Loss Sugar Craving?

:joy: lol @lol I told you to use it overnight!! Haha :joy: that’s good though! I’m sure you got some good sleep


I should mention that a few weeks ago I used the HSS audio then went to sleep and woke up at 3:30, meaning i got about 5 hours of sleep. If I rmember correctly, that day I was on semen retention for 3 days and only used the melatonin audio only once. I think I will try this again for the next 2-3 days because I swear this audio definitely worked for me.


Thank you for sending me that delta frequency audio!! It definitelty helped me get to sleep quicker! :grin: :grin:

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When I use Hyper Sleep State, I always wake up naturally after 4-6 hours without feeling tired. Sometimes I feel a bit groggy but it fades away within 10-20 minutes. Without Hyper Sleep State, I naturally sleep around 7-10 hours, sometimes longer if I’m very tired.

Yes, I wake up feeling tired or groggy sometimes without Hyper Sleep State, and it takes longer to fully awaken when I do. I listen to it in the morning if I feel too slow in waking up.


The only time HSS worked for me was a few weeks ago where I slept for 5 hours and woke up naturally without feeling tired at all. If i rememebr correctly, I was on semen retention for 3 days and only listened to the melatonin only once before sleep. I think I should do that again because I have the same exact experience with HSS as you do when I use it correctly.


Use this


Yeah I already do. It is great for transforming sexual energy!


What kind of exercises?

Also there is always a question which arises upon brainwave states field. Does being in on a particular low frequency field will enable us to tap into one particular higher frequency field? Like if you hear Delta field and after a year or so once out brains starts to produce delta naturally, is it possible to go into theta state at any time? No info regarding this anywhere.

Our brains naturally go into different states throughout the day. Alpha, for instance, is used when doing daily activities and needing to concentrate, etc. So yes, even if you listen to Delta for years, you would still be going into different brainwave states throughout the day.

I understand that we go to different states. But it doesn’t mean we have control of those states. That is the reason the fields help. I meant that, will there be control over other states as well. These fields are really helpful for meditation.

I’m not sure I understand your question. Are you asking if having used Delta waves gives you control over Alpha, Theta? No, I don’t think it would.

If Sapien brings back his meditation/brainwave field, you can access any brainwave you want! I was JUST about to buy it, too.

Good that people have been researching these stuffs using binaural beats. But 10 years is a whole lot of time :grinning: . I hope Sapien’s audios takes less time. But my question is will it also help us to be on Theta state , if we have trained on Delta waves? As the delta waves are at low frequencies. Or we need to train our mind specially for theta waves even if we are good enough to be on Delta state for a while.

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Thank you that is what I would like to know

I will read through the document. Thanks


No, please hijack more! That was very helpful


hey, when did u listen to the dopamine? When you were studying or anytime?

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No worries. we all are thread hijackers we hijack threads. :joy:

Who we are? :thinking:

Thread hijacker! :sunglasses:

What do we want? :thinking:

We love to Hijack all the threads for no reason! :joy:


I listened to Overcome Addiction both when I was and wasn’t studying. I listened to it about 10 times each day for a couple weeks, and then I stopped, completely forgot about listening to it, then I saw results!


Last 3-days, I have been looping the below:

Vibration of Creation X 5
Higher Self Connection X 5
Fat to Stem Cells X 5
Anti Aging X 10
Telomere X 10
HGH 2.0 X 5
Advanced Healing X 10

I wake up super energized and refreshed. My weight loss stack is not making me sore anymore (though I am still yet to see any pounds dropping or definition improving).


I haven’t either!! I recently found out about an anti-histamine diet, and how it can correct the cause of wineries Runner’s Itch, allergies, hives, etc. If someone is susceptibility to high histamine in foods and low DMSO enzyme, it can also affect weight gain/losing weight.

I have all 3 of those issues, and also having gotten slightly bigger when I started breaking out in hives 2 years ago, even though my body has always been slim. My face just always looks full and I hate it. So, I’m currently transitioning my diet over to this.

Do you have any of those issues? There are also complications that high histamine can cause.

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Hmm…not sure. I was always “genetically” big lol, so I put in a LOT of effort on food, diet and working out to stay in shape.

Not too bad, but this lockdown is not helping me haha! I gained like 7 pounds which I am trying to lose.

Essentially, if I go on a strict 18 hour fast for 3-weeks, I should be easily able to lose, but as Roku pointed out, I am trying to go the Sapien way where weight loss is accompanied by muscle definition.

I also added Diabetes audio to my stack last night - in case I have some degree of Insulin Resistance?

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