Man Child -?

I know a lot of people in my life who have similarities in your story philip


Story #2

This is the story of an average boy. His dad was a migrant who went from the cheapest labor when he arrived in europe to upper class. A success story. He married the first blonde with blue eye girl he could and then, considered himself accomplished. That blonde had “problems”, because she had been mistreated in her childhood.

They had a son, our protagonist. His dad was working in the city all the time without caring for his family. The mom and the son were in the suburbs. She couldn’t correct or disagree witht he child as it reminded her of the abuse she suffered. The child would beat his mom, scream, ask or take everything he saw, he would get all the toys money can buy.

(exemple: The new playstation was out of stock in the store, they had to come back. So his mom bought him the xbox with lots of games so he could wait the next week for the playstation).

He would even try to beat his grandma.

Everybody hated that kid, but he was smart. The whole family braced themselves before he went to school with other children. It was bad. He was excluded. The teachers would be annoyed at how needy he was, always calling her, snitching on his classmate etc…

As he got older, he started to get beaten by the whole school. It got bad. REALLY BAD. Bruises after bruises. He got depressed. He stopped going to school, he tried to escape. However he started to learn from that negative reinforcement and he also started Kung Fu like a maniac. He started doing parcous and stunt camps. Still skinny with glasses, but a whole new attitude. All this bullying turned him into a man. Everybody was surprised at how calm and polite he is. It was not his fault, but he learned a better way.

He is still has some weird vibes sometimes, but he is ok.

Only 2 next stories about the opposite, the mature boys.


that sounds like me lol. moderately


I don’t know if I am one per se, but I am childish in some ways too. I find humor and amusement in many things, but I know my responsibilities, I’m extremely harsh with myself if I slacked, and very serious when I needed to be. It’s almost like a double personality.

As a potential man-child… :partying_face: I guess I’ll share my side.

Grew up to be kind of a spoiled brat, and then in sudden twist of the story, I lost my Dad. That forced me to grow up and face some strange monsters overnight. All of a sudden, I lost my protector, my guardian, and we were left to the wolves.

He was a titan and very successful since his teens, old school, very strict yet childish in some ways.

Girls? go.

Fights? go.

Bad grades? Run. Fast.

I miss him terribly. In fact it was his birthday the other day, and I was caught thinking back around the times we had together, and regretting the moments he wasn’t when I needed him most. I just wanted him to be there and ask for his wisdom when things get too overwhelming; ala Michael and Vito in the garden. I would have loved a conversation like that with him.

I would have wanted to share in his wisdom, to learn from his past mistakes so I don’t need to make them myself, needed him to laugh at me when I’m being overly dramatic, talk some sense into me when I’m being a stubborn fool, and borrow his strength when I falter.

My mother is amazing, but there are certain moments when I needed my father’s insight. I guess it’s the boy in me that looks to that with umost regret and longing. My time with him has passed, and it’s something I will never get to enjoy again in this lifetime.

That is probably a man-child behavior… but it is what I feel.

With that said, I enjoyed my youth, in some ways, a little too much. Even so, I protected my siblings, and tried to set a good example. Alas, I’m only human, and I am not a saint, so there will be that.

Man child… I know men that would be deemed highly succesful in their careers yet still manifested very childish behaviors. Pettiness, greed, insecurity, bullying, and utmost immaturity shrouded by the yes men around them. I know exactly what @anon76664106 is asking… but I can only share what I know, personally, and sadly, I too exhibit man-child behaviors at times…


I promise you tenfold


I’ve been told I had a sensitive ego… I guess that would do… :smile:

That made me smile. Thank you @anon76664106


Oh no not him :joy: Def quite the man child for sure hahaha


So… uhm… wanna loop Parental Love? :smirk:



Hahaha! Aww I’m fine :smile:


I was just thinking about him the other day cause it was his birthday, and this post was timely, so it caught me at a moment of reflection. I had a good mind to delete it now that I’ve sobered up, but it’s there already… me and my big mou… fast typing fingers?

I’m good. We all have moments like these, and I guess it’s good for the soul too. It’s like drunk dialing…


drunk words are sober thoughts

Dont encapsulate them again :smiley::blush:


In vino veritas.:grapes:


This is some good stuff.
Can relate to one of the stories…


A couple sci-fi novels and I can start my own religion :muscle:


The Weissman Chronicles

And you get a GT when u sign up

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Damn, my wishlist just got bigger.

It has a British feel to it :man_shrugging:
(not the name itself though)


I know :slight_smile:

I couldn’t resist

If I start giving out cars to followers, how am I gonna make money ?

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I get you. Keep writing Philip…

In my opinion
A man child has no correlation to his mom
He’s just not wanting to do the work and refuses to take accountability- he won’t grow up emotionally - to step into his s/o shoes.
And similar to a child’s tendency, he may act stubborn, and if he doesn’t get it his way, he throws a “tantrum” - for them it’ll be through the silent treatment, attitude , “you” statements, go away, ect

I mean it’s entitlement too, and honestly the best thing to do is give them a time out hah, meaning let them grow the hell up and stop taking their crap.

I mean they might be avoidant too and have trouble getting close to people- social cues could be a trouble of theirs - and it’s probably due to an unpleasant life changing event they encountered . So it’s why it may be a bit harder for them to understand others needs/ wants ect.
But sometimes they do - and they don’t do what they do out of maliciousness - it’s because they don’t know any other way, so it’s clinging onto what they know best

A man child has the opportunity to change himself.
I’m not a big believer of when they say
Once a cheater always a cheater or once a man child always a man child - people actually have the ability to shed their old selves and grow :)

There’s always hope
But it’s what they choose to make of it

And this is just from my personal experience so that’s what I’m going off of
Mine was/is 35 lol
I have hope for him :)

If you enable the behavior they present though, they absolutely will take further advantage of it.

So sometimes it’s best to let go until (and if and only if) they look at what they need to work on straight in the eye.

It’s painful but it’s ultimately for their best interest.