually eat once or twice a day at most but in amounts that would be suitable for a toddler.
The days I feel adventurous and eat like a normal person, I always end up extremely unwell for days/weeks. Thanks for the advice :pray:t3:

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I’m curious, how do you know you have a fatty liver? And what’s causing that?

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Ultrasounds. I’ve had fatty liver for years. My ALT, AST and Gamma GT bloods are always very high. Doctors always seem to say its from having a bad diet and too much alcohol but my diet is not bad and my alcohol intake is very low (For an Irishman) basically because if I over indulge in any of it, I would not be able to move from the bed for a few weeks. It would usually be 2 or 3 times in a year for special occasions where I will let myself go out for dinner with my girlfriend or a few pints with my friends for a few hours and know that I will suffer for days after, just for that couple of hours of normality. I have friends who are borderline alcoholics and their blood results would be nowhere near as high as my results would be. That’s why It annoys me a bit when doctors assume it’s because of bad diet and alcohol, and when I mention that I know its not because of both of those I usually just get a shoulder shrug.

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I see, thank you.

I’m sorry, but this isn’t a helpful comparison for you to make. Like every other part of our bodies, people’s livers have different strengths and weaknesses. I know of people who can go HAM on a week-long bender and are no worse for wear after a shower and a shave. At the same time, I know of quite a number of people who are unable to drink even a few sips of weak alcohol because they lack certain genes required for the “healthy” metabolism of alcohol.

And livers’ abilities can change over the course of one’s life.

People who approach or enter into alcoholism, by nature, have strong livers. People with weak livers usually don’t because their liver’s inability to process the toxins of alcohol usually cause severe enough reactions before the habits and dependency can form.

Just I can’t look at Mr. Olympia as a benchmark for what I can or should lift, your friends aren’t a meaningful comparison for you.

If you really need to get your fatty liver fixed, you cannot be drinking any alcohol, regardless of your friends habits. Your test results are telling you your liver is under a significant strain as it is and , if you really need to get your fatty liver fixed, you have to do everything to support it (because liver transplants are costly, hard-to-come-by and all around suck…and you disqualify yourself unless you can demonstrate that you will not drink alcohol, not even a sip of champagne at your daughter’s wedding).

That means no drinking as well as an avoidance of other substances which are hard on the liver (such as caffeine and other medications like paracetamol).

I mentioned Intermittent Fasting (IF) above. That’s not the same as your eating challenges. Your eating challenges has probably put your body into starvation mode, which blocks the results you’re asking about here.

In one of the diabetes-related threads on here, a form friend linked to a talk by a doctor who had extended the idea of IF to 7 days or up to 21 days. That might work with your eating challenges. Be aware that this is not simple fasting. His protocol consists of specific nutrition (usually proper bone broth) to prevent the body from going into starvation mode.

And because fatty liver is considered an indicator of pancreas problems, metabolic syndrome and blood sugar dysregulation, you’ll also want to support your pancreas, blood sugar and endocrine systems to fix your fatty liver as well, because your liver has become the downstream end-product of those issues.

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For the few times you do consume alcohol, if you don’t already use it then consider using this field and see if it helps:

Enhanced Alcohol Processor

That links to youtube but it is also available on Patreon.


there is something wrong with your metabolism generally it would appear,
perhaps even epigenetic.

but all these seem to point to another larger metabolism problem.


Maybe automated workout to help with the circadian cycle? To regulate metabolism? @ComfortablyNumb @Captain_Nemo

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Sorry about the late reply, I had to go practice a few songs in a friend’s house.

Ya I agree, its not a helpful comparison at all. It’s basically a why does that person have a better functioning (insert any organ) than me, feeling sorry for myself type of attitude. I need to try and work on it to change my mindset to not compare myself and my situation to others.

Starvation mode is not something I’m well versed on, but would it also be the cause as to why I cant seem to lose any weight? Or find it very hard to lose weight I should say. I used to be very skinny, probably too skinny and then I went on an antidepressant to see would it help remove some of my many symptoms i have and I put on over 5 stone in the space of a year. That was over 4 years ago and I still can’t lose the weight.

I do have a few hormonal issues that I am seeing an endocrinologist for.
Since getting covid I have been having niggling pain in the Liver area, it’s really taken its toll on my body and nervous system but I’ll keep doing everything I can to fix it :crossed_fingers:t2:

I have the Alcohol processor in my phone :ok_hand:t3:
Thanks for all the info man :pray:t3:

Ya I’ve always assumed I have some type of Metabolic disorder because of being unable to lose weight but I don’t really know the whole ins and outs of metabolism. I’ve mentioned it a few times to my doctor but it seems to be something they don’t want anything to do with. I’ve had new bloods done last week because I’ve been feeling so unwell lately so I’ll just wait and see what shows up with them. I’m sure my enlarged Spleen and sluggish lymphatic system are probably also part to do with my Liver issues. It just seems to be a domino affect, one thing puts everything else under pressure, but I’m still not sure what is the root cause of it all so I’m trying to tackle all of them at once which is probably not the best way to go about it.

Would you recommend that I put a bit more pressure on my doctors to investigate the issue further? I’m not sure why it’s not something they tale a bit more seriously. Or if you could point me in the direction to which fields may be best to use? :pray:t3:

You should really try the AMPK field

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