Manhattan 8K RES

I have 5 devices on overnight, in ear plugs to avoid sleeping disturbance of course, Link and Bypass, some digital mandalas…


This 1 or ABP ?

After having a Playlist that consists of the following:

The Brain Key
The Conceptual Conglomerate
The Manhattan Method
The Plasma Brain of Youth

By your recommendation, should Manhattan 8K RES be the next field to buy and add to the Playlist?

I honestly don’t know what your goals or weaknesses are so I don’t believe my suggestion would benefit you with maximum efficiency.

For me personally, I got M8k res next I believe. But you’d have to continuously take Omega 3s to get the maximum gains out of this field, whereas, I stopped taking them due to the new White Matter field that was released.

I don’t know what you’d like to achieve so if I gave a suggestion it would be under the lens of what I view as “genius”, which is highly subjective, and evolving.

I recommend you take your time, study some of the fields and brain regions, truly break down each field by reading both their descriptions and the full threads, and then make your suggestion for the next field purchase.


does this boost the wiring of other fields


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MK8 acquisition complete. Sorry the sale made me jump.


Came back to this after a while and looped it for like an hour for about a week. I’ve been learning stuff so easily to where I get bored of what I’m learning because I’ve grasped it.

Was learning a new character on tekken 8 and all I did was practice for like 20 minutes and I shot up to the high ranks quite easily. Learning extended combos in the middle of sweaty matches.

This is a gem I almost forgot about and an OP one at that.


Don’t sleep on this guys, especially if you already have it.

I’m back to taking omega 3s again.

Why tho can’t we just play it together with White Matter?
Or do you feel much of a difference when taking Omega-3 instead of using White Matter simultaneously?

Me personally, felt more with consistent omega 3 intake.

But maybe more white matter field time would’ve been better. But I don’t wanna keep spamming it more than I already do.

I’m cool taking the pills.

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I do bjj. I’m pretty new to all these things. What would you say are the best fields to increase the rate of skill acquisition in context of grappling? I recently purchased Kinesthetic Intelligence and have been listening to it multiple times a day.

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Kinesthetic Intelligence
Opus Manhattan
Drops of Memory


Thanks! Do you have any advice on routine (how many times a day for each and optimal time to listen)?

I would start small like 2-3 listens per audio per day and work your way up from there so as to not risk overloading your system. Many of us here have (and continue to) loop for hours, but it isn’t always the most pleasant path lol. Eventually your mindbody adapts but it can be exhausting, hence proceeding with caution and erring on the lighter side.


I already own Kinesthetic Intelligence, but are there some free alternatives that you can recommend for the other three? I’m waiting for a sale lol

Hi there @calculator!

Welcome Living Room


Perhaps an additional benefit of this field-reduced aggression.

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Which manhattan is supreme ?
the manhattan method
the 8K res
or opus manhattan ?

please reply

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They are all unique in their own right:) That is comparing apples to oranges. I really want Manhatten Opus but the other two is straight fire!! With Manhatten 8K Res…I bought it when it first came out and so far it has help with emotions and focus on tasks on hand. Manhatten Method helps with coming up with new fresh ideas that come out of nowhere! It’s like a light bulb turning on for the first time. Intelligently and intellectually amazing!