Manhattan 8K RES

Won’t that be too many?

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Wish you luck? Lol Ima pray for you soldier! Be safe!

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smh only 30 :eyes::eyes: do I hear 50


It can get you light headed…and brain is really super charged. I could stay awake for 2 days with no symptoms of lethargy due to lack of sleep.


Looking forward to knowing your experience. Good luck !:four_leaf_clover:

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You guys killed me with laughter, thank you. :skull_and_crossbones: @anon26800771 @Viardiny @Sims Woke up with a couple of notications thinking “Maybe I said something profound before I went to sleep.” But nah, ya’ll just making preparations for the funeral. :rofl::rofl::rofl: I didn’t end up playing it because my higher self expressed to me that all I need is The Brain Key, The Manhattan Method, and Conptual Conglomerate at the moment, Plasma Brain of Youth, and Smart Stem Cells. My other fields can take a break. My teacher warned me as well. So I’m gonna chill out.


You’ll be fine


I’ve been looping this more with good effects. But I also would like to note that I’ve been taking this with not just fish oil omega-3s but ALA (plant-based omega-3s) and the mind muscle connection has been really crazy.

Feels like I can feel every muscle in my body almost and I noticed my workouts pack more of a punch even with it not being intense.

So for those that are interested try incorporating ALA into your supplement regime for this. It really feels to make a good deal of a difference.


After using this more and letting the effect accumulate over a the weeks the processing speed is definitely turned up. My ability to retain numbers and important details in general has surged so much.

My memory was already quite impressive from what family, friends and co-workers tell me ,but this, in a couple months I’m about to be on a whole new level.

Learning as I emphasized before is far more quicker and retained longer. This and Manhattan Method, and conceptual realizations are a tag team trio for crazy learning.

I can process the concept of your problem or story and reach a conclusive and constructive response for them before they even finish explaining everything.


W, love to hear it bro!

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Gonna give this 2 hours tomorrow right after a good manhattan method and drops of memory session. Can’t wait.

I have 2 questions regarding this field.
1- Could this help with regeneration of damaged myelin in the brain?
2- could this help with memory in general terms?

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Yes, because it creates new myelin (need omega3s though) and yes again.


Thank you for your fast answer!
One last question… Just to be sure. Can I share the audio with my mom? She is showing some problems with memory (that’s the reason for my second question)

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The safety is based on the intention that you hold.
Should be fine.


Thanks!! :heart:

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I played this 4 hours today, and maaan let me tell you. With an extra omega 3 pill than usual, the white matter gains were so subpar. It makes me want to take 3 next time…


The white matter production was unmatched, things felt more obvious, I worked so much more efficiently and quickly. Then finished the day by procrastinating on college essays which I finished in 30 minutes.

First I absolutely loved this field, then I slept on this field big time, until I reorganized my thought patterns and re-realized the complexities regarding myelin sheaths and membrane lipid beneficial factors.

Going to play this field 15-30 mins a day, until sunday, in which I’ll play it for 5 hours.


You’re tripping for overlooking this one. More myelin, less repetition and faster learning. Shame on you !

In all seriousness though, to really produce enough white matter to coat every single axon is what I meant. That’s something I sadly overlooked.

If I’m gonna loop ABP knowing theres 96 billion neurons give or take, loop BG around 100 trillion synapses, I need to have some big hours regarding a myelin sheath producing field.

I was only putting in maybe 1 hour a week maximum…

That’s bad.

No need to limit processing speed capacity.

Tbh, when I only took 1 omega 3 daily instead of 2 pills back to back days, the white matter benefits were night and day. Maybe that’s what discouraged me from spamming this field lol.

Never again though, especially now that we have those gene variants in advantageous brain plan, it should combine so well. When you get ABP and m8k @anon26800771 in terms of productivity, sleep will matter like 20% less. I’m pretty sure ABP has the gene variant(s) of drd2 that allows you to get by on less sleep. There’s studies on this.

However, m8k res also creates this effect so we’re lucky.

Like I looped both 4 hours yesterday and I got 6 hours of sleep tonight while using boosters and cyber brain. But I’m great though.

The way I see it, if you can’t play certain fields, and you know they will take long, why not sleep with them. You aren’t getting good sleep regardless. (Iykyk) :joy:

M8k is amazing, just needed to double or even triple on it’s effects to see how good it really was in a shorter time frame.