
fields work different for everyone. sometimes we need to decide by intuition.

specific fields are still important to tackle specific needs

yes it’s a complete field but it doesn’t mean extra care is needed in some areas.

for instance energetic being is also a complete field still people regularly listen separately to the fields that are included to that one like core restoration etc

it’s a good base imo but i also include blueprint of life, plasma mitochondria. mitochondria protector blend. detoxed plasmatron life, the eternal, advanced healer ++ and every 3 days plasma beach & tesla’s violet pulser or negentropic pulsar


Time management is Essential in the end when tackling the Issue and find the Right combo for yourself!

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This is my actual progress (using consistently since released). I had a haircut past week so I was afraid that it could reveal some bald areas, but fortunately, the hair quality is very nice and the improvement has been steady :smiley:


I’ve been listening to this field for about 1 hour a day since its release.
I started at top row grade 5, now I’m top row grade 4.


are you young or adult?

Hello @yisus2302 can you PM me, I am new here so can’t PM.

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Amazing bro :sunglasses::sunglasses:


I bought my copy :ballot_box_with_check::slightly_smiling_face:. The next audio in the futur will be Dotto Ring :arrow_right:


The length of hair I would like to have :star_struck:

Detached and free

images (10)

Tied in a bun

My hair is black (I have Indian origins). When they are long they undulate


This NFT has been such a pain in the @ss to make lol , this is one of the reasons I basically left the forum .

With that being said I think the effort was worth it.
I fought hard to include the things that are the best for our hair. Most importantly the prolactin inhibitor, the CO2 to scalp, the cyanidinB2, and the scalp exercises.

For each of those there are mind blowing scientific studies. Like an NFT of every single one of them, would be epic but having them them in one NFT is a game changer . And then there’s still the rest of the NFT.

There’s studies showing the cyanidinB2 is more effective than finasteride on its own. And the pictures in those studies are some of the most impressive hair regrowth I’ve ever seen.

The scalp exercises I’ve been doing for 7 years daily for 20minutes. They work. I’ve regrown hundreds and hundreds of hairs with them. I don’t know how thoroughly captain included them in here, but if it’s even a little but that should go a looong way.

The prolactin inhibitor has also shown very impressive results in animal studies.

Get this while you can . I have basically left the forum at this point, so I only came back to get this NFT .


I absolutely had to get a copy of this after having learned about it after it was mentioned by someone else on Psychic University’s patreon page. Previously, I was going to look into acquiring a copy of The Lion’s Mane NFT and have used The Legendary Serum with painfully slow albeit any noticeable, gradual progress. However, after having paid for it, my current progress in my actually being able to download it makes this an appropriate song to listen to while waiting for it in the meantime.


I also hope you have great results @Alexander :wink:

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Anybody know how long the minting process takes ?
I’ve been waiting for over 24 hours but still didn’t get a download link.

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Ok that’s reassuring, so I’ll keep on waiting :pray:t2:

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This occurrence is not new. We know that the minting can sometimes take up to 48 hours, so in the meantime . . .

Peace and Gratitude

and if you’re still upset (or peeved, perhaps)

take it to the Venting Thread


and what remedy has been employed in the past?


Thank you for posting this. I purchased my copy more than 24 hours ago and am still waiting for it to be made available to me like the others.

(My previous message above indicated that I watched the loading screen icon go around and around and around for an excessively long time waiting for it.)


Don’t watch it spin, just check back on it later

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