
That poll was to check how many would buy as the NFT was thought to be in the range of Eternal price but after the NFT was released at standard price I thought it would have been sold like hot cakes.


Me too tbh

In peoples defense tho :sweat_smile: so many good gems to buy we kinda strickly buy what we need the most and indulge with what we like at times


Could also be because alot of people don’t have money right now and were expecting to buy it later in a couple on months. But it’s a shame because we didn’t anticipate the Sapienshop to close and now some might not get their copy. This NFT is a keeper for me!


Yes! Maybe everyone has a lot of lists and is considering their own priorities. Maybe they will all be sold out near the end time😂

This nft is less than a month old, but the results I have seen are great. If you want better hair, you can invest in this gem. Of course, this is not a deliberate promotion, but it personally exceeds my expectations.


I want all the cats you post around :star_struck:


:rofl::rofl: @AlreadyThere


Hahaha that first one is like pfff you peasants cant buy fields like me




@Hauru @anon73693188 I haven’t seen many testimonials recently here. What results are people getting? Stopping loss of hair? Reversing gray hairs? Fuller head of hair?


The gray hair is still there. I think it has only been a month since this nft came out. It will take some time. My hair rarely falls out.

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I have long hair and there were minimal strands lost when doing the detangling today. Eureka - I call that a win! :slight_smile: :woman_mage: :partying_face:


That’s awesome @Rosechalice!
Lately, I’ve been losing more hair than usual since I stopped listening to my hair/beauty fields / nfts. I was going to start listening again but then this one is intriguing.


These are great gems❤️

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Ah i dont have this one.

If you have the means to buy it get it, i think is really the ultimate hair tool.

If the hair fall only stops when you play the audios, then you might want to try the pancreas one for a while along DNA and Autoimmune one. Youll see how it can help the falling, and grows new hairs and eyelashes lol

Plasma Flaunt plus hair color reviver and platelet rich for the grey hairs.

But you see i think this one has all of that in just one audio.

@Hauru what if you play this only with flaunt and hair color? I think the 3 would focus on that, The grey hair. If you listen to them separately at some point in the day.


I am currently focusing on listening to it every day. Some members have expressed their thoughts, and some have seen that the hair color is restored, although the process is very slow.:wink:

Good idea :+1:

I will buy mitochondria (gumroad) in a while


Thanks @anon73693188 ! :purple_heart: I would have never thought of this combo.


Thats exactly when we use the top notch strong complex fields

You put that first then the exact aim/target field, and its like you channel the focus of the complex one to where it should go so you see faster results




That’s interesting, how do these all play into hair loss?

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Yeah EPI (Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency) results in hair loss among other things.

But like Kidneys issues cause hair loss as well, the difference is that if you heal your kidneys hair wont come back, but if you loss hair due to EPI then healing the Pancreas will regrow hairs.

Thyroid is another big reason that can also reverse hair loss if its due to that.

A big illness or stress or EPI (which basically is when the pancreas cant produce the necessary enzymes to digest food properly) are the cause of consistent hair loss.

So when you address the most common ones and you keep having the issue daily then more than likely is the Pancreas and or alopecia which is an autoimmune condition that btw can appear at any age.

Alopecia can gradually get worse, but you could have some days without hair fall.

But when is daily => def Pancreas. Because its daily that its not producing the enzymes for the digestion.

And DNA because its the key for homeostasis in the body to reverse damages.