Any of you guys who’ve created the lucky field on an item seen any great results with it? Pls share ur experience.
Yeah I passed a really difficult practical assessment with it (along with other audio stacks). Somehow everything just snapped into place.
Did u create it using the sigil which was posted on this forum right? @ryantraveling
Hmm I think so, or it might have been on the patreon.
The luck one isn’t available patreon I just took a printout of the image posted here in one of the threads and imbedded it on a ring. @ryantraveling
You’re asking a lot of questions that have been asked & answered before. Please, spend some time going through the older threads on the forum and read other’s accounts.
It really will help you understand better what these various tools are and how to better use them.
Guess they won’t find what they need then
Would they also like those of us who “are tired after a long day” AS WELL to wipe their asses for them too or…?
Asking for a friend…
Naw…it’s a great comparison.
Sure. it’s a great thing Sapien has created audios for that. :) That don’t involve any work at all except pressing a button.
Bingo…LOTS of research…on my own…since an early age…by using search functions on internet sites and libraries before that.
I gave up on my “real” pet peeve of people not doing their own research or using search functions on forums a long time ago…
We even have people here on here who think being “smart” or “reading and researching” is somehow bad
But honestly, for real, for reals, not kidding, for real this time,
Want to “escape” the powers that be and gain even basic freedom over one’s life?
People have to shake off the mental laziness inbred into them by society and enjoy LEARNING and RESEARCHING and figuring out to use a search function on a forum
Said it here earlier
Sorry, not sorry if that upsets people.
No one’s gonna rewrite the entire history of every posts and thread for every question that is asked, nor should they
@uial already does more than enough work of consolidating the best posts into one easy to find post …
That’s a great blessing to most of you out there…
You might have misunderstood the tone of my message. For the last two days, both @Bronyraur and I have answered many, many questions from @tagler2, no judgment included. I was willing to help, and I know Mrs. BronyRAWR was as well.
However, it had gotten to the point where it was time for Tag to start learning on their own, so they can learn to empower themselves. It’s a great way to overcome the common fear new people have that things won’t work because they did them wrong.
Counteract fear with knowledge.
Personally, I want to thank you for this post Owl. Even though I agree very much with _OM regarding learning, researching, reading (because unlike some people tend to believe: NO, reading stuff is not contradictory at all with direct experience. Not at all. Plus, sorry to be cash but: some “personal experience stories”, which are sometimes “sold” here, “strangely” look veeeery much like already available info in books and other documents So reading is not a shameful act lol. It allows not to swallow this kind of mythos), you also know that I’m a fiery defender of this motto: going according to one’s own pace.
But the most important here is the sharing you’ve made about a very personal aspect of yours. It may be the first time that I see such a detailed and transparent post coming from you. I’ll take it into account in the future. Thanks again.
I can tell you’re giving me some kinda eye, but without my glasses I’m just going to assume this means you absolutely LOVE your new nickname you couldn’t be more thrilled.
You’re welcome.
Ah… It’s just that:
After all these months spent on the forum being called bro, man, mister, uncle… The “Mrs” in your post has had a weird effect on me. Most unexpected :))
I confess: if I was a man, high chance that I would have been like Doakes…
I got some bad news for you then… it concerns Dexter… please return my message ASAP
It should, indeed. Him… and others (which may be way worse than Dexter, as discussed with you sometimes) :p
So hard to find a Doakes gif with a decent language… but this will match with your post, I think:
Well, it seems obvious to me that you’re feminine by the way you speak, but we’ve talked alot. Maybe if we call you Mrs. BronyRAWR enough, dudes will catch on. LOL
For the record, I have no idea who those men are in that picture…should I know them?
Maybe :)
They are from the tv series Dexter (which was inspired by Jeff Lindsay’s novels). The blonder one is the main character, Dexter, who’s a serial killer having his own moral code… the one making eye on him is Doakes, a police sergeant who’s basically chasing him.
Especially the first 2 seasons include (imo) some brilliant psychological analyses. The opening titles are also… quite something ;)
Ah, yeah I know of that show, but I never watched it, as the premise seemed too dark for my tastes. Some things I don’t want in my head…
Yes, definitely not for everybody. I can resonate with your post. My “limit” is Dexter and Tarantino movies. Further, I’m unable to watch (when it becomes extra bloody, etc.).
Atreides and I are mostly fan of the psychological portraits depicted in the series + the questionings about morality.
But Doakes is funny though :))) I still watch his best ofs on YouTube when I want to have some laugh.
I’m not into bloody films unless it’s over the top like Kill Bill.