Loss Sugar Craving?

Hey @3Tulsi, for some reason HSS is still not working for me. I stopped using the melatonin audio for more than 1 week now yet nothing has changed. Do you think semen retention has something to do with this?

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I would never expect you to see results with something so make after just a week, at least not results that are too noticeable. I see people in the comments section saying that they grew a few inches/centimeters over weeks/months.

It might take you weeks or months to see results. But what I do recommend you adding is Jing, Shin, and Pranayama, because adding that life force energy will help you see results with everything. I know you want to cut down on the amount of time you listen to audios, but that’s why I tagged you in this so you can listen to some overnight!

And remember, you can play these audios from your phone/computer while you do other things. Just have it loud enough to where you can hear, and it can be at the lowest setting. :slight_smile: are you listening to Subconscious Limits Dissolver and Chakra Clearing from Sapien?


I do listen to subconscious limits dissolver. I just thought that hyper state sleep is a temporary audio and would work when you go to sleep. Thanks for informing me. I’l use aura cleansing from dream seeds!

Oh sorry!! HSS!! I read Height Booster! So sorry!!

Do you mean that you’re still waking up tired?

And, you should use Aura Cleansing once per week for a few weeks, first thing in the morning and before you listen to anything else.


Yeah I meant hyper state sleep. Thats why I asked about semen retention. I will use aura cleansing as well so thank you for that. My question earlier was that did semen retention have anything to do with my issue? I read somewhere that masturbation can release oxytocin and melatonin so I just wanted to get your opinion on this.

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It can but it shouldn’t be an issue. I remember seeing something in the description for that audio having that each person will have to listen to it a different number of times. How many times have you been playing it?

Also, this is another reason why I recommend Jing, Shin and Pranayama, because it will help with everything! You can also listen to the Caffeine/Energy surge video in the morning, because you may normally wake up feeling like that. Do you wake up feeling tired without HSS?

Did I also mention to you before about adjusting your electronic devices to remove blue light at Sunset? This has really helped me.


I listen to it about 4-6 times at the morning. I will add the audios you just mentioned to my playlist to help. Sometimes I do use energy surge audio after I wake up but it does not give me a noticeable increase in energy. Normally, I do wake up feeling tired without HSS but 30 min after i am awake that feeling goes away. I do adjust my electronics to remove blue light at Sunset. Thank you for all the advice though!


That’s what I expected that you would normally feel like that!! HSS won’t correct that.

Listen to Jing, Shen, and Pranayama overnight. We’re going to be creating some overnight playlists in here, so stay tuned :sunglasses:


The main problem with HSS is not that I feel tired when I wake up with HSS, it’s that it does not give me less sleep at all. I will add Jing and shen and listen to them every night before going to bed. I think that will help!


You could use the other Auric Cleansing audio in the middle of playlists. It doesn’t seem to clear out other energies in the way that Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleansing does.


Thank you! I did not realize so far that this is a different one. I assumed the two are same!!! :upside_down_face:


You’re welcome! Now that I think about it, it’s possible that the other Auric Cleansing audio might still clear out some energies. So far it hasn’t seemed to clear out the effects of previous morphic fields for me as much as Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleansing does.

Atomspheric Vibration Raiser might be a nice addition to overnight playlists to keep the energy of the environment you’re sleeping in clean and restful. :slightly_smiling_face:

A clean energetic environment might make it easier to take in morphic fields and subliminals too.


YES!!! This is an excellent idea… :laughing:


It’s certainly possible that semen retention and the hormonal releases you mentioned might affect your sleep. It’s also possible that for some reason the morphic field from Hyper Sleep State has worn off by nighttime. Perhaps you could experiment with listening to it a bit later in the day, in the afternoon or evening.


Alright thanks! Will do.

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HSS works for next sleep cycle, and not the prior night? I thought it’s to recover not getting enough sleep from the prior night?

There’s a lot of talk about semen retention on this forum…

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How many hours are you going to sleep each night? I think the point of this field, is that if you’re studying and you went to sleep late, and had to wake up early and of course didn’t get enough sleep, you would use this to make up for that.

I have never been able to download from that Auric Cleansing link. The site it’s hosted on has a lot of spam.

Thank you for that!! Feel free to have a look over our overnight themes in this thread :slightly_smiling_face:


Interesting article!

It works for both. The higher production of orexin helps with grogginess and effects of sleep deprivation, and the energetic simulation of the gene mutation allows for less sleep during the next sleep time(s) you have after listening to the audio.

From the description of Hyper Sleep State:

This works with the BHLHE41 gene (dec2, etc) Specifically the SNP
rs121912617. It works to create an energetic (not permanent) simulation of the mutant gene that allows for less sleep.
It will also work to stimulate a higher production of orexin which would help remove the grogginess and effects of sleep deprivation.
I would think one or two listens should be enough for it to work for at least 2 sleep times, but you will have to experiment and see how it works for you.
This can also help wake you up a bit if you have trouble waking up in the morning.
This is probably best used upon waking up not before bed


Hey @uial, When you use Hyper Sleep State, do you wake up naturally and not have groginess or feel tired when waking up? Without HSS, do you wake up feeling tired?