Man Child -?

There are myriad of causes, but lack of male role model is a crucial one.

The male role model is not necessaily biological father, it can be anyone who have some significace to the boy. And more importantly, the boy has to be near the role models to learn tacitly from his influencers.

To use an anonlgy that may speak to people on this particular forum, the boy need at least one “human masculinity field” around, looping until he matures. Otherwise, he would only mature under very unfavorable upbrings, in which he must bring out his inner masculinity too early in his life, or just become a man child if his has a relatively easy childhood.


Got to make sure people dont take it the wrong way lol.


Haha, yeah, you never know


Just “my 2 cents”

[quote=“angelblessings, post:1, topic:12505”]
What makes a Man Child?[/quote]>
I think it’s somehow common for women and men.

We missed experiencing some fields ( morphic and “non-morphic”) => no functional connection to those fields => limited perceptions => limited perspectives => our mind is not folding/unfolding & expanding in “the right way”; its inner structure, connection capabilities, and processing are affected.

From my point of view, this phenomenon is similar to the one we see in proteins generation and the consequences that come up when it’s about reaching the necessary functional shape of that protein.

Inside a cell, to “produce” an amino acid (AA), you need a triplet of nucleotides; let’s name them “abc”. Scientists said “look, we can produce the same amino acid (X) if we use “dbc”! Let’s do it like this, we’ll get more …!” What they did not see is the way you “produce” one AA has many consequences within the internal structure, shape, and functionality of the final protein. Scientists assumed (!) that the amino acid X(abc) is the same as X(dbc). Inreality, the differences could be huge, like differences between disease and health.

In our life, we do the same type of mistakes. We ASSUME that we arrive at the same “destination” when giving our child a bike instead of creating the context for the child to go through the necessary process to earn that bike. This is one of the many mistakes I did as a parent.

A parent is a human being with “missing fields” too. if you blame parents, you get stuck in victimization and this is counterproductive.

A human being always has free will. You can choose the path of a Man Child or another path.

Sorry for such a long answer and for my mistakes ( spelling, grammar, etc.). English is not my native language. :pray:

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This sounds more like an unsolved “equation” most probably coming from “another life”, either for the mother, or the child, and most probably for both of them. Being raised by a working mother is not “the cause” (unless you consider only this present life). Considering my own experience, the experience with people I worked with & what I’ve been reading on this subject, it might be about an objective/intention of his soul.