đź’— Manifestation Technology (Private)

If you knew the splendor of 3, 6, and 9,
you’d have the key to the universe.

So said Nikola Tesla.

I highly recommend that you familiarize yourself with this method (369), you can find a description of it freely available. This is advice for those who are actively and purposefully using Captain’s most powerful tools: The Solidifier and The Cone of Power.

THEN :star_of_david:


Manifestation is respecting and taking responsibility for one’s own energy (be it thoughts, feelings and/or actions). It is also an ancient magical art in which the magician acts as an alchemist, working with universal energy to purposefully and intelligently bring a desired intention into physical reality.

The alchemical art of manifestation has two basic components: a clear intention and a careful and responsible combination of the energies involved and the building blocks of manifestation.

There are three building blocks, or qualities of alchemical principles: mercury, sulfur, and salt. Whenever alchemists work with these three building blocks, they are essentially transferring their desires consciously to the physical plane. They also actively work to purify their desires by transforming and transmuting their consciousness (our free will depends on our thought patterns, and because we can only attract what we are in harmony with within ourselves). This is what the alchemists called “transforming from lead to gold,” which was essentially a shift in their perception and expansion of the spiritual energy within themselves, and this in turn changed their experience of physical reality as well.


It is related to Prima Materia (or Astral Light), corresponding to “what” you want or need.

What we want is essentially an arrow of energy that we send into the universal ether; it is like a spark of electricity that is directed, controlled, influenced and affected by the sender himself. Everything we receive afterwards will be based on the energy we sent (this is why pure energy is crucial).

“What” is our conscious and intentional concentration, which is usually done by our mental gaze, third eye, or pineal gland. It is an intense concentration, using our own energy as the “thing” that will later take physical form. It is a certain knowledge of how to “engender” and embody a certain virtue or thing that will be expressed in physical form.


It has to do with desire and our drive corresponding to “how” the physical form will express itself. This forms the Astral Light and in a sense gives definition and vector to the expression (materialization). It is not a “how” in the sense of how it should happen, but rather how we feel or would like to feel when it happens (as we attract anything into our reality based on feelings and our vibrational energy).

The secret: purifying our energy and continually raising our consciousness and vibration levels so that our desire actually forms the result we want. We attract only that which is in harmony with ourselves.


It is associated with form, structure, and the physical plane, corresponding to “where” things are to happen. It refers to the physical result and gives form to the creation (the connection and focus is in which area of the sender’s life the embodied energy necessary for realization is located).

Info: Physical forms are not really fixed, but can be modified/changed according to the will.

THE CENTRAL FACTOR is the alchemist (or sender - manifestor) who is an integral and most important part of the manifestation process. This may seem obvious, but in fact it is not. It is the individual state of consciousness of the manifestor and his inner ability to channel mind-sense-body-energy that is a constant and continuous interaction with him; for we can attract to ourselves only that with which we harmoniously vibrate within ourselves.

NOW :star_of_david:


The ancient Hawaiians knew perfectly well that there was a universal, pervasive force that created material reality. The Kahuna sorcerers called this power Manna. A person could breathe in this power and through it perform any manifestation or healing. Hawaiian Kahuna sorcerers gathered manna energy, the life force hovering around them, and sent it to their Higher Self to carry out specific intentions.

As a child, we dream and imagine as if a wish had already come true. We live each moment in our imagination, in our magical world. And as adults, we all have and have new desires, goals or dreams. We all want something, in our near future. We wish for something that ignites our hearts and kindles our inner fire.

Our human mind and understanding is incredibly conditioned and limited, and it is through imagination and the thought of the impossible that we can expand ourselves. Sometimes we become too comfortable with the known, the expected, the visible and the visible, partly because it gives us a sense of security, but eventually it becomes our own prison.

And we forget to think about how things might have been different. And we forget to see the wonders of life, from the smallest to the greatest–we become skeptics, used to the news showing us how ugly life is, and we forget what real beauty looks like because we are surrounded by plastic, filters and falsity.

Perhaps we need to have the humility to see its reality and then the courage to imagine how things could be different and take the necessary steps to do so. With different technologies we can open doors to the divine, the lawless and the eternal, the possible but not yet manifest, the unlimited potential. With certain technologies, it is possible to make the impossible possible and to understand that it can happen, even if everyone around us says or we think it is impossible. Certain manifestation techniques, are based on methods involving emotions, intentions and thoughts that lead us to a deeper understanding that we are given choices in life. The choice to act the way we want, while at the same time we flow harmoniously with the higher forces of the Universe.

Choice is made through our own vessel of body, mind, and emotions. We begin to recognize and accept these higher powers, higher orders and higher universal laws. We acknowledge and accept the responsibility that is ours and the higher values and integrity that we ourselves must adhere to and align our actions with our emotions, intentions, and values. We recognize and accept that while we have no control or power over most external situations and people, we do have a responsibility over the energy we bring to, contribute to, and influence the world around us.

It is a game on the level of quantum mechanics to understand that the flow of our thoughts and the sequence of our actions directly affects what we see in reality. This is very important: Each of us has the gift of being able to change our reality, but this is only the first step in discovering the limitless possibilities of the spirit in the process of full awakening. The next step is to realize that attachment to your desires can actually only push them away from us. That said, when we let go of attachment to a certain outcome, we give that desire the freedom to simply come into your reality. Detachment is freedom from disappointment and despair when you don’t get what you want. The universe always knows what we are ready for and directs us to what we are able to endure physically and spiritually.

After all, our lives are dreamed by a greater Dreamer than we are. And it is a dream that will come true, will be more beautiful than we ever imagined. Humility in this deserves to be treasured.

Manifestation is something more complex than what it is presented as, and at the same time it is something we already do all our lives, though perhaps we do it unconsciously. Some of us feel that some things are “meant to be,” “meant for us,” etc. This may be true: If we are destined to meet someone, we will meet them, no matter what we do, even if we don’t leave the house. But whether that relationship is stable, whether the love lasts, etc. - it depends on our energy level, whether you can both work with it and match each other energetically and emotionally. As stated above and in this context - manifestation is based on our own energy. We cannot manifest, “create” or support something that we don’t already have within us (as stated, if we don’t have the vibrational match to something to hold it in our space and life, then that “something” will not stay with us for long).

This project is based on real technologies, schemes and models of manifestation from modern practitioners and magicians of this art. I confess that for me it was a very difficult project. Indeed, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance.

This project contains absolutely functioning and powerful new generation methodologies, and they have enormous power even without the conversion of these schemes into the NFT format from the Captain. And it’s hard to imagine now what will happen when all of these proposed models are recreated by our Captain. By the way, I have spoken publicly about some of the techniques. For example, Phoenix Technique and Phoenix Alchemy. But, of course, this is only a small part of this grand project :laughing:

These algorithms ensure the realization of personal goals and successfully translate “I want to have” into "I already have. And, what is particularly pleasing, they initially demonstrate a high rate of realization of goals, even those that are called global. The realization of goals is ensured not by fidgeting, always accompanied by erroneous actions, but by the way of mental work. And this kind of work is many times more productive than any other kind of work… The subconscious mind is an important player in the fulfillment of our desires. And when there is no readiness to admit it (if a person seriously believes that his or her logic is capable of building an optimal “error-free” strategy of achieving the personal goal), then so be it: this is a “striving” for tension and overcoming - and this is a voluntary choice of a difficult path. And with this choice the technology algorithm is incompatible - because the project is aimed at zeroing in on the obstacles and difficulties that arise.

This Technology (New-Gen manifestation) for the implementation of strong aspirations, regardless of their content and subjective assessment of the degree of attainability. The Personal Reality Management skill is also based on the principle based on the understanding that the outer world is an exact projection of the inner world.

Using these techniques invariably leads to changes in the eventuality of life. These changes can be freely explained in terms of cause-and-effect relationships, but are often difficult to do so because of a lack of observation. This leads to exalted assessments of change. As one strengthens one’s reality management skills, the exaltation fades. When a mundane attitude is formed that there are no impossible desires, the reality management skill becomes like any other assertive skill: automatic. It is also a way of renewing the content of consciousness. It becomes one that literally attracts the desired, filling external reality with appropriate events/relationships/things/impressions.

Manifestation and realization of intention is also a kind of prayer, a connection of heart, mind and body with the loving energy of the universe as we come to greater appreciation, trust, purpose, faith. Creator and creation are one - we are an emanation of that creation. If we believe in something higher, divine, and unconditional love, we ourselves need to strive to embody it, because it is in us as we are in it. Both inside and outside.

Techniques and principles of manifestation help to embody what we desire and to embody a sense of value toward all and toward others. This happens when we keep our vector in sight, with discernment and vivid clarity of heart. Secluded in a quiet corner of your heart and knowing, really knowing, that as rivers flow into the sea, what is yours is always yours - and it is on its way to you.

This project connects your desires with all the forces of the Universe…

Thank You Dreamweaver :heart_decoration:


it’s an amazing project :pray:




It’s crazy.
I’m having a crazy day today
when a whole new energy tool appears - strange but pleasant things start to happen. Perhaps these are the very shifts in reality

I was going to put this block under a spoiler in the 1st post, but somehow I “forgot” it :laughing:

this info will also help probably most people who are actively using the available Captain’s tools

just keep it in mind, consider these factors (this is about the power of faith and the formation of vital inner strength) :slightly_smiling_face:

Water changes shape depending on the form through which it flows - the material, the vessel, the temperature–and this happens to us as well. We form life force through our thoughts, behavior, body, emotions, actions, and intentions. This is why it matters how our words are shaped and how our gestures correspond and align with our inner form. In fact, our mind is also a mirror of how the universal force sees itself and reproduces itself. When it aligns, we become more harmonious both inside and out. And as rivers flow into the sea, what is, always will be. What belongs to you belongs to you, and inevitably it will be felt not only in your heart, but also in your hands.

Faith is the reason we take a flower pot, put soil and rose seeds in it, and care for them with love and devotion to the rhythm. We may not know if the roses will bloom when the sun and rain bless us, but we take care of it every day as much as we can. In essence, we create an environment in which this or that event can happen. By aligning our desires with our behaviors-aligning emotions and intentions with actions-we create a powerful vortex of faith that attracts more fulfilling experiences to us. We are attentive to all that surrounds us, yet guided by the desires of our heart. Soil doesn’t smell like a rose. The pot doesn’t look like a rose. Neither sun nor water is like a rose. And my hands are not a rose. But they are all needed for my rose.

That’s what faith is. And it is also the responsibility and power of faith. We understand that if we want something to manifest, manifestation alone is not enough - we ourselves must change our energy to match it - otherwise, even when we attract it, it will slip through our fingers like sand if we don’t know how we can sustain it.

Manifestation is the art of your and the universe’s co-creation. Taking decisive action to get what you want is your part of the work. It is an interesting and enjoyable process if you have faith in your abilities. Growing in faith brings us into alignment with the consciousness of expansion, which is the consciousness of the universe. We understand that in the twists and turns of our unique physical, emotional and spiritual wild lands - there are paths that are not visible, and yet things work out for us as they should, when they should.

Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:




Manifestation Technology :heart_eyes:

Private :pensive:


I remember this

Evolution it is


@anon73693188 yes, words are sometimes superfluous :joy:

Thank you :heartpulse:


:heart_eyes: :yum:

@AkiraTheWild :grin:
as we say - a hundred years a hundred winters have not seen you :grin:



I will give you some more life hacks

this is a little info from my older drafts, it’s not very systematic in this case, but nevertheless, this info is useful for various practices if you have the above products

for Akira

Without understanding our desire, we cannot move forward with it. To manifest what you want, you must know what you want.

Do I really want it deep down in my heart? What is the benefit of fulfilling this desire for me? How will its fulfillment affect my life?

Imagine what kind of dish you would make if you shoved everything you find in your refrigerator into the oven. It’s the same with shaping your future: when all day long you have restless thoughts in your head, like a pack of frightened monkeys, tearing your personality into little scattered pieces, what do you get at the end? The subconscious mind is a powerful force, but in all the clutter in your mind, it simply has difficulty distinguishing what is of real value to you.

Our subconscious mind needs only the most precisely formulated image for the wish to be realized in real life in the best possible way, without any surprises or interference from the inner dialogue.

But what is more important, among all that mishmash of fleeting images and flashes of emotions, fears and useless thoughts the subconsciousness will start highlighting those fragments that will need to be realized in external reality, namely those objects or events that you really need for your well-being and even greater self-actualization.


Thoughts are electricity and emotions are a magnet (this means that we project based on our thoughts and attract based on our feelings-the heart carries the strongest electromagnetic energy, and therefore it is our feelings that will always prevail over everything else). This is the key to manifestation; when these two factors are not aligned, the results will be a little off.


Joy is our highest vibration, similar to love - it’s how universal energy works with us. And when what we want happens, even small signs of it, we need the energy of gratitude.

For each of us who practice manifestation, be attentive to what happens after we “send” our desire to the Universe. Everything in the circle has its own language, and practice needs to learn to understand it. Even small, “insignificant” events that begin to occur after the process are likely to be hints at the formation of the desired outcome, events, etc. They need to be respected.

With gratitude, we acknowledge that “it” has happened, and we have now established a relationship with it - a connection, a bridge to it, or to something greater that is to come (thus we begin the process of energy interchange). The feeling of gratitude also begins to translate the energy of trust, joy, expansion and love that keeps the vibration high and pure. So when something happens that we needed and wanted, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem, we need to acknowledge it and give thanks.


I read later with full focus and write you and appropiate response.

Satellite Heart

:fire: :handshake: :paw_prints:


:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

I usually dont understand your descriptions ,

( Is he a Dream Friend? :see_no_evil: :face_with_monocle: )

but seemed to understand quite exquisite this one…

I dont know what to say , but i liked what i readed .

Thanks for taking the time , these letters where definetely printed with fire. :fire:


And you don’t have to understand them.
You have to feel them. :grin:

But to be honest, I didn’t do it just for you.
A friend of mine thanked me for writing it to you.

from my correspondence:

Thank you :grin:


-feel them :mage:

-Im feeling it :smiley_cat:

-no you are thinking it :mage:



-OK I FEEL IT I FEEL IT :crying_cat_face:


:laughing: it hurts. :laughing:




I think so, too, even when the impossible becomes possible :grin: :boom:


Anyone can share the original image of Manifestation Technology?

Why do i always miss private NFT that are perfect for me🥺
Maybe its a sign that first i should work with one that’is public and learn how to mange it.

Trying to be rational but dying inside lol :rofl:

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it’s a very good way :grin:
You see, in some cases, private projects are the way of the leader himself.

it’s a path of trial and error, ups and downs.
but it’s a journey.

These projects are also always a way of looking back.
Maybe if I didn’t have :fire: Ignis Flos, Firebird, Sampo, Phoenix, Darkness Dao, E-Intelligence and some other projects and available products, there wouldn’t be this project :grin:

I suggest using the following combination:

Solidifier / Cone of Power + Probability Wave with Pure Magnetic Heart Coherence :slightly_smiling_face:


there is an official thread, but it hasn’t been active lately
all original images of projects can be seen on solscan

just press VIEW ORIGINAL


Thank you very much!

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Yeah its ok. I bielieve that my NFTs will meet me at the right time… You have to be prepared and know what You want to have full benefits.

Now i’m buying all i need at gumroad. At least 20 more to go .:scream:

Possibilities are unlimited. :wink:and that’s the best news. Think how mamy gems are waiting to be created :fire::fire::fire:

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