💗 Manifestation Technology (Private)

Rather, it’s a matter of what you personally need and in what direction you’re headed.

The possibilities that the captain gives are endless, and a huge number of products are now available to absolutely everyone. A few years ago there simply weren’t that many

different combinations of available product will lead you to similar results :slightly_smiling_face:

:fire: :grin: :+1:


Yes sure but when i comes to manifestation fields Probability wave and cone of power. I noticed that i have to be clear on what i want while working with field.

Playing without any thought just makes my life easier but keeps in stagnation When i focus on something. Boom . Some magic oportunity apperars out od nowhere.

These are just my personal experiences.

I guess we are talking about the same thing but in diffrent words😉


most likely yes,
I was at a stormy birthday party at a friend’s house yesterday, and my mind put emphasis on the number of fields you planned to buy :grin:

:fire: :muscle: :heartpulse:


After my dad entered the intensive care unit, I started using this nft first, and then started to add some plasma therapy, and within a month my dad was already in the general ward

I feel very fast

The premise must be said that if my dad is treated later, his heart will stop at any time

Immediate medical + field = perfect

Thank you my bro @Ugninis and @Captain_Nemo


I think your dad and his condition are sincerely cared for by many people on this forum :slightly_smiling_face:

nevertheless, sincere wishes must be carried out very quickly
This is the most important aspect of manifestation - faith, or the power that drives our heart’s desires
this is why prayer is so powerful - because it comes from the heart, and it is the heart that is the initiating pathway

the emotion emanating from the heart is the most important thing, it is what is the vortex. Harmonizing our mental gaze with our feelings is the fireball for change

Although, personal manifestation should bring personal change and experience, the chain that is created has a positive impact on those around us

Everything will be fine @Hauru :slightly_smiling_face:

don’t forget the medical fields


real brother! That’s why I kept mentioning the importance of reading in the past

Reading leads us to the direction of the heart, and it also leads to our belief, intuition and decision-making ability đŸ«Ą


just form your own opinion and don’t take it as the ultimate truth / fact
but it’s great food for thought (and for further research) :slightly_smiling_face:

:grin: :wink:




me too, i notice big changes with my parents.
the very first visit after i had manifestation tech, we all three went for a walk with the dog. they never came together before (they argue a lot)and it was always one of them with the dog and me.
the dog was over exited, too :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:, and me, i felt like when i was their little daughter :sweat_smile:

this week they came both(!) to town.
my mother needed new shoes and my father decided that he actually also needed new shoes. he had much surgery the last few years on his back and in autumn we all thought that he would never really be able to walk outside. but because of the dog and my mother being a little sick this winter, he trained and now he walks with a stick and he is really fast!
then i asked if he can clime all the stairs to visit my sick boyfriend who can not leave the appartement. and he claimed all the stairs to the fifth floor. fast!!
this was what i wished so much. my boyfriend and he had such a good relationship and they haven’t seen each other over two years because of both being sick.
it was all too good to be true.
me, i no longer have this ongoing thoughts about others in my mind. it’s more like, there are sooooo many people on this planet and if one of them acting weird it doesn’t weigh so much. there must be someone that resonates with me when it really gets important.
actually, i like more spending time by myself. i always did. but always had this fear of ending up all alone. now it’s more if i want to meet people i can, just not now.
but to be honest, i used a lot mental health recently, because i found myself showing my borders immediately few times and peopples reaction left me clueless. like, it’s only me, if they treat me like i am some minority and unimportant why are they defending themself like i was a whole tribe of fighters?? :laughing:


but it’s true :slightly_smiling_face:

When I saw an osteopath a week ago, he advised me to take a closer look at inversion therapy, or rather inversion tables

they’re indicated for people who have problems with their musculoskeletal system.
They’re also recommended for people who are very old.

they have certain contraindications, and in any case it is desirable to consult with experts

but these methods are absolutely realistic to carry out at home
there are a huge number of variants on the market and their price is relatively high

but given the prices of individual procedures, it pays off

Food for thought (if there are indications for use)


oh thank you!
i will look into it!


Hold the thought :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I love this clarity and inner order in the chaos. I almost feel like a bystander in my own life, simply waiting for everything to unfold in the best possible way.


with this technology it can’t be otherwise :grin:


when you ride a horse and want to change direction, you have to be sure that it goes to the right. then you can support a little with strings and so. my daughter told me. and these days i find myself if i am „riding“ through life, sometimes.
( same i did when she was a child. just be sure the child does the right thing, not one second think about what could happen. only few words and trust. i read this and always try to keep this way!
 and then came puberty​:rofl::rofl:)


The “left” side is also important
It’s how we accumulate experience. :grin:




I have been on cloud 9 since I had this nft. I knew to expect good things because of more private reports. I waited 1-2 weeks after release before I bought it because I wanted to be ready.

 very fast acting manifestation here. Magical. I have been wanting to change up some things within my business, big issues. All of a sudden, people who I want to be dealing with are phoning me, suppliers, customers, the whole lot. This is the reason I wanted this nft and it’s everything I hoped.

I will say, I already have good belief in myself, I have had amazing luck and success for my whole adult life (which is strange after a childhood of BS), but ok I deserve it. So yeah I’ve always had great opportunities arise. But this seems to make things happen when I need them to happen, so I have much more control. Love it, and thank you Ugnis and Dream as always :grinning:


That’s probably the point of the project’s versatility
You can work with it in different ways
more active - focusing on certain desires (or one wish), or more passive - trusting this energy, which “reads” what you need at the moment, or in a broader sense - what you need in your life path

That’s how I imagined it.

it’s just some things we can’t even articulate at the moment
But someone “above” knows what you need in this movement, from some material things, money, the right people, etc. to deeper things - health, spirituality, etc.

I think it’s part of a big chain :grin:

In order for the luck generator to work, it must be programmed and adjusted depending on the direction we choose.

then it will give meaning to the events that happen to us and “generate” luck: it is our goals that ensure the operation of the generator that will allow us to detect it.

If there had not been a clear intention beforehand, there would not have been continued good fortune

it may be a little difficult to determine which of these products causes a certain result (these two projects have points of intersection, although they are completely different in design), but I’m sure in your case, especially in a business environment - it is the bomb :bomb: :boom:


Today my dad is out of the hospital and I will continue to use this nft :muscle:


Congrats, @Hauru! Best wishes and health to your family! :pray:

My dad has sleeping problems. He had enlarged prostate and had to wake up multiple times at night to urinate. Although the condition is better now, he still wakes up at 2am every night. It has become habitual, and he has to have frequent afternoon naps.

I just acquired the “inner temple” NFT and I hope it’ll help him reset his circadian rhythm.