Manhattan 8K RES

Ah thank you!!
Ill read it

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Last question,

No need to play the Experimental Alzheimer one anymore or yes?

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The alzheimer audio removes amyloid build up which is common in people with Alzheimerā€™s.

M8K and Drops of memory boost memory, mental energy, healing.

So, Alzheimer would be like a disinfectant to a wound the rest provide healing and improvements.


Understood now thank u!!!


Is Sapienā€™s Alzheimerā€™s field the one on YouTube? Is it the experimental one from 7 years ago?
Or is there any updated one available? (paid or free)
Thank you

*Brain & Spine Antioxident


Thank you Lady !

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Check out Snapping Synapses

Some factors targeting PKA can help remove amyloid buildup in regions like Hippocampus, generally affected by diseases such as Alzheimerā€™s etc

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Will this help regenerate fat around the eye area (lost due to surgery) ?

Nope @O.N

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Hello, if itā€™s not a burden could you also go this in-depth with an explanation of how the Manhattam method works?

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Would you recommend taking extra omega 3s? Like will the omega 3s be burned through rapidly?

Just got this field and man itā€™s strong. I can only listen once or else itā€™s back to the frying pan for a a couple of days again. Canā€™t wait till I build endurance for it.


Lol, I believe I built resistance as I no longer have that effect, but believe it or not, I miss that frying feeling. Itā€™s similar to being in the weight room and feeling the burn. Maybe Iā€™ll have to use it far more times to feel it again. That sensation of brain rewiring is so good. We are ying and yang.


You mean that feeling where it feels like your body is just being burned alive :rofl::rofl: absolute masochists all of you. But no pain no gain.


I used to listen to this a couple years ago when I was really frying my brain

Brain atheltes :slight_smile:


Yes EXACTLY! :smiling_imp:

LOL, you had all of the motivation I need to reach this level.

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So far after only use it twice I can really feel the effects of Enpp6 in this. I donā€™t receive brain fatigue nearly at all or as much prior to this.

My ability to learn has increased really quickly. I already had a pretty nice memory as is but now I can look at something for like a good 5 secs and picture it in my head and itā€™s there for a while.

Vocabulary is more accessible. What I mean by this is I like to change up the words I use depending on how serious the conversation is, because I donā€™t like repeating the same words over and over. Now Iā€™m able to pick from my arsenal with ease.

Speech is more solid and not at a loss of words after subtly losing track of the topic or flow of whatever the conversation was about.

Mental imagery is way more vivid and dreams are as well.

Thatā€™s all for now.


Gonna loop this 30 times tomorrow wish me luck.