Hey guys! How are you? I hope you guys are all good. Today was really magical! Today, my great buddy Jimmy offered me some money, but I just told him to get me a tag.(I am addicted, and won’t stop until I get them all! Lol…Even the one’s that I feel like I don’t need) Guess which one I told him to get me, and it was random too. I didn’t want him to spend too much money, because I have money that I have been living off of that I had made in prison…so I told him Thor! LMAO…My boy @JonathanLomata gave me an idea, and I can use it at the gym because it gives me the power of Thor! But I will only use him at the gym though, whenever that is… Also, one of my good bro’s from prison who was a Blood made parole…they call him “Detroit!” His little swole ass going to be the next big name in UFC, just ya’ll watch. His name is Terry Harper…as soon as this shit boils down, you guys watch ! Also my Vietnamese lil’ bro named Thomas written me too,(we’ve been though some shit and it’s ride or die when it comes to him, he’s doing 45 years) and another one of my boys from the prison gang I used to run with wrote me too! Man I love my boys man! I miss them. We’ve been through the mud together and we have been each other’s back bone…And also, I had got to know someone more and she’s the most amazing thing…we are soo much alike! And I had even got some die-hard Catholic family members willing to use Dream’s energies! Even they can’t deny that my melanoma is shrinking again, and it’s only been the 12th day since I had started taking pictures!!! They are skeptics and super religious, like pray the rosary 3 times-a-day type shit! I LOVE YA’LL MAN! I could care less if ya’ll love me or not. Good prevails! I always knew it would! It’s a shame that I got all these dark tattoos on me…
My boy’s coming home!
I used to always tell my boy Detroit and many others, since lots of my peers(black, white, Mexican) would look up to me, how meditation had changed my life. I was like the poster boy for meditation, at the unit that I was at called, “Smith Unit”, in Lamesa Texas. I would tell them all the benefits of doing mindfulness meditation, like all the time. Many would try, but would quickly give up, because of the thousands of thoughts that ran through their head. But at the end of this letter, this is what he said, and I am extremely happy and proud of him:
*It reads: “P.S. I started meditating too, I thought you was gassing it up. It’s the real deal. I feel amazing, when I do it. Thank you Li’l E bro.” (Li’l E, was my prison moniker because I was little when I first came in)
*Translation: I thought you was gassing it up= I thought you were hyping it up.
*I love when people start to mindfully meditate successfully and realize how magical it truly is. The benefits are endless. You guys have no idea how happy that last sentence made me feel.
Man I never got this notification! Happy To hear your boy is meditating bro! You’ve changed his life and he doesn’t even know it yet…
Thanks bro, @PatronSaintBiceps I even got you meditating! I’m glad you stayed on board.
Hey guys, I had changed the name of this thread. I want this to be a spot where, if one of you guys had a spectacular day, you can put it here. I love to hear or read about people doing good, especially during this whole ordeal. Like only if you guys feel comfortable. Your story might be able to uplift someone who was going through it or was having a shitty day.
It’s time………to unleash……… THE POWER OF THOR! AhAhAhaHhA! It had arrived!
Thanks bro. I could feel it already. It’s giving me the willpower to hold off on the course for now, at least until this whole ordeal subsides. I feel really great. I can’t believe it came in so fast. Must be the luck audios and sigil.
Hey you all, yesterday’s meditation was magical! I’m happy all you guys enjoyed it as much as I did. I am sorry for the one’s that couldn’t make it, and the next time will be more well thought out and will better accommodate everyone all over the world. I am really happy for all your guy’s gratitude. But in all honest truth, if it weren’t for all you guys it wouldn’t have been possible. (Because I would’ve been meditating with myself, or course! ) So no need to give me all the credit. Thank you guys for coming. Also, without @El_Capitan_Nemo, for sure I wouldn’t have thought to do it myself, so we’ve got to thank him as well. Thanks Dream bro!
Tbh, I have had several magical days and more than couple of synchronicities happen since my first post in this thread, but since my IPF tag has been getting stronger, I pick up things way quicker now. And I sense there are feelings from a few on this forum that they think I brag, (most likely due to their insecurity I am sure) which I have never ever done in my life. Like that’s just not my character. Not even in my blood. Like, what do I have to prove? And to whom? All my friends in my personal life and in prison, will tell you I have always been humble. Even before my spiritual awakening. Even before prison. I came out the womb humble. I wear my heart on my sleeve, pretty much, too. But also, I am blunt. I speak my mind. I don’t sugarcoat anything. It’s crazy because personally, I love to hear when people are doing good or speaking their minds. That shit makes me really happy. I usually just speak my mind and tell it how it is. And I used to be really rigid, not caring how others felt, if it compromised my personality. But since I have been growing more spiritually, I have been more considerate of the feelings of others even if I am comprising the way I have been since I was an adolescent, a little. (I got off the porch young.) And also, I feel like if I am the only one that types about my amazing days, the same people will think that I am “bragging”, so I had just quit posting here. It’s just something I struggle with.(Me wanting to just be myself and worrying about others feelings) It’s enough that I knew I had a magical day.
But yesterday was so awesome that I had to post it here! Man, I swear I felt like I was high. I was so euphoric. Like I felt so happy. So serene. So connected to all of you guys. So connected to the universe. Like I swear I couldn’t stop smiling like for an hour or more after that hour session we had. Thank you guys for also adding all your healing energies! So do you guys want to do it like every Sunday or Saturday? And would someone like to take the initiative for the next one?
Hi @This_Boy_Here. That’s a great title! Looking forward to reading about everyone else’s amazing days, including more of yours. Thanks for organising last night’s mass meditation, even though it was really late for me I was so glad to be able to participate. I remember from previous retreats that I went on how I was able to meditate for longer periods and go in deeper due to the collective energy in the room. I used to meditate a long time ago but slowly life took over and I stopped. A great pity as I could have benefited so much had I just persevered. I have started to meditate again mainly because of the Course but was also inspired by you after reading your posts about how much it has changed you. One always reads about the benefits of meditation in various blogs and books but when you hear it from someone like you who’s life has done a 360 I find it to be more impactful, so thank you for sharing your life stories and please continue to do so!
I am definitely keen to join in on other mass meditations say once a week.? Maybe do it on a Saturday, that way if it is really late for anyone they still have Sunday to sleep in.
No problem. It was nothing, honestly. Wow. Thank you @Jennyfire. Your post really made me smile. And I am glad I had inspire you to meditate. Really, I have always been like that, no matter if it was good or bad. Like when I was younger, when I would get a new gun, or got a new batch of drugs in…I would be really stoked and I would love to tell people about it. Just like how I am telling people about meditation! I would be telling everyone excitedly like, “Hey bro, I just got a k-pack of these new Green Scorpions double-stacked man. Shit, 2 of them are going to get you lifted(high) all night and all day!” Or, “Hey bro, check out this new Ruger P95 strap I got! It’s got 15 shots in the clip, with all hollow tips!” Or, “Damn bro, this shit is strong! I did a fat ass rail of this shit and I am f blitzed! Good shit man! Want some?!”
Thanks for the encouragement too.
I have always been like a super enthusiastic person about my passions, no matter if they were good or bad! lol…It’s just that meditation has shifted me more towards being good. Haha. Yeah Jenny, you don’t even have to do it for super long to reap the benefits. Just do like 10-30 minutes. I totally understand about life getting in the way. Don’t worry though. You already have it in you, so if you just force yourself to a couple minutes a day of mindfulness meditation, you will realize it like riding a bike. Your resilience, patience, willpower, amongst other things will grow.
Yeah, I am fine with Saturday too. Now if we can get everyone else to agree as will. I am down to do it any day.(since we are on lockdown) Whatever is convenient for people, I am happy with that.
Hi everyone! I’m good with Saturday too. and I think it would be awesome to have this sessions weekly!
I can’t help thinking about Chiron anytime I read you. So inspiring. Thanks for your sharings and yesterday night.
Thanks! And no problem. We will do it again on Saturday. I had to Google “Chiron.” Lol.
I am super stoked right now. Two of my little bros from prison wrote me. One Blood named “Swift”, and “Detroit.” Also, a homeboy from my old prison gang wrote me, named “Migz”. Man, I am so happy right now! I miss them a lot. I love hearing from them!
Hey guys, be on the look out for my boy Detroit. He will take the UFC by storm. Just watch. His name is Terry Harper. He will go by “No Limit.” I’ve seen him fight before. My lil’ swole homeboy got a little something. Anyways, his release date was last Sunday, on the 26. God is good.
So I had just meditated for an hour to the Higher Self connection just now, trying to figure out what’s right for me to do. (It’s been really bugging me because I was confused because of my spirituality, but at the same time I didn’t feel right stifling my personality, just for other people.) And I feel so stupid now because I have been knowing this. High vibrations always attract high vibrations, and it’s the same for people of low vibrations. I feel like an idiot now, because I had been knowing this for a long time already from reading an article that my friend had gave me.(Also, when I was of lower vibrations, I used to think people that were social or friendly, were weak. Even in prison, we would call people “friendly”, like it was a bad thing. Now I know why! ) So of course there are always going to be people of lower vibrations that can’t stand me or dislike me, and that is completely fine. I am totally fine with that.
Even though my dragon had been transmuting all the negativity from people in general, to feelings of extreme bliss and happiness, I wasn’t sure what I should do. But also, my higher self told me that I should never, ever go against the grain and compromise myself for anyone else. Not EVER. Thanks @Jennyfire, for encouraging me. I will use the Higher Self everyday now. Lol…Now I know why Roku loved it so much!
Today has truly been a magical day! I can’t stop smiling!
This is from my lil’ swole Blood bro “Detroit.” I had added these letter just in case if you guys want to read them. Yes, you too, you lurkers. He made me laugh everyday man. He had a-larger-than life personality. The lady guards would love him too! He really was like a brother to me. He would always work out with me, and we would tell stories to each other, of good times…I really love this guy like he was my blood brother for reals. I laughed hard at the part where he says, that at first, when he started meditate…he would get so relaxed, that he would wake up 2 hours later. He would think, “Damn, I am getting good!” As if he zoned out but he really just got so relaxed that he knocked out!
Besides for knowing how to fight good, he always cheered me up. Even when I was coming down off of ice or in a bad mood. Can’t wait to hear from him.
This one was from my little Blood bro Swift. Man, I miss this cat too. He was a playa lil’ dude man. Real fly. Always talking to me about some intelligent shit. Like even though they were gang members, these guys were really smart and open-minded. This letter really made me smile. A lot of my bros on lock are soo positive and optimistic. They give me so much strength. And tbh, theses guys are cut from the same cloth. They just be their genuine selves, and aren’t insecure when other people are doing good. Not caring what people think. These traits are so hard to find in the world today. People that don’t try to always think they are better than people. People that always try to uplift others. Not trying to change their personalities for other people, but just being real. Nowadays, it seems like people are always trying to put on facades, or “I am smarter than this person.” Or “I am more masculine than this person.” Everyone always trying to outshine someone else. It always gives me a really good laugh. Anyways, Swift’s letter really made me smile. So positive. So much ambition. So much inspiration. I can’t wait until they release all of my brothers man…I really miss them.
I know there’s some street slang, so you might not understand it. So please ask if you are curious about something.
Maaaaaaan! I just got a call from my bro Detroit! Man he’s free! Damn, I am happy! We had a good laugh like the old days! I told him we ain’t gotta look over our shoulders anymore using our cellphones! (In prison, we could get more time if we were charged with a cellphone I guess because one could escape, do drug transactions or order a hit on someone, which has happened in the past.) Man, my bro got a job and everything and he’s still meditating. I even put him on Sapien Medicine. Even though it was like me speaking in Greek, good thing is, he believes. I I hope he doesn’t have any blockages, but he definitely doesn’t seem like one to have many blockages. He’s very open-minded. Never done too many drugs. Anyways, I am happy he’s home. My day started off good.