Lucky Flows (Patreon Shop)

@SoulStar33 Thank you!


There now :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks, already bought it.


Added The Lucky Artist and the love-related tracks to my morphic playlist. Let’s get lucky! :smiley:


I guess there is no difference in benefits in youtube and patreon versions or is there any?

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Yep, you’ve been answered the same @high

If any, there’s one field that is slightly longer on Patreon than YouTube version.
Field benefits are the same.


@whitefire Oh that is so sweet! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Since having these two looped :
:small_blue_diamond:Lucky Loved Up Life
:small_blue_diamond:Lucky in Loving Relationships

I feel :heartpulse: being filled into the depths within, and see that I continuously get blessed with hearty experiences, situations, and people that are a pleasure to be around.

Those who take care of their inner peace

These people make the world lighter :sparkles:

Thank you for these amazing lucky gifts :gift_heart:


I purchased these and added them to my stack, hoping for The Lucky Artist to kick in because it’s been extremely slow on that front these past, oh my, two years!


Thank you very much for your feedback, you have made a great suggestion for those who may feel overwhelmed for some reason.


You’re most welcome @Fender_Cad, happy to share. Here’s to meaningful, uplifting connections/situations your way :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :clinking_glasses:


Sure :100: :clinking_glasses:


Already getting results with the Lucky Loved up life & Lucky in Loving Relationships.

One of the first few times I listened to Lucky In Loving Relationships, I felt sensations in the left side of my energy body, close to my physical body. Felt like gentle waves breezed against the left side of my body specifically. Very interesting.


Havent commented about this album waiting some days but man the power of this is undeniable!!

And its like a manifestation energy, take this still lightly becase i listen/wear so many things the outcome might be slight different depending what you all particularly wear/play but regardless im sure is great for all. Just shows up in different ways possibly.

Some days ago i was talking to a member in PM and she agreed to have noticed the same.

A ridiculously power that is like a reality shifter

Right in front on you, without doing much

Ill give some examples in my experience:

  • went to buy corporate clothes: went to a specific street that has lots of stores, ive been in this city for 10 years i know inside out that street.
    I got a few stuff at one after a couple of hours and left feeling okaish with what i got but still needing things and just big sight remembering that is hard for me to find clothes that i like and fit well.

I said ill continue tomorrow im tired and its so hot here, i looked across and I SWEAR… this big store i NEVER seen before appeared and i was like uhmm… let me see.

I went inside and let me try to make this short:

The WHOLE experience was weird.

Big store FULL of clothes, only 1 lady!! Lol no one else was coming to this store.

Prices were RIDICULOUS i mean obnoxiously ridiculous, i thought there were having some sale or something.

Its hard for me to find pants because: i am short, small-M waist but my :peach: is bigger than normal then my legs are medium too. So i always have to fix them after because to fit my butt, waist loose, legs loose and damn long lol
Im very particular with the fabrics too, the one i love is not very common around here i dont know why.

Well… ALL, listen, when i say ALL pants were and looked EXACTLY as i love. Exactly. I meant it.

In absolute million colors available :sweat_smile: the fabric? 100% my taste.
Prices? I kid you nauuuughttt. $6 each! Siiix. I mean what on earth? The fabric i like usually leans towards mid high prices. These… $6. I could not believe it.

Tops? Another issue haha i am too picky wont even describe.

They were lots of them too, the way i like them, the colours i like them, the fabrics!! I like, the type, models i like. (Which are not very common here, since this is like a tourist-beach kinda city) thats the type of clothes you find, not exactly corporate/office ones. And i always have to fix them cause you find either for near anorexics or super big.

Prices: all around $3 and $5 hahah

I asked the girl if they were second hand or what, and she was like huh? Nooo. And yeah they obv looked new but i just couldnt believe it.

(Still store empty just for me) when the street was busy.

I asked the girl: when will the sale end? She was like what sale? Those are always the prices :sweat_smile::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I was like listen, ive never seen this store, is it new? She smiled and was like uhm no, - but ive never seen it, i come all the time to the home depot one next door! … she just smiled and said nothing. :exploding_head:

I said. Well i will def come back. She said , we will be here. Lol

2- my best friend and I are always exchanging things or gifting each other things.
Like she would buy something use it once and tell me i dont like it anymore, cool i get it and i do the same, or a perfume we didnt like etc or something didnt fit once at home blah blah.

She knows im a sucker for facial/ skin/hair products, shes told me she has some stuff at home (she is staying until august at a different city) and that are good for summer if i wanted them.

Of courseee i do!

I went to get all the stuff.

And there was this set of like an astringent and a humectant from a brand i like. I was putting away all the stuff in the bathroom etc.

I looked the astringent bit and said, wow she never opened it. I put it down.
I grabbed the humectant and “quickly” (which i think is key here ill say later why) noticed that the humectant was like say 3 fingers lower and i said ahh this one is rose water nicee and she did use it ahh :( i laughed and thought is great!! All of this were fast thoughts. NOT fixated. Moved alone.

Next day in the morning i went to use them


I was staring at that humectant bottle for a while in silence or with a nervous laugh. I held it in different ways to see if maybe the first time i picked it up in a different way that made it look 3 fingers down. Noo impossible that bottle was full in the am. Period.

Other little things in between but just as crazy i would just take too long to share im sharing the most wow ones.

3- when i bought the pants all fit perfect, except for the length, understandable lol im accustomed to that, and i remember i was so happy that day AND i tried them again at home to confirm and i QUICKLY saw that i had to cut and sew a few cms to each one. Not a problem! Moved on.

Just a while ago i went to try them one more time and to see the colors etc to go and buy the thread and needles etc.

THEY ALL FIT PERFECT FOR LENGTH :joy::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Omg what is this sorcery.

Perfect. Like if i had taken them to a tailor. Even if i wear flats. They are perfect.

Thats when i decided to write this cause wow.

Now key points in my opinion if you want to consider:

We have said this a million times but its the first time i really do it like that.
Detaching to the desire or outcome.

Its a really hard task i know! But its what ive noticed. The desire or wish or need came about quickly into my head and i did not attach any emotion to it for too long just literally a few seconds and then they were out of my mind.

But the thing is that we know that duh… but we still “feel” and “attach” the emotions a bit too strong even if for a few minutes and then we let it lingering in the back of our heads and heart. SPECIALLY if we are wearing or playing manifestation or lucky things. We expect.

Feel too much
Leave it lingering in us

Thats what kills the manifestation

Because you know behind, in front, around, within those 4 things i mentioned there is the ego and the subconscious all the time, they never stop working.


Self consciousness

Start swirling around where we leave the desire stays (in the back of the head or heart)

We think we detach? No we dont.

So how am i doing it now then? What is happening?

I cant tell you 100% sure but ill tell you why i think is happening at least in my experience or understanding:

I play detachment in the am and in the eve. Daily.
(But i have more consistently lately, hence why i know is compounding)
I play black mirrored stone and the root cause daily too. = super grounded.

When grounded = fully present.

So i dont stay thinking about this or that that i dont have, is not there, cant happen now… i move on quickly to do whatever else, that and /or

The compound effect of SLV3 plus all the other new mindset ones.

World woven Magic (just a few loops per week)

Within the new audios we also have the ones for gratitude, love, not scarcity ones etc

So they keep me in this constant gratitude, happy,
Kid like wonder vibe all the time.

Not denying negative thoughts or emotions surfacing at times, its part of us… for now, but i DONT attach to them.

To me is like there are levels of thoughts/thinking process

The first one is the glimpse one that looks inside like faded or blurried

Then, we tend to focus on that blurried image, so it becomes more clear thats the 2nd level

Then we inject the image with HQ, so its perfectly clear and we see details now. Third level

Then, we start instilling different emotions to that thoughts which lets say are inside a frame. So the emotions get put in that frame, and then is when we attach the emotions to that thought

Then, once the emotions are hooked and attached we stay and analyze that thought and next thing we know there is like an energetic octopus stretching its legs to reach the rest of the body as in sending signals to react.

Even when eventually we come back out of that frame/pic/movie because we need to continue doing and focusing on whatever we need to, that frame once hooked and attached dont go away it stays in the back of the mind and heart. And therefore it continues operating from there.

In my case lately, the thoughts dont move pass from the first stage where the image is blurried and the sentence i said in my head are not even full sentences, blurried in a way if you will.

And im out and about of that frame, anchored to the present moment and what matters again. And thats why, the blurried image allows to contain the desire/wish/need without attachment or expectation.

It was just the glimpse. And that is all the mind needs it because…

What the mind does after being left all alone (like after we left the scenario) is to try to make the vision clear, look for it, and because we did not allow the blurried image to attach any emotion or “concept” of it, then we are not feeding it. And thus the mind does not have any other option but to CREATE that image outside. MANIFESTING IT.

Now as ive always said: luck is the meeting of preparation and opportunity in an positive environment
Positive environment is the energetic swirls lucky audios, high vibration put forward in this case.

The preparation is making the mind and heart fully detached of outcomes and expectations. Zero análisis. That through whatever audios i mentioned plus the ones you know that can help too, plus whatever NFT for it… silent mind for instance, even the mental one mandala in Sapien Med IG, plus all for gratitude, abundance,no scarcity ones etc

Opportunity is simply EVERYWHERE all the time. Yep. Say it again

All the time

All the time

Positive environment with the energetic swirls = lucky audios, protection.


Thank you Capi for this!! :brown_heart::brown_heart::butterfly:


Listening to the fields of this album makes me feel optimistic as if it has always been my deepest nature. :four_leaf_clover::blush:


Sounds beautiful!


Freaking hot is how it sounds now :sob::sweat_smile:




I will add remove the fear of failure to my daily stack… I’m good at my job, yet the fear of making mistakes destroys me!

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Between this and the one below, has anyone notice differences in effects?

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