Mandalas [Mobile Wallpapers]

Thanks for the reply @SorcerySupreme! What is a linking field?

You’d setup a field so there’d be a constant connection between you and the device.


How does one do that? Conceptually?

Correct! I have a tool that assists in doing so, but not one I am able to share.

Look into the “linking sigil” and google linking sigil routing protocol for some ideas.

Or just stick a servitor in it and tell the servitor to do it.


Oh okay, thanks man!

The instagram images of both were posted here in this post for easy download:


Sure, as long as it is within 3 feet of you it will work, even behind glass.

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do you know if it matters if I print my mandala with A4 and fold it in my phones case?

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You can resize it to fit inside your phone case that way you you’re not folding the mandala


I tried to do that but I couldn’t so I went and printed it in A4

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do you have a website where I can go and do it?


you can go to a photo studio with a flash drive and they will print a mandala on good paper of any format :slight_smile:

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You can just use a simple writing program, like LibreOffice or Microsoft Office.

Just copy paste the mandala into an empty document and adjust it’s size. Just click on one of the corners:

You can do the same with google docs here:


this simple little site has been around for ages

quick, easy, free.


thank you, will redo it


@Septimus If I may ask, where did you find this version of Michael’s mandala? On Sapien’s instagram it’s the picture of Michael but without torso and without that extra space over his head. Thank you!

Ah, ok. I thought so. Would that affect field od mandala in some way?

Thanks! :+1:

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Hi Mandala Experts.


SM Mandalas

1.Can i print those mandalas t shirts. Heat press printing to any of my tshirt or new tee.

  1. If yes, which is best method, can i print on top of tee or inside the tee so that my body directly touch the image.

  2. Can i hv few mandalas in a tee shirt or it has to be one.

My out of box thinking as at current i could not afford any item from teespring. I am a bit poor.

thank u all… for ur reply.



  1. I don’t know if this really matters. I don’t think so, but other members may clarify this.

  2. It has to be near you, but not necessarily touching you. I have mine printed on a canvas (tissue + PVC, probably, idk) hanging on a wall. Works fine.

  3. It seems that it’s better to stick with one at a time and not mix them too much.
    However, some members using several mandalas at the same time have written positive reports.