Lottery Sapien Group

Dear ladies and gentleman,

I am a passionate lottery player who plays regularly to win the jackpots someday with enough manifestation power and to proof my manifestation ability. Till now I only won very small amounts.

I have the notion that if we (psychics/people with the tools) form a playing group, our output could be maximized greatly.

We together would choose the same numbers for lotteries like the PowerBall. With all our Tools and abilities we could really make a change for the better.

Everyone who is interested just dm me. I cant see the voters. My fault, sorry. Thanks :-)

Maybe Dream or Sammy want to join too, haha :-)

lovely regards

  • Who would like to join?

0 voters


Interesting idea


one time my dad won the lottery three times in a row…


Ok , it was just the minimum winning amount. But still that was quite impressive


Interesting… indeed! Although i voted, need to say that lotteries are typically localized per continent or country so you are going to do that for all the big lotteries per continent ;p.

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Can someone explain to me please how I can modify the poll so it shows who voted?

I play american lotteries from Germany through german websites

ah! didn’t know :slight_smile:

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I can not change it after 5 minutes. Everyone who is interested just dm me. Thanks :-)


there is technique which called The Wisdom Of Crowds

using automatic wiriting to get supposed winning number
this technique can only used by many people at same time its divination form
watch this video.

all thought autmatic writing i’ve tried alone and got 3 numbers out of 6,
but not sure if its working since many people says this show is a trick


do you want to join the group?

yes sure

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would like to join the group, can you add me?

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@Rene will this be made ?

Interested :grinning:

please add me too brother! @Rene

You can add astrological benefits like having Jupiter, the planet of luck, be on your side/Jupiter related houses.

I also want to join


Id love to join, I buy scratch cardz once every 2 weeks lol

I would also love to join if it‘s still possible, please :pray:

Interested in joining as well please add me.

I am interested too :sparkles::ringer_planet::seedling:🧚‍♀ :dragon: