Microdosing psychedelic drugs can help with a variety of psychiatric conditions. A lot of people are using microdosing to treat anxiety, depression, PTSD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, ADD and ADHD.
Many people are microdosing to be able to perform better at work, for pain relief, to study for school and doing homework, for programming, and coding sessions that last all day.
Some people even take microdoses of LSD and Psilocybin Mushrooms before attempting to learn new languages or reading books. LSD and especially Psilocybin have a unique feature. They are deeply linked with the language processing center of the brain, as using and learning new words creates images in our minds. When we associate an image with words, languages become easier to learn and to master.
Many people have successfully treated their hard drug addiction with microdosing. Microdosing brings out many amazing positive changes in our minds and bodies.

Here are some benefits of microdosing psychedelics. The Creativity Enhancing Benefits Of Microdosing are amazing.

  • There is a noted increase in creativity . Writers, musicians, artists, and many in the Silicon Valley are microdosing regularly to enchance their creative abilities.
  • With microdosing it becomes easy to get into the zone and stay there. There is a recognition of the natural flow within ourselves.
  • Microdosing boosts intelligence and understanding . Intelligence also means information gathering. On microdosing you are naturally more in tune with your mind, body, and your environment.
  • Boring tasks no longer seem mundane. Work becomes fun. If you have a boring job, you could try microdosing. Perhaps psychedelics will show you the way to be happier in another job or area of work where you find true happiness.
  • LSD microdosing increases productivity. We can get more work done in less time. We become more efficent at what we’re doing.

Microdosing Acid For Exercising, Sports and Physical Activity

  • You have more stamina and strength. You don’t run out of breath very easily, because through microdosing, you remember to always breath and oxygenate the brain. You don’t over-exert yourself in the greed for accomplishing something. Everything is in a natural flow of the body.
  • You have more physical and mental energy. Your endurance is increased. You can run faster and lift more weights. You can go longer when working out.
  • Your hand to eye coordination is improved. This is essential in sports such as basketball, football, hockey, soccer, and many others.

I’ve heard about all of this, and even might still try it. They say the change is permanent as well… You don’t get the “high” during the micro dosing, just all the benefits… Of course, I’d wait since I’m on parole.

I too would love to try, as I’ve never taken any drugs but the benefits are simply amazing… (from what I’ve heard ofc).


Has this been made already?

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someone on youtube had made a microdose lsd subliminal i listened to it and felt the effects…
but after that that person deleted it.

Welcome bud! :grinning: And naw, he was talking about the micro dosing with the real drugs I think…

Welcome to the community btw…=]

That’s interesting, I haven’t found another source for morphic frequencies.

I dosers got some of pretty much every drug you can think of and they’ve had good reviews…

Once I have time, I’d probably check it out too…

This shit’s pretty interesting, thanks for posting these sites.

I’m not really interested in the other site because they don’t make customs…I honestly feel content with Sapien’s audios, but I have used subliminals for things that Sapien doesn’t have frequencies for, like darker limbal ring, smaller hip bone, darken tattoos and shit like that…but the first site you had listed…they could make custom energies for whatever your needs or effects you seek, it appears…

I see, thanks for the welcome bro

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No problem bro, glad you’re here. It’s good to have a lot of positive people with the same mindset…I love to learn new things from enlightened people all day…

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You’d felt the full effects through this method? It’s crazy how far technology has come…

Hey, I had ordered the San Pedro audio(you had me curious about the effects) and like I want to ask do they send it to you through email or what? I was expecting for them to have any instant downloadable link(like Sapien) but it appears that’s not the case with these guys…

No absolutley not. It gives you a bigger picture of life. Last Sunday I felt stuck and depressed, I took 10 mcgs of lsd , took a notebook and sat under a tree and just wrote down what came to my mind . Theres something highly therapeutic to this.
I can only recommend it , if you do it occasionally it can be a great tool for life .


Never done that , dont know …

You get all these benefits when you do yoga and meditation so much awareness and mindfulness…you feel like the guy in the limitless movie. Believe me anything is possible when you achieve fully awareness you learn things way fast some things in an instant.


Is this field still available? Was it ever? This thread died last year…